A clean toolkit for onboarding (iOS & macOS)
- OnboardKit is a comprehensive SwiftUI library designed to simplify the creation of onboarding experiences for iOS and macOS applications.
- Supply your own page models with title, description and buttons.
- Customize the sheet content with your own views. Sheets are prompted via button actions. Button actions can also trigger other actions you wish to add.
- 🌙 Dark / Light Mode Support
- 🌫️ Subdued Translucent Background (app as background)
- 📋 Prompt Sheets via Button Actions (from bottom for iOS, from top for macOS)
- ➕ Add Custom Steps via Sheets (great for additional onboarding customizations)
- 🧩 Bring Your Own (BYO) Page Model (easily create model via array of tuples)
- 📱 Multiplatform Support (iOS and macOS - iPad / iPhone / Mac)
◀️ ▶️ Left / Right Chevron Buttons (macOS expected UX)- 🤚 Panning Support for macOS (navigate left / right)
: ZStack wrapper w/ app + onboard-coverOnboardCover
: VStack w/ contet + bottom-nav-barOnboardPage
: Title, description, action-buttons. And sheet bindingPageContainer
: The swipe-caruselNavView
: Continue-button, Skip-button and dotsControlOverlay
Has Previous and next arrow buttons (macOS only)OnboardModel
: Title, description and action
Here is a basic example of how to set up OnboardKit in your SwiftUI application:
import SwiftUI
import OnboardKit
struct MyAppIOSApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
struct ContentView: View {
@State var needsOnboarding: Bool = true
var body: some View {
OnboardContainer(needsOnboarding: $needsOnboarding) { (_ needsOnboarding: Binding<Bool>) in
pageModels: OnboardModel.dummyModels, // point to your own onboarding models here
onComplete: {
needsOnboarding.wrappedValue = false
} background: {
ZStack {
Rectangle() // this is where the app main view goes
.fill(Color.init(light: Color.lightGray.lighter(amount: 0.8), dark: Color.darkGray.darker(amount: 0.8))) // light or dark mode
Text("Your app goes here")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
To integrate OnboardKit into your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/sentryco/OnboardKit", branch: "main")
OnboardKit utilizes these dependencies:
- Light and dark mode: HybridColor
- Page control for iOS: PageControl
- Page controller for macOS: PageControllerView
- Blur view support: BlurView
OnboardKit seamlessly supports both iOS and macOS platforms, ensuring a consistent onboarding experience across devices. Platform-specific features include:
- iOS
- Swipe navigation with
- Page control indicators
- Sheets presented from the bottom
- Swipe navigation with
- macOS
- Left/right chevron buttons for navigation
- Panning support (navigate left/right)
- Sheets presented from the top
OnboardKit is built around a simple yet powerful model system. By supplying your own OnboardModel
instances, each containing a title
, description
, and optional actions
, you can quickly assemble a customized onboarding experience.
This approach allows you to:
- Easily define the content of each onboarding page.
- Attach custom actions to buttons, including presenting sheets or performing other tasks.
- Maintain a clean separation between your onboarding logic and UI components.
Here's an example of defining custom page models:
let pageModels: [OnboardModel] = [
title: "Welcome",
description: "Explore the amazing features of our app.",
actions: []
title: "Stay Informed",
description: "Enable notifications to stay updated.",
actions: [
buttonTitle: "Enable Notifications",
action: { observableSheet in
// Handle enabling notifications
title: "Get Started",
description: "Let's start your journey!",
actions: []
When integrating OnboardKit, ensure that your main app view uses:
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
This ensures that the onboarding views cover the entire screen and layouts are handled correctly across different devices and orientations.
- https://sarunw.com/posts/how-to-create-neomorphism-design-in-swiftui/
- https://github.com/ciaranrobrien/SwiftUIPageView
- https://sarunw.com/posts/uikit-in-swiftui/
- https://github.com/exyte/ConcentricOnboarding
- fancy custom advance onboarding: https://betterprogramming.pub/scroll-programatically-with-swiftui-scrollview-f080fd58f843
- https://github.com/fredyshox/PageView
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58388071/how-can-i-implement-pageview-in-swiftui
- Good tutorial for onboarding: https://medium.com/@sharma17krups/onboarding-view-with-swiftui-b26096049be3
- https://github.com/Krupanshu-Sharma/OnBoardingViewSwiftUI
- macos: https://github.com/ishaanbedi/Voyager/tree/main/Swift%20Post/Views/OnboardingViews
- https://eon.codes/blog/2023/03/11/onboarding-best-practice/
- Clean up code ✅
- Add gif for macOS / iPad
- Add modal sheet example ✅
- Enable isTest in the scope of this package ✅
- Add high level doc regarding the simplistic approch with models that can have btns, title, decription, and popover sheet, and how this ultimatly makes making multipleplatform onbiarding a breeze, yet makes it possible to build powerful and complex onboarding experiences, while leaving the nitty gritty to this kit
- Add note regarding implemnting a lockable view with onboardview. How the structure will look etc, and link to the repo etc?
- Add a const struct that can be inject when initiating, that has variouse custom sizes etc
- Make some sort of style struct we can inject on init of onboardkit? ViewModifiers can be used with param drilliing etc
- Add access-id struct as well?
- Add demo xcodproj file like we do with SplitViewKit? 👈 instead of having the dummy code in the preview etc
- Add PreviewContainer class 👈
- Bump spm package to 6.0 and iOS 18 and macOS 15 etc 👈
- Add note in readme about importance of using frame width max infinity and edgeIgnores... etc
- Add emojies to the features list. Use gpt
- Figure out how to offset dots for iOS ?
- Add onboardstyle:
// Define a Style struct
public struct OnboardStyle {
public var titleFont: Font
public var descriptionFont: Font
public var titleColor: Color
public var descriptionColor: Color
public var backgroundColor: Color
// Add other style properties as needed
- Enhance Flexibility with Custom Views Allow users to supply custom views for onboarding pages.
public struct OnboardPage: View {
let content: AnyView?
public init(content: AnyView?) {
self.content = content
public var body: some View {
if let content = content {
} else {
// Fallback to default implementation
// Usage
OnboardPage(content: AnyView(CustomOnboardingStep()))