Alice is a bot specialised to do codebase supervising on your behalf to prevent chaos situation in any layer of SDLC cycle.
- Installing is simple via pip
- pip install alice-core
- Create your team specific input config file setup your config file
- Start Alice (any 1 way):
modify the commands for particular config.yaml or config.json file path & port number
run as flask app
export FLASK_APP=alice config='config.yaml'; flask run --host --port 5005
- run as uwsgi process (Install uwsgi>=2.0.14 on your machine for using this)
- export config="config.yaml"; uwsgi --socket --protocol=http -w alice --callable app
Note: default port number is '5000' if not specified
3. Create web-hook in github set it to <IP_WHERE_ALICE_IS_LISTNING>/alice Example:
why, what & how about Alice
Github & Slack users If you are using other projects, look at "how to contribute" section
Contributing guidelines
Please use the GitHub issue tracker to submit bugs or request features.
Consult the Changelog page for fixes and enhancements of each version.