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Fun Swarm Scheduler

This repo is a POC/Playground around having a swarm service responsible for scheduling and scaling services.


  • Create the docker-machine, the swarm and the overlay network
  • Deploy testing service and scheduler
  • Updates the scheduler running on swarm
  • Destroy docker-machine nodes


  • docker-machine ip node-1: IP address for the manager
  • $(docker-machine ip node-1):$(docker service inspect --format="{{ (index .Endpoint.Ports 0).PublishedPort }}" scheduler)/health: Lists running services
  • $(docker-machine ip node-1):$(docker service inspect --format="{{ (index .Endpoint.Ports 0).PublishedPort }}" scheduler)/create: Create a new service


With your Swarm running (./ && ./

How can I proxy my Swarm Services?

  1. Run the stack file containing a Proxy implemented using traefik
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-stack.yml fun-swarm-scheduler

Notice the labels defined on the scheduler to expose it through the proxy:

  image: seriousben/fun-swarm-scheduler
  - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    - "traefik.backend=scheduler"
    - "traefik.port=8484"
    - "traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefixStrip:/scheduler"
      constraints: [node.role == manager]
  1. Acccess the scheduler through the proxy
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1)/scheduler/health
  1. Ask the scheduler to create new nginx services exposed through the proxy
# Create service-1
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1)/scheduler/create
# Create service-2
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1)/scheduler/create
# Create service-3
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1)/scheduler/create
# Create service-4
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1)/scheduler/create
# Create service-5
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1)/scheduler/create

Which can be accessed through:

$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1)/nginx
  1. Traefik also exposed a Web UI
$ firefox http://$(docker-machine ip node-1):8080

Can I contact Swarm locally?

  1. Run the scheduler
# Export the docker connection environment variables
$ eval $(docker-machine env node-1)

# Install deps
$ govendor sync

# Run the scheduler
$ go run main.go
  1. Check the scheduler health
$ curl http://localhost:8484/health
  1. Ask the schduler to create a service
$ curl http://localhost:8484/create
  1. Make sure the service exists
$ docker service ls

Can I contact Swarm from Docker for MacOS?

  1. Unset previously set variables to make sure you are talking to your docker for mac
$ unset $(cat manager.env.default | sed 's/=.*//')
  1. Setup the manager.env file
# Create the manager.env in a format that docker expects
$ docker-machine env node-1 | sed "s/\"//g;s/export //g;s/^#.*//;s/_PATH=.*/_PATH=\/ca\/manager\//" > manager.env
  1. Run the scheduler in docker
# Run!
$ docker run --env-file manager.env -v /Users/brh/.docker/machine/machines/node-1/:/ca/manager scheduler
  1. Export the swarm env variables
$ eval $(docker-machine env node-1)
  1. Check the scheduler health
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1):$(docker service inspect --format="{{ (index .Endpoint.Ports 0).PublishedPort }}" scheduler)/health
  1. Ask the scheduler to create a service
$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1):$(docker service inspect --format="{{ (index .Endpoint.Ports 0).PublishedPort }}" scheduler)/create
  1. Make sure the service exists
$ docker service ls

Can I access a specific Service Task?

  1. Edit a specific task
$ docker-machine ssh node-2

                        ##         .
                  ## ## ##        ==
              ## ## ## ## ##    ===
          /"""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
      ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
          \______ o           __/
            \    \         __/
 _                 _   ____     _            _
| |__   ___   ___ | |_|___ \ __| | ___   ___| | _____ _ __
| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| __) / _` |/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ '__|
| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_ / __/ (_| | (_) | (__|   <  __/ |
|_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|_____\__,_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___|_|
Boot2Docker version 1.13.1, build HEAD : b7f6033
Docker version 1.13.1, build 092cba3

# Exec against a running nginx service task running on the node-2
$ docker exec -it $(docker ps --format="{{.ID}}") /bin/bash

# Change content served by nginx
$ echo "hello world" > /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
  1. Test the change on the service endpoint

Run this multiple times until you hit the nginx instance with the changed index.html.

$ curl $(docker-machine ip node-1):$(docker service inspect --format="{{ (index .Endpoint.Ports 0).PublishedPort }}" nginx)
hello world
  1. Access the changed task directly
$ eval $(docker-machine env node-1)

# Setup a busybox service for utility tools (Here since we allow prefer local images we need to push the image)
$ docker pull busybox:latest
$ docker-machine ssh node-1 "docker save scheduler:latest" | docker-machine ssh node-2 "docker load";

# On swarm on service can access the overlay network
$ docker service create --name busybox --constraint=node.role==manager --network fun-swarm busybox sleep 3000

# SSH to the manager
$ docker-machine ssh node-1

# Show all the tasks hostnames within the overlay network
$ docker service ps busybox
$ docker exec -it busybox.1.zempjamvt6y29mrd0fwo3mzn5 nslookup tasks.

# Connect to the specific task
$ docker exec -it busybox.1.zempjamvt6y29mrd0fwo3mzn5 wget -O -
hello world 

Although not possible to access a task from outside the overlay network. This proves that it would be possible to access the task if it was served through a reverse proxy.

Some resources


Reverse Proxies