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123 lines (109 loc) · 6.53 KB

Varying Vagrant Vagrants Changelog


  • Transition to Varying Vagrant Vagrants organization.
  • Add a CONTRIBUTING document.
  • Add --allow-root to all wp-cli calls in VVV core.
  • Use a new global composer configuration.
  • Add zip as a package during provisioning.


  • Introduce Auto Site Setup during provisioning to allow for easy new project configuration.
  • Happy Fix vagrant up after halt meets expectations and no longer requires provisioning to be reapplied.
  • Begin implementing best practices from Google's shell style guide in our provisioning scripts.
  • Databases can now be dropped in phpMyAdmin. Pro-tip, drop database wordpress_develop in phpMyAdmin followed by vagrant provision clears your for reinstall.
  • Copy config files instead of linking them. This allows for a nicer vagrant up after a vagrant halt and treats provisioning more like it should be treated. See 1fbf329 for a more detailed commit message.
  • Allow for dashboard-custom.php to override the default dashboard provided by VVV
  • Reduce size of the included my.cnf file to exclude unrequired changes. Increase max_allowed_packet setting.


  • Possible Annoying: Use precise32 for the Vagrant box name for better cross project box caching.
    • Note: This will probably cause a new Vagrant box to download. Use vagrant box remove std-precise32 after a vagrant destroy to remove the old one and start with this.
  • Possible Breaking: Change VM hostname to
    • Note: If you had anything setup to rely on the hostname of precise32-dev, this may break.
  • Possible Breaking: Change MySQL root password to root
    • Note: If anything is setup to rely on the previous password of blank, this may break.
    • You can also now access mysql -u root without a password.
  • Introduce support for the WordPress develop.svn
    • This was added pretty much the day it was available. Such a pleasure to work with!
    • Allowed us to remove the old wordpress-unit-tests in favor of the new wordpress-develop/tests
  • Introduce support for the Vagrant hostsupdater plugin
    • Use vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater to install.
    • Very, very much recommended for an easier and happier life.
  • Introduce Postfix with a default config. Mail works! (But check your spam)
  • Introduce the WordPress i18n Tools, including config/homebin/makepot
  • Introduce PHP_CodeSniffer, WordPress-Coding-Standards, and Webgrind
  • Remove entire well intended but not so useful flags system
  • Rather than include PHPMemcachedadmin in the VVV repository, download it on initial provision
  • Verify support for Vagrant 1.3.5 (as well as 1.2.x) and VirtualBox 4.3 (as well as 4.2.x)
  • Move xdebug_on and xdebug_off controls to executable files in config/homebin
  • Generate vagrant_dir in Vagrantfile for accessing relative file locations
  • Add a basic network connectivity check by pinging Google DNS servers
  • Update stable version of WordPress automatically on provision
  • General cleanup to screen output during provisioning
  • Many updates to the default nginx configuration
  • Remove poor, unused implementation of Watchr
  • Provide default certs for SSL in Nginx


  • Enable SSH agent forwarding
  • Wrap update/installation procedures with a network status check
  • Enable WP_DEBUG by default
  • Update wp-cli during provisioning
  • Better handling of package status checks
  • Better handling of custom apt sources
  • Add PHPMemcachedAdmin 1.2.2 to repository for memcached stats viewing.
  • Add phpMyAdmin 4.0.3 to repository for database management


BREAKING CHANGES: Breaking changes are made in this release due to the reorganization of config files for PHP that will require a full vagrant destroy and vagrant up to resolve.

  • Refactor of package provisioning allows for better (and incremental) vagrant provision uses by checking individual package installs before attempting to install them again.
  • Remove several flags used to disable portions of provisioning. This favors the scaffold approach provided by VVV.
  • Improved nginx configuration and documentation
  • Use --asume-yes vs --force-yes with apt
  • Update Composer based on a specific revision rather than always checking for an update.
  • Update Mockery based on a specific version rather than using the dev channel.
  • Update ack-grep to 2.04
  • Add php5-imap package
  • Update to Nginx 1.4 sources
  • Update to PHP 5.4 sources
  • Update to Git 1.8 sources
  • Updated xdebug configuration parameters, fixes 60s timeout issue
  • Better method to enable/disable xdebug configuration
  • Refactor handling of custom PHP, APC, and xdebug configurations
  • Bump default memcached memory allocation to 128M
  • Introduce custom apc.ini file, bump apc.shm_size to 128M
  • Provide a phpinfo URL at
  • Set WP_DEBUG to true by default for included installations of WordPress


  • Add WordPress Unit Tests
  • Option for custom shell provisioning file
  • Pre/Post provisioning hooks via additional shell scripts
  • Flags system to disable portions of default provisioning
  • Grab stable WordPress from latest.tar.gz vs SVN
  • Append custom apt sources list to default
  • Update to SVN 1.7.9, addresses specific Windows permissions issue
  • Move wp-cli to /srv/www/ for easier contributions


  • Repository moved under 10up organization
  • Wrap provisioning in an initial run flag, speed up subsequent boots
  • Add support for a Customfile to pull in desired local modifications


  • Add default .vimrc file with some helpful tricks
  • Clarify sample SQL commands
  • Add WordPress trunk installation to default setup
  • Use composer to install phpunit, mockery and xdebug - faster than PEAR
  • Filename modifications for config files
  • General documentation improvements


  • Add Mockery
  • Vagrant version requirement changes
  • Add wp-cli
  • Use wp-cli to setup default WordPress installation
  • Add subversion


  • Bug fix on importing SQL files


  • Add ack-grep
  • Move to Vagrant 1.1 style Vagrantfile
  • Better DB handling all around
  • Link mysql data directories for persistence
  • Add PHPUnit
  • Add XDebug


  • Initial version, lots of junk from untracked versions. :)