diff --git a/GPIO_Pi.c b/GPIO_Pi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea9d9d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GPIO_Pi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1473 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Shaun Feakes - All rights reserved
+ *
+ * You may use redistribute and/or modify this code under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this license,
+ * see .
+ *
+ * You are free to use this software under the terms of the GNU General
+ * Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * https://github.com/sfeakes/GPIO_pi
+ */
+/********************-> GPIO Pi v1.2 <-********************/
+* Note, all referances to pin in this code is the GPIO pin# not the physical pin#
+#include "GPIO_Pi.h"
+ //#define LOG_ERROR(fmt, ...) log_message (true, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+ #define LOG_ERROR(fmt, ...) log_message (true, "%s: " fmt, _GPIO_pi_NAME_,##__VA_ARGS__)
+ #define LOG_ERROR(...) {}
+ //#define LOG_ERROR(fmt, ...) log_message (false, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+ #define LOG(fmt, ...) log_message (false, "%s: " fmt, _GPIO_pi_NAME_,##__VA_ARGS__)
+ #define LOG(...) {}
+#ifdef GPIO_DEBUG
+ #define DEBUG(fmt, ...) log_message (false, "%s: (%s) " fmt, _GPIO_pi_NAME_,"DEBUG",##__VA_ARGS__)
+ #define DEBUG(...) {}
+const char *_piModelNames [18] =
+ {
+ "Model A", // 0
+ "Model B", // 1
+ "Model A+", // 2
+ "Model B+", // 3
+ "Pi 2", // 4
+ "Alpha", // 5
+ "CM", // 6
+ "Unknown #07",// 07
+ "Pi 3b", // 08
+ "Pi Zero", // 09
+ "CM3", // 10
+ "Unknown #11",// 11
+ "Pi Zero-W", // 12
+ "Pi 3b+", // 13
+ "Pi 3a+", // 14
+ "Unknown #15",// 15
+ "Pi CM3+", // 16
+ "Pi 4b", // 17
+ } ;
+static bool _ever = false;
+static bool _supressLogging = false;
+//static bool _GPIO_setup = false;
+static bool _usingGpioMem = false;
+/* RPI 4 has different pullup registers - we need to know if we have that type */
+static bool _pud_type_rpi4 = false;
+//static uint8_t _pud_type_rpi4 = 0;
+/* RPI 4 has different pullup operation - make backwards compat */
+//static uint8_t _pud_compat_setting = PUD_OFF;
+//#define GPIOrunning(X) ((X) <= (GPIO_MAX) ? ( ((X) >= (GPIO_MIN) ? (1) : (0)) ) : (0))
+#define GPIOrunning() (_ever)
+void gpioDelay (unsigned int howLong);
+void log_message(bool critical, char *format, ...)
+ if (_supressLogging && !critical)
+ return;
+ va_list arglist;
+ va_start( arglist, format );
+ // if terminal don't log to syslod
+ if ( ! isatty(1) ) {
+ vsyslog(critical?LOG_ERR:LOG_INFO, format, arglist);
+ closelog();
+ } else if (critical == false) {
+ vfprintf(stdout, format, arglist );
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ // Always send critical errors to stderr
+ if (critical) {
+ vfprintf(stderr, format, arglist );
+ }
+ va_end( arglist );
+void printVersionInformation()
+ LOG ("(sysfs) v%s\n",_GPIO_pi_VERSION_);
+ LOG ("v%s\n",_GPIO_pi_VERSION_);
+void gpioDelay (unsigned int howLong) // Microseconds (1000000 = 1 second)
+ struct timespec sleeper, dummy ;
+ sleeper.tv_sec = (time_t)(howLong / 1000) ;
+ sleeper.tv_nsec = (long)(howLong % 1000) * 1000000 ;
+ nanosleep (&sleeper, &dummy) ;
+static volatile uint32_t * _gpioReg = MAP_FAILED;
+int piBoardId ()
+ FILE *cpuFd ;
+ char line [120] ;
+ char *c ;
+ unsigned int revision ;
+ //int bRev, bType, bProc, bMfg, bMem, bWarranty;
+ int bType;
+ if ((cpuFd = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")) == NULL)
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Unable to open /proc/cpuinfo") ;
+ while (fgets (line, 120, cpuFd) != NULL)
+ if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) == 0)
+ break ;
+ fclose (cpuFd) ;
+ if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) != 0)
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Unable to determin pi Board \"Revision\" line") ;
+// Chomp trailing CR/NL
+ for (c = &line [strlen (line) - 1] ; (*c == '\n') || (*c == '\r') ; --c)
+ *c = 0 ;
+ DEBUG ( "pi Board Revision string: %s\n", line) ;
+// Scan to the first character of the revision number
+ for (c = line ; *c ; ++c)
+ if (*c == ':')
+ break ;
+ if (*c != ':')
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Unknown pi Board \"Revision\" line (no colon)") ;
+// Chomp spaces
+ ++c ;
+ while (isspace (*c))
+ ++c ;
+ if (!isxdigit (*c))
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Unknown pi Board \"Revision\" line (no hex digit at start of revision)") ;
+ revision = (unsigned int)strtol (c, NULL, 16) ; // Hex number with no leading 0x
+ if ((revision & (1 << 23)) != 0) // New way
+ {
+ /*
+ bRev = (revision & (0x0F << 0)) >> 0 ;*/
+ bType = (revision & (0xFF << 4)) >> 4 ;
+ /*
+ bProc = (revision & (0x0F << 12)) >> 12 ; // Not used for now.
+ bMfg = (revision & (0x0F << 16)) >> 16 ;
+ bMem = (revision & (0x07 << 20)) >> 20 ;
+ bWarranty = (revision & (0x03 << 24)) != 0 ;
+ */
+ LOG ("pi Board Model: %s\n", _piModelNames[bType]) ;
+ return bType;
+ }
+ LOG_ERROR ( "pi Board Model: UNKNOWN\n");
+bool gpioSetup() {
+ int fd;
+ unsigned int piGPIObase = 0;
+ unsigned int piGPIOlen = GPIO_LEN;
+ printVersionInformation();
+ switch ( piBoardId() )
+ {
+ case PI_MODEL_A:
+ case PI_MODEL_B:
+ case PI_MODEL_AP:
+ case PI_MODEL_BP:
+ case PI_ALPHA:
+ case PI_MODEL_CM:
+ piGPIOlen = GPIO_LEN;
+ break ;
+ case PI_MODEL_4B:
+ piGPIOlen = GPIO_LEN_P4;
+ _pud_type_rpi4 = 1;
+ break ;
+ default: // Pi 2 and 3
+ piGPIOlen = GPIO_LEN;
+ break ;
+ }
+ //fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
+ if ((fd = open ("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC | O_CLOEXEC)) < 0)
+ {
+ //LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open '/dev/mem' for GPIO access (are we root?)\n");
+ //return false;
+ // Something odd going on with writes on /dev/gpiomem, need to fix this.
+ if ((fd = open ("/dev/gpiomem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC | O_CLOEXEC) ) >= 0) // We're using gpiomem
+ {
+ piGPIObase = 0 ;
+ _usingGpioMem = true ;
+ LOG ("Using /dev/gpiomem!\n");
+ } else {
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open '/dev/mem' or '/dev/gpiomem' for GPIO access (are we root?)\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ _gpioReg = mmap
+ (
+ 0,
+ piGPIOlen,
+ fd,
+ piGPIObase);
+ close(fd);
+ _ever = true;
+ //_GPIO_setup = true;
+ return true;
+int pinMode(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int mode) {
+ int reg, shift;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! GPIOrunning())
+ if (mode < INPUT || mode > IO_ALT3)
+ return GPIO_NOT_IO_MODE;
+ reg = gpio / 10;
+ shift = (gpio % 10) * 3;
+ _gpioReg[reg] = (_gpioReg[reg] & ~(7 << shift)) | (mode << shift);
+ return GPIO_OK;
+int getPinMode(unsigned int gpio) {
+ int reg, shift;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! GPIOrunning())
+ reg = gpio / 10;
+ shift = (gpio % 10) * 3;
+ //DEBUG("getPinMode read %d from GPIO %d\n",(*(_gpioReg + reg) >> shift) & 7,gpio);
+ return (*(_gpioReg + reg) >> shift) & 7;
+int digitalRead(unsigned int gpio) {
+ unsigned int bank, bit;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! GPIOrunning())
+ bank = gpio >> 5;
+ bit = (1 << (gpio & 0x1F));
+ if ((*(_gpioReg + GPLEV0 + bank) & bit) != LOW)
+ return HIGH;
+ else
+ return LOW;
+int digitalWrite(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int level) {
+ unsigned int bank, bit;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! GPIOrunning())
+ bank = gpio >> 5;
+ bit = (1 << (gpio & 0x1F));
+ DEBUG("Writing %d to GPIO %d\n",level==LOW?0:1,gpio);
+ if (level == LOW)
+ *(_gpioReg + GPCLR0 + bank) = bit;
+ else
+ *(_gpioReg + GPSET0 + bank) = bit;
+ return GPIO_OK;
+int setPullUpDown_Pi4(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int pud)
+ if( _pud_type_rpi4 )
+ {
+ unsigned int pull, bit;
+ LOG("Pi4 setPullUpDown() expermental support!");
+ switch (pud)
+ {
+ case PUD_OFF: pull = 0; break;
+ case PUD_UP: pull = 1; break;
+ case PUD_DOWN: pull = 2; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ int shift = (gpio & 0xf) << 1;
+ bit = *(_gpioReg + GPPUPPDN0 + (gpio>>4));
+ bit &= ~(3 << shift);
+ bit |= (pull << shift);
+ *(_gpioReg + GPPUPPDN0 + (gpio>>4)) = bit;
+ return GPIO_OK;
+ }
+int setPullUpDown(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int pud)
+ unsigned int bank, bit;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! GPIOrunning())
+ if (pud > PUD_UP || pud < PUD_OFF)
+ if( _pud_type_rpi4 ) {
+ return setPullUpDown_Pi4(gpio, pud);
+ }
+ bank = gpio >> 5;
+ bit = (1 << (gpio & 0x1F));
+ *(_gpioReg + GPPUD) = pud;
+ gpioDelay(1);
+ *(_gpioReg + GPPUDCLK0 + bank) = bit;
+ gpioDelay(1);
+ *(_gpioReg + GPPUD) = 0;
+ *(_gpioReg + GPPUDCLK0 + bank) = 0;
+ return GPIO_OK;
+#else // If GPIO_SYSFS_MODE
+// There is no need to setup GPIO memory in sysfs mode, so simply set setup state.
+bool gpioSetup() {
+ printVersionInformation();
+ _ever = true;
+ return true;
+int setPullUpDown(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int pud) {
+ LOG_ERROR("setPullUpDown() not supported in sysfs mode");
+int pinMode (unsigned int pin, unsigned int mode)
+ //printVersionInformation();
+ //static const char s_directions_str[] = "in\0out\0";
+ if (! validGPIO(pin))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! isExported(pin))
+ if (mode != INPUT && mode != OUTPUT)
+ return GPIO_NOT_IO_MODE;
+ char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ int fd;
+ /*
+ if ( pinExport(pin) != true) {
+ LOG ("start pinMode (pinExport) failed\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction", pin);
+ fd = open(path, O_WRONLY);
+ if (-1 == fd) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open gpio direction for writing!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open gpio '%s' for writing!\n",path);
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ //if (-1 == write(fd, &s_directions_str[INPUT == mode ? 0 : 3], INPUT == mode ? 2 : 3)) {
+ if (-1 == write(fd, (INPUT==mode?"in\n":"out\n"),(INPUT==mode?3:4))) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set direction!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to setup gpio input/output on '%s'!\n",path);
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Error (%d) - %s\n",errno, strerror (errno));
+ //displayLastSystemError("");
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return GPIO_OK;
+int getPinMode(unsigned int gpio) {
+ char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ char value_str[SYSFS_READ_MAX];
+ int fd;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! isExported(gpio))
+ snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/direction", gpio);
+ fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+ if (-1 == fd) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open gpio direction for writing!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open gpio '%s' for reading!\n",path);
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ if (-1 == read(fd, value_str, SYSFS_READ_MAX)) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read value!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to read value on '%s'!\n",path);
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Error (%d) - %s\n",errno, strerror (errno));
+ //displayLastSystemError("");
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ if (strncasecmp(value_str, "out", 3)==0)
+ return OUTPUT;
+ return INPUT;
+int digitalRead (unsigned int gpio)
+ char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ char value_str[SYSFS_READ_MAX];
+ int fd;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! isExported(gpio))
+ snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", gpio);
+ fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+ if (-1 == fd) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open gpio value for reading!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open gpio '%s' for reading!\n",path);
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ if (-1 == read(fd, value_str, SYSFS_READ_MAX)) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read value!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to read value on '%s'!\n",path);
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Error (%d) - %s\n",errno, strerror (errno));
+ //displayLastSystemError("");
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return(atoi(value_str));
+int digitalWrite (unsigned int gpio, unsigned int value)
+ //static const char s_values_str[] = "01";
+ char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ int fd;
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! isExported(gpio))
+ if (getPinMode(gpio) != OUTPUT)
+ snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", gpio);
+ fd = open(path, O_WRONLY);
+ if (-1 == fd) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open gpio value for writing!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open gpio '%s' for writing!\n",path);
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ //if (1 != write(fd, &s_values_str[LOW == value ? 0 : 1], 1)) {
+ if (1 != write(fd, (LOW==value?"0":"1"), 1)) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write value!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to write value to '%s'!\n",path);
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Error (%d) - %s\n",errno, strerror (errno));
+ //displayLastSystemError("");
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return GPIO_OK;
+#endif // GPIO_SYSFS_MODE
+bool isExported(unsigned int pin)
+ char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ struct stat sb;
+ snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/", pin);
+ if (stat(path, &sb) == 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+int pinExport(unsigned int pin)
+ char buffer[SYSFS_READ_MAX];
+ ssize_t bytes_written;
+ int fd;
+ if (! validGPIO(pin))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY);
+ if (-1 == fd) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open export for writing!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open '/sys/class/gpio/export' for writing!\n");
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ bytes_written = snprintf(buffer, SYSFS_READ_MAX, "%d", pin);
+ write(fd, buffer, bytes_written);
+ close(fd);
+ return GPIO_OK;
+int pinUnexport(unsigned int pin)
+ char buffer[SYSFS_READ_MAX];
+ ssize_t bytes_written;
+ int fd;
+ if (! validGPIO(pin))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! isExported(pin))
+ fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/unexport", O_WRONLY);
+ if (-1 == fd) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open unexport for writing!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open '/sys/class/gpio/unexport' for writing!\n");
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ bytes_written = snprintf(buffer, SYSFS_READ_MAX, "%d", pin);
+ write(fd, buffer, bytes_written);
+ close(fd);
+ return GPIO_OK;
+int edgeSetup (unsigned int pin, unsigned int value)
+ //static const char s_values_str[] = "01";
+ char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ int fd;
+ if (! validGPIO(pin))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ snprintf(path, SYSFS_PATH_MAX, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/edge", pin);
+ fd = open(path, O_WRONLY);
+ if (-1 == fd) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open gpio value for writing!\n");
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open gpio '%s' for writing!\n",path);
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ int rtn = 0;
+ if (value==INT_EDGE_RISING)
+ rtn = write(fd, "rising", 6);
+ else if (value==INT_EDGE_FALLING)
+ rtn = write(fd, "falling", 7);
+ else if (value==INT_EDGE_BOTH)
+ rtn = write(fd, "both", 4);
+ else
+ rtn = write(fd, "none", 4);
+ if (rtn <= 0) {
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to setup edge on '%s'!\n",path);
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Error (%d) - %s\n",errno, strerror (errno));
+ //displayLastSystemError("");
+ return GPIO_ERR_IO;
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ return GPIO_OK;
+struct threadGPIOinterupt{
+ void (*function)(void *args);
+ void *args;
+ unsigned int pin;
+static pthread_mutex_t pinMutex ;
+#define MAX_FDS 64
+static unsigned int _sysFds [MAX_FDS] =
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
+} ;
+void pushSysFds(int fd)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i< MAX_FDS; i++) {
+ if (_sysFds[i] == -1) {
+ _sysFds[i] = fd;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void gpioShutdown() {
+ int i;
+ _ever = false;
+ for (i=0; i< MAX_FDS; i++) {
+ if (_sysFds[i] != -1) {
+ //printf("Closing fd %d\n",i);
+ close(_sysFds[i]);
+ _sysFds[i] = -1;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+int waitForInterrupt (int pin, int mS, int fd)
+ int x;
+ uint8_t c ;
+ struct pollfd polls ;
+ // Setup poll structure
+ polls.fd = fd ;
+ // Wait for something ...
+ x = poll (&polls, 1, mS) ;
+ // If no error, do a dummy read to clear the interrupt
+ // A one character read appars to be enough.
+ if (x > 0)
+ {
+ lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET) ; // Rewind
+ (void)read (fd, &c, 1) ; // Read & clear
+ }
+ return x ;
+static void *interruptHandler (void *arg)
+ struct threadGPIOinterupt *stuff = (struct threadGPIOinterupt *) arg;
+ int pin = stuff->pin;
+ void (*function)(void *args) = stuff->function;
+ void *args = stuff->args;
+ stuff->pin = -1;
+ char path[SYSFS_PATH_MAX];
+ int fd, count, i ;
+ uint8_t c ;
+ sprintf(path, "/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", pin);
+ if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to open '%s'!\n",path);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pushSysFds(fd);
+ // Clear any initial pending interrupt
+ ioctl (fd, FIONREAD, &count) ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)
+ read (fd, &c, 1);
+ while (_ever == true) {
+ if (waitForInterrupt (pin, -1, fd) > 0) {
+ function(args);
+ } else {
+ LOG_ERROR ("interruptHandler failed for GPIO %d, resetting\n", pin);
+ gpioDelay(1);
+ }
+ }
+ LOG("interruptHandler ended for GPIO %d\n", pin);
+ close(fd);
+ return NULL ;
+int registerGPIOinterrupt(unsigned int pin, unsigned int mode, void (*function)(void *args), void *args )
+ pthread_t threadId ;
+ struct threadGPIOinterupt stuff;
+ if (! validGPIO(pin))
+ return false;
+ // Check it's exported
+ if (! isExported(pin))
+ pinExport(pin);
+ // Setup pin if defined.
+ if (mode != INT_EDGE_SETUP) {
+ // if the pin is output, set as input to setup edge then reset to output.
+ if (getPinMode(pin) == OUTPUT) {
+ pinMode(pin, INPUT);
+ edgeSetup(pin, mode);
+ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
+ } else {
+ edgeSetup(pin, mode);
+ }
+ }
+ stuff.function = function;
+ stuff.args = args;
+ stuff.pin = pin;
+ pthread_mutex_lock (&pinMutex) ;
+ if (pthread_create (&threadId, NULL, interruptHandler, (void *)&stuff) < 0) {
+ LOG_ERROR("Failed to start interruptHandler thread\n");
+ } else {
+ while (stuff.pin == pin)
+ gpioDelay(1);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&pinMutex) ;
+ return GPIO_OK ;
+struct GPIOinterupt{
+ void (*function)(void *args);
+ void *args;
+ unsigned int pin;
+ unsigned int bit;
+ unsigned int bank;
+ unsigned int lastValue;
+ unsigned int edge;
+ bool running;
+ pthread_t threadId;
+ pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+ pthread_cond_t cond;
+ struct GPIOinterupt *next;
+#define POLL_DELAY 10
+static struct GPIOinterupt *_GPIOinterupts = NULL;
+static pthread_t _interruptHandlerThreadId = 0;
+static pthread_mutex_t _gpioRegisterMutex;
+static void *GPIOinterruptHandler (void *arg)
+ struct GPIOinterupt *data = (struct GPIOinterupt *) arg;
+ void (*function)(void *args) = data->function;
+ void *args = data->args;
+ data->running = true;
+ DEBUG("Created Thread for GPIO interrupt %d\n",data->pin);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&data->mutex);
+ while (_ever == true && data->running == true) {
+ //printf("GPIOinterruptHandler() %d wait\n", data->pin);
+ pthread_cond_wait(&data->cond, &data->mutex);
+ DEBUG("GPIO interrupt triggered for %d\n",data->pin);
+ // recheck _ever incase this is a shutdown signal, and running incase we've been told to shutdown
+ if (_ever == true && data->running == true) {
+ // Check edge
+ if ( (data->edge == INT_EDGE_BOTH) ||
+ (data->edge == INT_EDGE_RISING && data->lastValue == HIGH) ||
+ (data->edge == INT_EDGE_FALLING && data->lastValue == LOW))
+ {
+ //DEBUG("GPIO interrupt triggered for %d\n",data->pin);
+ function(args);
+ }
+ //printf("GPIOinterruptHandler() called gpio %d\n",data->pin);
+ }
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&data->mutex);
+ //printf("GPIOinterruptHandler() stopped gpio %d\n",data->pin);
+ DEBUG("Stopping thread for GPIO interrupt %d\n",data->pin);
+ free(arg);
+ pthread_exit(0);
+ return NULL;
+static void *interruptHandler(void *arg)
+ // Use the global var and not one that passed, just incase we change the global pointer in the future
+ // to redefine starting position.
+ //struct GPIOinterupt *GPIOinterupt = (struct GPIOinterupt *) arg;
+ //unsigned int bank, bit;
+ struct GPIOinterupt *i_ptr;
+ while (_ever == true && _GPIOinterupts != NULL) {
+ for (i_ptr = _GPIOinterupts; i_ptr != NULL; i_ptr = i_ptr->next) {
+ //DEBUG ("Poll %d\n",i_ptr->pin);
+ if (i_ptr->threadId <= 0) {
+ if (pthread_create (&i_ptr->threadId, NULL, GPIOinterruptHandler, (void *)i_ptr) < 0) {
+ LOG_ERROR("Can't create GPIO interrupt handler for GPIO %d\n",i_ptr->pin);
+ }
+ }
+ if (i_ptr->lastValue != digitalRead(i_ptr->pin))
+ //if (i_ptr->lastValue != ((*(_gpioReg + GPLEV0 + i_ptr->bank) & i_ptr->bit)==0?LOW:HIGH) )
+ {
+ i_ptr->lastValue = !i_ptr->lastValue;
+ pthread_cond_signal(&i_ptr->cond);
+ }
+ }
+ gpioDelay(POLL_DELAY);
+ }
+ // signel so thread can shutdown
+ for (i_ptr = _GPIOinterupts; i_ptr != NULL; i_ptr = i_ptr->next) {
+ if (i_ptr->threadId > 0) {
+ pthread_cond_signal(&i_ptr->cond);
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG("interruptHandler stopped\n");
+ _interruptHandlerThreadId = 0;
+ pthread_exit(0);
+ return NULL;
+int registerGPIOinterrupt(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int mode, void (*function)(void *args), void *args )
+ if (! validGPIO(gpio))
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ if (! GPIOrunning())
+ if (mode == INT_EDGE_SETUP) {
+ LOG("INT_EDGE_SETUP is only valid for sysfs mode");
+ mode = INT_EDGE_BOTH;
+ }
+ // Lock the function, this isn't thread safe.
+ pthread_mutex_lock (&_gpioRegisterMutex);
+ struct GPIOinterupt *i_ptr;
+ struct GPIOinterupt *interupt = calloc(1, sizeof(struct GPIOinterupt));
+ interupt->function = function;
+ interupt->args = args;
+ interupt->pin = gpio;
+ interupt->edge = mode;
+ interupt->lastValue = digitalRead(gpio);
+ interupt->threadId = 0;
+ interupt->running = false;
+ interupt->next = NULL;
+ interupt->bank = gpio >> 5;
+ interupt->bit = (1 << (gpio & 0x1F));
+ //interupt->lastValue = (*(_gpioReg + GPLEV0 + i_ptr->bank) & i_ptr->bit)==0?0:1)
+ if (_GPIOinterupts == NULL) {
+ _GPIOinterupts = interupt;
+ } else {
+ for (i_ptr = _GPIOinterupts; i_ptr->next != NULL; i_ptr = i_ptr->next) {} // Simply run to the end of the list
+ i_ptr->next = interupt;
+ }
+ if ( _interruptHandlerThreadId <= 0 ) {
+ if (pthread_create (&_interruptHandlerThreadId, NULL, interruptHandler, (void *)_GPIOinterupts) < 0) {
+ LOG_ERROR("Couldn't start GPIO interrupt handler\n");
+ } else {
+ DEBUG("interruptHandler started\n");
+ //while (_interupts[_numInterupts-1].running == false)
+ //gpioDelay(1);
+ }
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&_gpioRegisterMutex) ;
+ return GPIO_OK;
+int unregisterGPIOinterrupt(unsigned int gpio)
+ struct GPIOinterupt *i_ptr;
+ struct GPIOinterupt *d_ptr;
+ // Lock the function, this isn't thread safe.
+ pthread_mutex_lock (&_gpioRegisterMutex);
+ // Is it the first pin in the list
+ if (_GPIOinterupts->pin == gpio) {
+ DEBUG("First pin ADD CODE");
+ d_ptr = _GPIOinterupts;
+ _GPIOinterupts = d_ptr->next;
+ d_ptr->running = false;
+ pthread_cond_signal(&d_ptr->cond); // Wake up the thread so it can exit
+ // Let's be safe, and let's hope we call this before the thread cleans itself up.
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&d_ptr->mutex);
+ } else {
+ for (i_ptr = _GPIOinterupts; i_ptr->next != NULL && i_ptr->next->pin != gpio; i_ptr = i_ptr->next) {}
+ if (i_ptr->next != NULL) {
+ d_ptr = i_ptr->next;
+ DEBUG("Removing listner on pin %d\n", d_ptr->pin);
+ i_ptr->next = i_ptr->next->next;
+ d_ptr->running = false;
+ pthread_cond_signal(&d_ptr->cond); // Wake up the thread so it can exit
+ // Let's be safe, and let's hope we call this before the thread cleans itself up.
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&d_ptr->mutex);
+ } else {
+ LOG_ERROR("GPIO %d not registered as listner\n",gpio);
+ return GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN;
+ }
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock (&_gpioRegisterMutex) ;
+ return GPIO_OK;
+void gpioShutdown() {
+ //int i;
+ _ever = false;
+ // Wait enough time for interupt handler poll cycle to catch the shutdown
+ gpioDelay(POLL_DELAY);
+#if defined(TEST_HARNESS) || defined(GPIO_MONITOR) || defined(GPIO_RW) || defined(GPIO_TOOL)
+struct pin_info {
+ int pin;
+ int GPIO;
+ char *name;
+const struct pin_info _pinDetails[40] = {
+ {1, -1, "3.3v"}, {2, -1, "5v"},
+ {3, 2, "GPIO2"}, {4, -1, "5v"},
+ {5, 3, "GPIO3"}, {6, -1, "GND"},
+ {7, 4, "GPIO4"}, {8, 14, "GPIO14"},
+ {9, -1, "GND"}, {10, 15, "GPIO15"},
+ {11, 17, "GPIO17"}, {12, 18, "GPIO18"},
+ {13, 27, "GPIO27"}, {14, -1, "GND"},
+ {15, 22, "GPIO22"}, {16, 23, "GPIO23"},
+ {17, -1, "3.3v"}, {18, 24, "GPIO24"},
+ {19, 10, "GPIO10"}, {20, -1, "GND"},
+ {21, 9, "GPIO9"}, {22, 25, "GPIO25"},
+ {23, 11, "GPIO11"}, {24, 8, "GPIO8"},
+ {25, -1, "GND"}, {26, 7, "GPIO7"},
+ {27, -1, "DNC"}, {28, -1, "DNC"},
+ {29, 5, "GPIO5"}, {30, -1, "GND"},
+ {31, 6, "GPIO6"}, {32, 12, "GPIO12"},
+ {33, 13, "GPIO13"}, {34, -1, "GND"},
+ {35, 19, "GPIO19"}, {36, 16, "GPIO16"},
+ {37, 26, "GPIO26"}, {38, 20, "GPIO20"},
+ {39, -1, "GND"}, {40, 21, "GPIO21"}
+int GPIO2physicalPin(int gpio)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<40; i++) {
+ if (_pinDetails[i].GPIO == gpio)
+ return _pinDetails[i].pin;
+ }
+ return -1;
+char *GPIOmode2txt(unsigned int mode) {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case INPUT:
+ return "IN";
+ break;
+ case OUTPUT:
+ return "OUT";
+ break;
+ case IO_ALT0:
+ return "ALT0";
+ break;
+ case IO_ALT1:
+ return "ALT1";
+ break;
+ case IO_ALT2:
+ return "ALT2";
+ break;
+ case IO_ALT3:
+ return "ALT3";
+ break;
+ case IO_ALT4:
+ return "ALT4";
+ break;
+ case IO_ALT5:
+ return "ALT5";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return "---";
+ break;
+ }
+void printGPIOstatus(int pin)
+ printf ("GPIO %2d (Pin %2d|%-4s) = %d\n", pin ,GPIO2physicalPin(pin),GPIOmode2txt(getPinMode(pin)) , digitalRead(pin));
+#ifdef GPIO_TOOL
+void errorParms(char *fname)
+ printVersionInformation();
+ printf("Missing Parameters:-\n\t[read|write] \t- read/write to GPIO\n"
+ "\t[input|output] \t\t- set GPIO mode to input or output\n"
+ "\t[export|unexport] \t\t- (un)export GPIO, needed for sysfs mode\n"
+ "\tmode \t\t- set GPIO mode advanced value=0 to 7\n"
+ "\t[pud_off|pud_up|pud_down] \t- set pull up / down resistor\n"
+ "\treadall\t\t\t\t- Print information on every GPIO\n"
+ "\t\t-q\t\t\t- Optional LAST parameter to just output result\n"
+ "\teg :- %s write 17 1 -q\n",fname);
+ exit(1);
+char *GPIOitoa(int val, char *rbuf, int base) {
+ static char buf[32] = {0};
+ if (val < 0) {
+ sprintf(rbuf,"-");
+ } else if (val == 0) {
+ sprintf(rbuf,"0");
+ } else {
+ int i=30;
+ for(; val && i; --i, val /= base)
+ buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[val % base];
+ sprintf(rbuf, "%s", &buf[i+1]);
+ }
+ return rbuf;
+void readAllGPIOs()
+ int i;
+ char buf1[10];
+ char buf2[10];
+ char buf3[10];
+ char buf4[10];
+ printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ printf("| GPIO | Name | Mode | V | Pin # | V | Mode | Name | GPIO |\n");
+ printf("+------+--------+------+---+---------+---+------+--------+------+\n");
+ for (i=0; i <= 38; i+=2) {
+ if (!isExported(_pinDetails[i].GPIO)) {
+ pinExport(_pinDetails[i].GPIO);
+ //gpioDelay(1);
+ }
+ if (!isExported(_pinDetails[i+1].GPIO)) {
+ pinExport(_pinDetails[i+1].GPIO);
+ //gpioDelay(1);
+ }
+ printf("| %4s | %6s | %4s |%2s | %2d | %2d |%2s | %4s | %6s | %4s |\n",
+ GPIOitoa(_pinDetails[i].GPIO,buf1,10),
+ _pinDetails[i].name,
+ _pinDetails[i].GPIO==-1?"-":GPIOmode2txt(getPinMode(_pinDetails[i].GPIO)),
+ GPIOitoa(digitalRead(_pinDetails[i].GPIO),buf2,10),
+ _pinDetails[i].pin,
+ _pinDetails[i+1].pin,
+ GPIOitoa(digitalRead(_pinDetails[i+1].GPIO),buf3,10),
+ _pinDetails[i+1].GPIO==-1?"-":GPIOmode2txt(getPinMode(_pinDetails[i+1].GPIO)),
+ _pinDetails[i+1].name,
+ GPIOitoa(_pinDetails[i+1].GPIO,buf4,10));
+ }
+ printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int pin = 0;
+ int value = 0;
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[argc-1], "-q") == 0) {
+ _supressLogging = true;
+ }
+ if (! gpioSetup()) {
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to setup GPIO\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (strcmp (argv[1], "read") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",digitalRead(pin)):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "write") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 4)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ value = atoi(argv[3]);
+ int pmode = getPinMode(pin);
+ pinMode (pin, OUTPUT);
+ digitalWrite(pin, value);
+ if (pmode != OUTPUT) {
+ if (!_supressLogging){printGPIOstatus(pin);}
+ usleep(500 * 1000); // Allow any triggers to read value before reset back to origional mode
+ if (!_supressLogging){printf("Resetting to input mode\n");}
+ pinMode (pin, pmode);
+ }
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",digitalRead(pin)):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "input") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int rtn = pinMode(pin, INPUT);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",rtn):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "output") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int rtn = pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",rtn):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "export") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int rtn = pinExport(pin);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",rtn):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "unexport") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int rtn = pinUnexport(pin);
+ printf("%d\n",rtn);
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "mode") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 4)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int mode = atoi(argv[3]);
+ int rtn = pinMode(pin, mode);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",rtn):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "pud_off") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int rtn = setPullUpDown(pin, PUD_OFF);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",rtn):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "pud_up") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int rtn = setPullUpDown(pin, PUD_UP);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",rtn):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "pud_down") == 0) {
+ if (argc < 3)
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ int rtn = setPullUpDown(pin, PUD_DOWN);
+ (_supressLogging?printf("%d\n",rtn):printGPIOstatus(pin));
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "readall") == 0) {
+ readAllGPIOs();
+ } else
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ gpioShutdown();
+ return 0;
+#ifdef GPIO_RW
+void errorParms()
+ printf("Missing Parameters:-\n\t[read|write] pin \n\tgpio write 17 1\n");
+ exit(1);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ bool isWrite=false;
+ int pin = 0;
+ int value = 0;
+ _log_level = LOG_ERR;
+ if (argc < 3) {
+ errorParms();
+ }
+ if (strcmp (argv[1], "read") == 0)
+ {
+ isWrite = false;
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[1], "write") == 0) {
+ isWrite = true;
+ if (argc < 4)
+ errorParms();
+ } else {
+ errorParms();
+ }
+ pin = atoi(argv[2]);
+ if (! gpioSetup()) {
+ logMessage (LOG_ERR, "Failed to setup GPIO\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (isWrite) {
+ value = atoi(argv[3]);
+ int pmode = getPinMode(pin);
+ pinMode (pin, OUTPUT);
+ digitalWrite(pin, value);
+ //if (pmode != OUTPUT)
+ // pinMode (pin, pmode);
+ }
+ printf ("%d\n", digitalRead(pin));
+ return 0;
+bool FOREVER = true;
+void errorParms(char *fname)
+ printVersionInformation();
+ printf("Parameters:-\n\t\t- GPIO's to monitor\n"\
+ "\t-q\t\t\t- Quiet mode, (must be last param) just print whats been triggered, no startup state\n"\
+ "\t-h\t\t\t- This\n"\
+ "\t\t\t- Monitor everything\n"\
+ "eg :- %s 2 17 27 -q\n",fname);
+ exit(1);
+void intHandler(int signum) {
+ static int called=0;
+ LOG ( "Stopping! - signel(%d)\n",signum);
+ gpioShutdown();
+ gpioDelay(100);
+ FOREVER = false;
+ called++;
+ if (called > 3)
+ exit(1);
+void event_trigger (int pin)
+ //printf("Pin %d triggered, state=%d\n",pin,digitalRead(pin));
+ printGPIOstatus(pin);
+void setup_monitor(int pin)
+ if (! isExported(pin)) {
+ pinExport(pin);
+ gpioDelay(10); // 0.1 second
+ }
+ if (!_supressLogging){printGPIOstatus(pin);}
+ if (registerGPIOinterrupt(pin, INT_EDGE_BOTH, (void *)&event_trigger, (void *)pin) != GPIO_OK)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Unable to set interrupt handler for specified pin. Error (%d) - %s\n",errno, strerror (errno));
+ }
+ //gpioDelay(100); // REMOVE THIS WHEN DONE
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int i;
+ if (strcmp (argv[argc-1], "-q") == 0) {
+ _supressLogging = true;
+ argc--;
+ } else if (strcmp (argv[argc-1], "-h") == 0) {
+ errorParms(argv[0]);
+ }
+ if (! gpioSetup()) {
+ LOG_ERROR ( "Failed to setup GPIO\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ signal(SIGINT, intHandler);
+ signal(SIGTERM, intHandler);
+ signal(SIGSEGV, intHandler);
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ for (i=1; i < argc; i++)
+ setup_monitor( atoi(argv[i]));
+ } else {
+ for (i=GPIO_MIN; i <= GPIO_MAX; i++)
+ setup_monitor(i);
+ }
+ while(FOREVER) {
+ sleep(100);
+ }
+ return 0;
+#endif //GPIO_MONITOR
diff --git a/GPIO_Pi.h b/GPIO_Pi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db22c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GPIO_Pi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Shaun Feakes - All rights reserved
+ *
+ * You may use redistribute and/or modify this code under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this license,
+ * see .
+ *
+ * You are free to use this software under the terms of the GNU General
+ * Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * https://github.com/sfeakes/GPIO_pi
+ */
+/********************-> GPIO Pi v1.2 <-********************/
+#define _GPIO_pi_NAME_ "GPIO Pi"
+#define _GPIO_pi_VERSION_ "1.2"
+#ifndef _GPIO_pi_H_
+#define _GPIO_pi_H_
+/* Use sysfs for ALL gpio activity?
+ comment out to use memory where we can
+//#define GPIO_SYSFS_MODE
+// check number is between 2 and 27
+#define GPIO_MIN 2
+#define GPIO_MAX 27
+#else // WiringPI valid numbers
+#define GPIO_MIN 0
+#define GPIO_MAX 30
+#define validGPIO(X) ((X) <= (GPIO_MAX) ? ( ((X) >= (GPIO_MIN) ? (1) : (0)) ) : (0))
+#ifndef USE_WIRINGPI // Don't include anything below this line if using wiringpi.
+#define INPUT 0
+#define OUTPUT 1
+#define IO_ALT5 2 // PWM Circuit
+#define IO_ALT4 3 // SPI Circuit
+#define IO_ALT0 4 // PCM Audio Circuit (Also I2C)
+#define IO_ALT1 5 // SMI (Secondary Memory Interface)
+#define IO_ALT2 6 // Nothing
+#define IO_ALT3 7 // BSC - SPI Circuit
+#define LOW 0
+#define HIGH 1
+#define INT_EDGE_SETUP 0
+#define INT_EDGE_RISING 2
+#define INT_EDGE_BOTH 3
+#define PUD_OFF 0
+#define PUD_DOWN 1
+#define PUD_UP 2
+#define SYSFS_PATH_MAX 35
+#define SYSFS_READ_MAX 3
+ #define GPIO_BASE_P4 0xFE000000 // Pi 4
+ #define GPIO_BASE_P2 0x3F000000 // Pi 2 & 3
+ #define GPIO_BASE_P1 0x20000000 // Pi 1 & Zero
+ #define GPIO_OFFSET 0x200000
+ //#define GPIO_BASE 0x20200000
+ #define GPIO_LEN 0xB4
+ #define GPIO_LEN_P4 0xF1 // Pi 4 has more registers BCM2711
+ #define GPSET0 7
+ #define GPSET1 8
+ #define GPCLR0 10
+ #define GPCLR1 11
+ #define GPLEV0 13
+ #define GPLEV1 14
+ #define GPPUD 37
+ #define GPPUDCLK0 38
+ #define GPPUDCLK1 39
+ /* Pi4 BCM2711 has different pulls */
+ #define GPPUPPDN0 57
+ #define GPPUPPDN1 58
+ #define GPPUPPDN2 59
+ #define GPPUPPDN3 60
+ #define PI_MODEL_UNKNOWN -1
+ #define PI_MODEL_A 0
+ #define PI_MODEL_B 1
+ #define PI_MODEL_AP 2
+ #define PI_MODEL_BP 3
+ #define PI_MODEL_2 4
+ #define PI_ALPHA 5
+ #define PI_MODEL_CM 6
+ #define PI_MODEL_07 7
+ #define PI_MODEL_3 8
+ #define PI_MODEL_ZERO 9
+ #define PI_MODEL_CM3 10
+ #define PI_MODEL_ZERO_W 12
+ #define PI_MODEL_3P 13
+ #define PI_MODEL_3AP 14
+ #define PI_MODEL_CM3P 16
+ #define PI_MODEL_4B 17
+#define GPIO_ERR_GENERAL -7
+#define GPIO_NOT_IO_MODE -6
+#define GPIO_NOT_OUTPUT -5
+#define GPIO_ERR_IO -3
+#define GPIO_ERR_NOT_SETUP -2
+#define GPIO_ERR_BAD_PIN -1
+#define GPIO_OK 0
+//#ifndef SYSFS_MODE
+int pinExport(unsigned int gpio);
+int pinUnexport(unsigned int gpio);
+bool isExported(unsigned int gpio);
+int pinMode(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int mode);
+int getPinMode(unsigned int gpio);
+int digitalRead(unsigned int gpio);
+int digitalWrite(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int level);
+int setPullUpDown(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int pud);
+int edgeSetup (unsigned int pin, unsigned int value);
+bool gpioSetup();
+void gpioShutdown();
+int registerGPIOinterrupt(unsigned int gpio, unsigned int mode, void (*function)(void *args), void *args );
+int unregisterGPIOinterrupt(unsigned int gpio);
+bool pinExport(int pin);
+bool pinUnexport(int pin);
+bool pinMode (int pin, int mode);
+int digitalRead (int pin);
+bool digitalWrite (int pin, int value);
+#endif /* WiringPI */
+#endif /* _GPIO_pi_H_ */
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2124074..401f5e1 100755
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ CC = gcc
ifeq ($(USE_WIRINGPI),)
- sd_GPIO_C := sd_GPIO.c
+ sd_GPIO_C := GPIO_Pi.c
#WPI_LIB := -D USE_WIRINGPI -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ $(MAIN): $(OBJS)
- $(CC) -o $(GMON) sd_GPIO.c -lm -lpthread -D GPIO_MONITOR
- $(CC) -o $(GPIO) sd_GPIO.c -lm -lpthread -D GPIO_RW
+ $(CC) -o $(GMON) GPIO_Pi.c -lm -lpthread -D GPIO_MONITOR
+ $(CC) -o $(GPIO) GPIO_Pi.c -lm -lpthread -D GPIO_TOOL
# this is a suffix replacement rule for building .o's from .c's
# it uses automatic variables $<: the name of the prerequisite of
diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
index 1be9411..9fb0839 100644
--- a/config.c
+++ b/config.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-#include "sd_GPIO.h"
+#include "GPIO_Pi.h"
#include "minIni.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "config.h"
diff --git a/json_messages.c b/json_messages.c
index e73e145..b7edf60 100644
--- a/json_messages.c
+++ b/json_messages.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- #include "sd_GPIO.h"
+ #include "GPIO_Pi.h"
#include "json_messages.h"
diff --git a/net_services.c b/net_services.c
index 7122fbc..a6858d1 100644
--- a/net_services.c
+++ b/net_services.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- #include "sd_GPIO.h"
+ #include "GPIO_Pi.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
diff --git a/release/gpio b/release/gpio
index 2914f00..9e6c79e 100755
Binary files a/release/gpio and b/release/gpio differ
diff --git a/release/gpio_monitor b/release/gpio_monitor
index 3b17e20..98b4705 100755
Binary files a/release/gpio_monitor and b/release/gpio_monitor differ
diff --git a/release/install-new.sh b/release/install-new.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..99a8340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/install-new.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# ROOT=/nas/data/Development/Raspberry/gpiocrtl/test-install
+BUILD="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+function check_cron() {
+ # Look for cron running with LSB name support
+ if [[ ! $(pgrep -af cron | grep '\-l') ]]; then
+ # look for cron running
+ if [[ ! $(pgrep -af cron) ]]; then
+ # look for cron installed
+ if [[ ! $(command -v cron) ]]; then
+ echo "Can't find cron, please install"
+ else
+ echo "cron is not running, please start cron"
+ fi
+ else
+ # Cron is running, but not with LSB name support
+ if [ ! -d "/etc/cron.d" ] || [ ! -f "/etc/default/cron" ]; then
+ echo "The version of Cron may not support chron.d, if so the calendar schedule will not work"
+ echo "Please check cron for LSB name support before using calendar schedule feature of $SERVICE"
+ else
+ # Check and see if we can add LSB support
+ #if [ -f "/etc/default/cron" ]; then
+ echo ...
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
+ echo "This script must be run as root"
+ exit 1
+if [[ $(mount | grep " / " | grep "(ro,") ]]; then
+ echo "Root filesystem is readonly, can't install"
+ exit 1
+exit 0
+if [ ! -d "/etc/cron.d" ]; then
+ echo "The version of Cron may not support chron.d, if so the calendar schedule will not work"
+ echo "Please check before starting"
+ if [ -f "/etc/default/cron" ]; then
+ CD=$(cat /etc/default/cron | grep -v ^# | grep "\-l")
+ if [ -z "$CD" ]; then
+ echo "Please enabled cron.d support, if not the calendar will not work"
+ echo "Edit /etc/default/cron and look for the -l option"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Please make sure the version if Cron supports chron.d, if not the calendar schedule will not work"
+ fi
+exit 0
+if [ "$1" == "uninstall" ] || [ "$1" == "-u" ] || [ "$1" == "remove" ]; then
+ systemctl stop $SERVICE > /dev/null 2>&1
+ systemctl disable $SERVICE > /dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -f $BINLocation/$BIN
+ rm -f $SRVLocation/$SRV
+ rm -f $DEFLocation/$DEF
+ rm -f $MDNSLocation/$MDNS
+ rm -rf $WEBLocation
+ if [ -f $CFGLocation/$CFG ]; then
+ cache=$(cat $CFGLocation/$CFG | grep CACHE | cut -d= -f2 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed -e 's/ *$//')
+ rm -f $cache
+ rm -f $CFGLocation/$CFG
+ fi
+ rm -f "/etc/cron.d/sprinklerd"
+ echo "SprinklerD & configuration removed from system"
+ exit
+# Check cron.d options
+if [ ! -d "/etc/cron.d" ]; then
+ echo "The version of Cron may not support chron.d, if so the calendar will not work"
+ echo "Please check before starting"
+ if [ -f "/etc/default/cron" ]; then
+ CD=$(cat /etc/default/cron | grep -v ^# | grep "\-l")
+ if [ -z "$CD" ]; then
+ echo "Please enabled cron.d support, if not the calendar will not work"
+ echo "Edit /etc/default/cron and look for the -l option"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Please make sure the version if Cron supports chron.d, if not the calendar will not work"
+ fi
+# Exit if we can't find systemctl
+command -v systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "This script needs systemd's systemctl manager, Please check path or install manually" >&2; exit 1; }
+# stop service, hide any error, as the service may not be installed yet
+systemctl stop $SERVICE > /dev/null 2>&1
+SERVICE_EXISTS=$(echo $?)
+# copy files to locations, but only copy cfg if it doesn;t already exist
+cp $BUILD/$BIN $BINLocation/$BIN
+cp $BUILD/$SRV $SRVLocation/$SRV
+if [ -f $CFGLocation/$CFG ]; then
+ echo "Config exists, did not copy new config, you may need to edit existing! $CFGLocation/$CFG"
+ cp $BUILD/$CFG $CFGLocation/$CFG
+if [ -f $DEFLocation/$DEF ]; then
+ echo "Defaults exists, did not copy new defaults to $DEFLocation/$DEF"
+ cp $BUILD/$DEF.defaults $DEFLocation/$DEF
+if [ -f $MDNSLocation/$MDNS ]; then
+ echo "Avahi/mDNS defaults exists, did not copy new defaults to $MDNSLocation/$MDNS"
+ if [ -d "$MDNSLocation" ]; then
+ cp $BUILD/$MDNS.avahi $MDNSLocation/$MDNS
+ else
+ echo "Avahi/mDNS may not be installed, not copying $MDNSLocation/$MDNS"
+ fi
+if [ ! -d "$WEBLocation" ]; then
+ mkdir -p $WEBLocation
+cp -r $BUILD/../web/* $WEBLocation
+systemctl enable $SERVICE
+systemctl daemon-reload
+if [ $SERVICE_EXISTS -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Starting daemon $SERVICE"
+ systemctl start $SERVICE
diff --git a/release/sprinklerd b/release/sprinklerd
index 6017b24..cc26783 100755
Binary files a/release/sprinklerd and b/release/sprinklerd differ
diff --git a/release/sprinklerd.test.conf b/release/sprinklerd.test.conf
index 2768a78..4a8e867 100644
--- a/release/sprinklerd.test.conf
+++ b/release/sprinklerd.test.conf
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ NAME=My Sprinklers
DOCUMENTROOT = /nas/data/Development/Raspberry/SprinklerD/web/
CACHE = /var/cache/sprinklerd.cache
# mqtt stuff
-MQTT_ADDRESS = trident:1883
+#MQTT_ADDRESS = trident:1883
#MQTT_USER = someusername
#MQTT_PASSWD = somepassword
-MQT_TOPIC = sd_test
-MQTT_DZ_PUB_TOPIC = domoticz/in
-MQTT_DZ_SUB_TOPIC = domoticz/out
+#MQT_TOPIC = sd_test
+#MQTT_DZ_PUB_TOPIC = domoticz/in
+#MQTT_DZ_SUB_TOPIC = domoticz/out
+DZIDX_24HDELAY = 2198
# Options for the below ZONE and GPIO configuration
@@ -31,12 +31,11 @@ DZIDX_RAINSENSOR = 48
# PUD_UP 2
#NAME = name of zone
-#GPIO_PIN = GPIO Pin # This is WiringPi Pin#, not Raspberry Pi board pin#.
-#WPI_PIN = use instead of GPIO_PIN if compiled with USE_WIRINGPI flag
+#GPIO_PIN = GPIO # This is the GPIO# not the pin#, so (17 = GPIO17 = Pin 11) or another example (5 = GPIO5 = Pin 29)
+#WPI_PIN = use instead of GPIO_PIN if compiled with USE_WIRINGPI flag, This is WiringPi Pin#, not Raspberry Pi board pin#
#GPIO_PULL_UPDN = setup pull up pull down resistor PUD_OFF|PUD_DOWN|PUD_UP
#GPIO_ON_STATE = State GPIO reads when relay for zone is on. HIGH or LOW 1 or 0
#DOMOTICZ_IDX = Domoticz IDX 0 or remove entry if you don;t use Domoticz (only if you use domoticz)
-#MASTER_VALVE = YES=1 NO=0 // turn on with any zone
# Don't use ZONE:0 for anything other than master valve, if you don't have a master valve simply delete it and start from ZONE:1
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ DZIDX_RAINSENSOR = 48
NAME=Master Valve
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ NAME=Island
@@ -61,9 +60,9 @@ DOMOTICZ_IDX=2000
@@ -72,20 +71,20 @@ DOMOTICZ_IDX=2010
NAME=Diningroom Flowerbeds
-NAME=Test Switch
-COMMAND_ON=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=on'
-COMMAND_OFF=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=off'
+#NAME=Test Switch
+#COMMAND_ON=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=on'
+#COMMAND_OFF=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=off'
#NAME=Diningroom error
@@ -153,13 +152,13 @@ COMMAND_OFF=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=2
#COMMAND triggered_event_runcmd = external command to run
-NAME=Rain Sensor
+#NAME=Rain Sensor
-COMMAND_HIGH=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=on'
-COMMAND_LOW=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=off'
+#COMMAND_HIGH=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=on'
+#COMMAND_LOW=/usr/bin/curl -s -o /dev/null 'http://localhost?type=option&option=24hdelay&state=off'
diff --git a/sd_GPIO.c b/sd_GPIO.c.old
similarity index 100%
rename from sd_GPIO.c
rename to sd_GPIO.c.old
diff --git a/sd_GPIO.h b/sd_GPIO.h.old
similarity index 100%
rename from sd_GPIO.h
rename to sd_GPIO.h.old
diff --git a/sprinkler.c b/sprinkler.c
index 5a4189c..713d978 100644
--- a/sprinkler.c
+++ b/sprinkler.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
// #include "sd_GPIO.h"
-#include "sd_GPIO.h"
+#include "GPIO_Pi.h"
#include "mongoose.h"
@@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ void main_loop ()
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Setting up GPIO\n");
+ if (! gpioSetup()) {
+ logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Failed to setup GPIO\n");
+ exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
+ }
for (i=(_sdconfig_.master_valve?0:1); i <= _sdconfig_.zones ; i++)
diff --git a/version.h b/version.h
index 2f10d81..2bda58c 100644
--- a/version.h
+++ b/version.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#ifndef SD_VERSION_H
#define SD_VERSION_H
-#define SD_VERSION "1.0g"
+#define SD_VERSION "1.1"
diff --git a/zone_ctrl.c b/zone_ctrl.c
index 6ad5f76..3d63567 100644
--- a/zone_ctrl.c
+++ b/zone_ctrl.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- #include "sd_GPIO.h"
+ #include "GPIO_Pi.h"
#include "zone_ctrl.h"
@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@ bool zc_zone(zcRunType type, int zone, zcState state, int length) {
bool zc_start(/*zcRunType type,*/ int zone) {
+ int rtn = false;
// Check if zone is already on
if ( _sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state == digitalRead (_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin)) {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "Request to turn zone %d on. Zone %d is already on, ignoring!\n",zone,zone);
@@ -225,20 +226,28 @@ bool zc_start(/*zcRunType type,*/ int zone) {
logMessage (LOG_NOTICE, "Turning on Zone %d\n",zone);
- int rtn = digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, _sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state );
+ //int rtn = digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, _sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state );
+ //logMessage (LOG_NOTICE, "digitalWrite return %d\n",rtn);
+ if (digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, _sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state ) == GPIO_OK )
+ rtn = true;
+ else
+ rtn = false;
digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, _sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state );
int rtn = true;
_sdconfig_.eventToUpdateHappened = true;
+ return rtn;
// store what's running
- if (rtn == true)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
+ //if (rtn == true)
+ // return true;
+ //else
+ // return false;
bool zc_stop(/*zcRunType type,*/ int zone) {
+ int rtn = false;
// Check if zone is alreay off
if ( _sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state != digitalRead (_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin)) {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "Request to turn zone %d off. Zone %d is already off, ignoring!\n",zone,zone);
@@ -246,15 +255,22 @@ bool zc_stop(/*zcRunType type,*/ int zone) {
logMessage (LOG_NOTICE, "Turning off Zone %d\n",zone);
- int rtn = digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, !_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state );
+ //int rtn = digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, !_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state );
+ if (digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, !_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state ) == GPIO_OK )
+ rtn = true;
+ else
+ rtn = false;
digitalWrite(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].pin, !_sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].on_state );
int rtn = true;
_sdconfig_.eventToUpdateHappened = true;
+ return rtn;
+ /*
if (rtn == true)
return true;
return false;
+ */