PHPUnit 3.5.0 or later is required. As of writing, PHPUnit 3.5 is not stable. The easiest way to install it is via Git:
$ git clone git://
$ cd phpunit
$ pear package
$ pear install PHPUnit-3.5.XXX.tgz
The ORM, DBAL, and Common Doctrine2 components are required. The default location is
Use the
script to install the necessary dependencies:
$ cd doctrine2-nestedset/tests
$ ./
Alternatively, you can modify the autoload.php
file for your Doctrine2
installation directories.
Sqlite and the PHP bindings for sqlite are required. Consult your distribution's documentation for installation instructions. For example, on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apitutude install sqlite3 php5-sqlite
To run all tests:
$ cd doctrine2-nestedset/tests/
$ phpunit
To generate code coverage (requires XDebug):
$ cd doctrine2-nestedset/tests/
$ phpunit --coverage-html=cov/
Check the code coverage by opening cov/index.html
page in a browser.