All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
method added to Android and iOS to track caught exceptions. [mokesmokes]GA.trackUncaughtExceptions
method added to Android to track uncaught exceptions. [mokesmokes]- Added note to README about common Google Play Services issues.
- Restructured github repo and android module to avoid case-sensitivity issues and unable to find android module error.
- Regression on minimum Titanium SDK requirement for android. [mokesmokes]
- Update iOS module to use SDK 3.10. IDFA warning in logs is no longer present.
- Forgot to change the SDK definition to 3.5.0.GA in the titanium.xcconfig file.
- The module now depends on Titanium 3.5.0.GA
- 64bit capability for iOS. If you are updating your application from a lower version than 3.5.0.GA and you are having compiling issues, try removing the files in the
- Changed moduleid so that new users of the module will not receive unlicensed module if they haven't downloaded the legacy version through the Titanium Marketplace.
- This changelog.
- None.
- None.
- Corrected optional currency parameter on trackTransactionItem on ios. [ndizazzo]
- Corrected module API version on android. [ndizazzo]
- None.
- Google Analytics SDK for iOS v3.
- Google Analytics SDK v4 for Android.
- Custom Dimensions and Metrics on all methods.
- Detailed examples under example/app.js for android and ios.
- Added setUser method.
- Options object for trackScreen has changed from a string to an object.
- Transactions format has changed entirely and is now based on two separate methods.
- Changed 'debug' to 'dryrun' to specify when analytics data should not be sent to google.
- None.
- Documentation was improved on main README file.
- None.
- Prior versions were the responsibility of MattTuttle