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+Description: Custom roles for Semaphore platform.
+# Custom Roles
+If your organization needs more roles where permissions would be assigned with
+higher granularity, you can define custom roles.
+### Creating a new role
+When defining a custom role, you need to give it a unique name (that does not clash
+with any of the default roles) and select which [permissions](/security/permissions/) will
+its users have. Role inheritance is also allowed, so you can create a new role
+**Sys Admin** that will have all the same permissions as **Developer**, for example,
+plus access to Self hosted agents (`organization.self_hosted.create`). Permissions
+for the Sys Admin role are determined "dynamically", so if you later modify the Developer role
+and add/remove some permissions from it, the Sys Admin role will reflect those
+**TODO** Picture of UI for creating new role, when the ui gets made
+### Organization role to project role mapping
+If there is any role within the organization that needs to have access to all of the
+projects, you can define an "*org-role to project-role mapping*" for it. If you want your
+Sys Admins to have Admin level access to all of the projects, you can say that the Sys Admin role
+maps to the project Admin role.
+!!! warning "Note"
+ Custom roles are currently only available on our [enterprise plan](pricing).
+!!! info "Default Roles"
+ As an organization that has Custom Roles enabled, you will still have access to the default roles as well.
+Do you need Custom roles in order to use Semaphore? Contact us via this [form](/contact)
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+Default roles are available to all Semaphore users, regardless of the plan they are on.
+If you or your organization need more roles with different permissions, there is an option
+to create your own [custom roles](/security/custom-roles).
+### Organization roles
+ Role name
+ |
+ Permissions
+ |
+ Notes
+ |
+ **Guest**
+ |
+ - Does not have any permissions within the organization, and can't see any information.
+ |
+ This role is intended for users that need access to some projects, but should not see
+ any information regarding the organization.
+ |
+ **Member**
+ |
+ - Can create new projects.
+ - Can view existing notifications.
+ |
+ |
+ **Admin**
+ |
+ - Can do everything a member can.
+ - Can view, manage, and modify everything within the organization
+ (people, secrets, pre-flight checks,
+ notifications, etc), except general settings and financial information.
+ |
+ Each of the organization's Admins is also Admin within every project owned by the given organization automatically.
+ |
+ **Owner**
+ |
+ - Can do everything within the organization, including changing general
+ settings and deleting it.
+ |
+ By default, this role is assigned to the user that creates the organization.
+ Each of the organization's Owners is also Admin within every project owned by the given organization.
+ |
+ **Accountant**
+ |
+ |
+ This role cant access any part of the Semaphore except for pages regarding
+ spending and financial information.
+ |
+### Project roles
+ Role name
+ |
+ Permissions
+ |
+ Notes
+ |
+ **Reader**
+ |
+ - Can view project activity, workflows, and jobs executed within those workflows.
+ |
+ Intended for someone who should monitor what is being done, but isn't a developer and shouldn't
+ modify anything. Perhaps an Engineering Project Manager.
+ |
+ **Contributor**
+ |
+ - Can manually run, modify and stop workflows/jobs.
+ - Can view project-level secrets and organization-wide secrets scoped for the given project.
+ - Can attach to running jobs or debug jobs and projects.
+ - Can view schedulers, project insights, and repository info.
+ - Can manually run schedulers.
+ - Can view, modify and delete artifacts for that project.
+ |
+ For developers who are currently working on the project, but aren't responsible for maintaining it
+ and setting up/modifying the environment in which the project exists.
+ |
+ **Maintainer**
+ |
+ - Can do everything a contributor can.
+ - Can view and manage people within the project.
+ - Can view modify and manage project-level secrets, schedulers and,
+ project-level pre-flight checks.
+ - Can view and manage project settings.
+ |
+ Usually developers who own the project.
+ |
+ **Admin**
+ |
+ - Can do everything within the project, including deleting it.
+ |
+ By default, this role is assigned to the user that created the project, and
+ this user is a primary repository token holder.
+ |
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+Description: List of all permissions within the Semaphore.
+# Permissions
+This page lists all permissions within the Semaphore system. This can be used
+when creating custom roles and defining what they can do.
+Similar to roles, permissions are also divided into **organization-level**
+and **project-level**.
+!!! info "Note"
+ Some permissions are not yet part of Semaphore but will be introduced in the near future. These are marked with **✕**
+## Organization permissions
+#### Organization secrets [↗](/essentials/using-secrets/)
+The following permissions are related to
+[secrets management](/essentials/using-secrets/#creating-and-managing-secrets).
+#### Audit logs [↗](/security/audit-logs/)
+`organization.audit_logs.export` [↗](/security/audit-logs-exporting/)
+`organization.audit_logs.streaming.view` [↗](/security/audit-logs-exporting/#streaming)
+#### Self-hosted agents [↗](/ci-cd-environment/self-hosted-agents-overview/)
+#### General settings
+#### Organizational notifications [↗](/essentials/webhook-notifications/)
+#### Organizational pre-flight checks [↗](/essentials/configuring-pre-flight-checks/)
+#### Billing
+#### Dashboards [↗](/essentials/deployment-dashboards/)
+These permissions don't control whether or not a user can see deployment pipelines
+defined by the dashboards, rather they control whether a user can access and modify the definition of those
+dashboards using the `sem` cli tool, as shown [here](/essentials/deployment-dashboards/#creating-a-dashboard).
+#### Managing people
+#### Role management **✕**
+#### Managing how repository access levels map to Semaphore project roles **✕**
+#### Other permissions
+## Project permissions
+#### Managing people
+#### Accessing/running jobs
+(Grants permissions for the [job level](/essentials/artifacts/#job-artifacts) artifacts)
+The follwing permissions are needed to
+access jobs via the `sem` [cli tool](/reference/sem-command-line-tool/#operations).
+#### Project level secrets **✕**
(List of organization level secrets
+that are whitelisted to be used within a given project)
+#### Project notifications **✕**
+#### Schedulers [↗](/essentials/schedule-a-workflow-run/)
+#### Workflow
+`project.workflow.artifacts.view `
+(Grants permissions for the [workflow level](/essentials/artifacts/#workflow-artifacts) artifacts)
+#### Artifacts [↗](/essentials/artifacts/)
+(Grants permissions for the [project level](/essentials/artifacts/#project-artifacts) artifacts)
+#### Project pre-flight checks [↗](essentials/configuring-pre-flight-checks/#project-pre-flight-checks)
+#### Project insights
+#### Project settings and other permissions
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+Description: This page explains the RBAC model that Semaphore 2.0 uses for user authorization. Here, you will find information about existing permissions, roles, and role management.
+# Rbac model
+Semaphore 2.0 uses a **Role-Based Access Control** model for user authorization.
+This page will give a brief overview of permissions, roles, and how to manage them.
+## Roles on Semaphore
+All of the roles (and permissions) within the Semaphore are divided into __organization-level__ and __project-level__.
+Organization-level roles define access to functionalities and assets that apply to the entire organization (Audit Logs, Billing,
+Organization Members, Projects, etc.).
+On the other hand, project-level roles are assigned within a single project, and grant access
+to information scoped only to that one project (Schedulers, Insights, Workflows, Artifacts).
+To get any project-level role, you have to be a part of the organization
+which owns that project (you must have a role within the organization).
+There is a set of pre-defined [default roles](/security/default-roles) that are available to all users, but there is also
+a possibility to define your own [custom roles](/security/custom-roles).
+## Role Management
+#### Organization roles
+To be considered a part of the organization, the user must have a role within that organization.
+Each user can have up to one role assigned to them directly. Other than that
+users can have one role within the organization assigned to them indirectly through each of the groups
+they are a part of.
+If the user has more than one role, all permissions those roles grant are combined to
+make a full set of permissions the user has within the given organization.
+#### Organization role to project role mappings
+Some organization roles can grant you automatically a project-level role on each project
+that the organization owns. For example, the Organization Admin role makes you an Admin on all
+of the organization's projects. To see which organization roles grant you project-level
+access, see the "*Notes*" column of [this table](/security/default-roles/#organization-roles).
+#### Project roles
+Project role assignment works similarly to the organization role assignment, only there
+are two additional ways a user can get a role within the project.
+If the user has access to the project's remote repository, that automatically grants them
+a role within the Semaphore project according to these ["*repo-to-role mapping*"
+Next, each organization-level role can grant access to the organization's projects, as mentioned
+[above](organization-role-to-project-role-mappings). Finally, user can be assigned a role
+within the project directly (from projects Admin or Maintainer), and can also get a role through
+ membership in the group which was assigned a role within the given project.
*Owen* has access to the project's GitHub repository, which automatically makes him
+a Contributor to that project on Semaphore. He is the organization's Admin, which makes him Admin on
+all of the organization's projects, and someone assigned him directly the role of Maintainer.
+So, *Owen* has three roles within this project: Contributor, Admin, and Maintainer, and
+same as with organization roles, the sum of permissions that those roles grant make a total set
+of permission *Owen* has within this project.
+#### Retracting roles
+Only roles that were assigned to a user directly can be retracted. If the user has a role
+through a membership in some group, he either has to be removed from the group, or
+the role has to be retracted from the entire group.
+If a project role was assigned through access to the remote repository, the only way to remove that
+role is to remove the user from the repository, and if it was assigned through an organization-level
+role, that role has to be retracted.
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+Description: This page describes how access to remote repository grants you access to Semaphore projects.
+# Repository-to-role mappings
+On Semaphore, each project has to stem from a code base on a remote repository, like GitHub
+or Bitbucket. Semaphore keeps track of all accounts that have access to those remote
+repositories (collaborators), and if any of them is associated with a Semaphore account, that
+Semaphore user is given access to the project (if he is a member of the organization which owns it).
+## Rules for assigning project roles
+Depending on user's premissions within the remote repository, a different role
+is assigned to them on the Semaphore project.
+#### GitHub:
+ Repository permission level |
+ Semaphore project role |
+ Admin
+ |
+ Maintainer
+ |
+ Push
+ |
+ Contributor
+ |
+ Pull
+ |
+ Reader
+ |
+#### Bitbucket:
+ Repository permission level |
+ Semaphore project role |
+ Admin
+ |
+ Maintainer
+ |
+ Write
+ |
+ Contributor
+ |
+ Read
+ |
+ Reader
+ |
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@@ -204,6 +204,12 @@ nav:
- Audit logs: security/audit-logs.md
- Audit logs exporting: security/audit-logs-exporting.md
- Audit Events reference: security/audit-events-reference.md
+ - "User authorization":
+ - RBAC overview: security/rbac-authorization.md
+ - Permissions: security/permissions.md
+ - Default roles: security/default-roles.md
+ - Custom roles: security/custom-roles.md
+ - Repo-to-role mapping: security/repository-to-role-mappings.md
- FAQ:
- FAQ: faq/faq.md
- Managing projects: faq/managing-projects.md