A virtual machine is just like a real machine, except that the machine hardware is emulated by software. The virtual machine, often called the "guest", runs in a "host" operating system (OS).
To run guests on your host, you need to install an "hypervisor". For the FCC, we decided to use an open source hypervisor called VirtualBox . VirtualBox can be used to create virtual machines on which an OS can be installed.
In this tutorial, we will use VirtualBox to load and run a virtual ubuntu machine containing all the software needed to perform an FCC analysis.
Install VirtualBox .
Get the virtual machine, located at
Import this virtual machine in VirtualBox (File menu, then Import Appliance).
Start the machine.
Follow the instructions in the README file located on the desktop of the virtual machine.
If you want to know more, follow FccSoftwareEDM{.twikiLink} and FccSoftwareHeppy{.twikiLink} . Since the installation has been done for you in the ubuntu guest, you should skip the installation instructions .
To get the ubuntu machine password, contact Colin.
This virtual machine was prepared with a US keyboard. If you're using another type, you need to configure it in the ubuntu guest .
Assuming you have selected some text in the ubuntu guest.
Solution 1:
- click on your pad with two fingers, and select copy
- click on your pad with two fingers, and select paste
Solution 2:
- get an external mouse, and click the middle button
If you manage to emulate a middle click on the pad in the guest, please
tell Colin
You can safely ignore them, and google these messages if you want to know more.
-- ColinBernet {.twikiLink} - 2015-12-15