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Terragrunt Azure Boilerplate

Terraform and Terragrunt is are required to use this module.

dotfiles have been created to help control versioning of terragrunt and terraform in case of upstream or out of band changes.

Additionally, envrc can be used for managing environment variables.

Version Pinning:

How To

Azure Subscription

An Active Azure Subscription is required.

Create Service Roles

Authentication with Azure can be achieved by using an SPN account/role and setting the appropriate environment variables. If you intend to use Azure KV for secrets management than optional cmdlets are included where appropriate.


Create a service principal by running the cmdlet below ensuring you replace the "${az_subscription_id}" variable with an actual id.

az ad sp create-for-rbac  --name "spn_terraform" --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/${az_subscription_id}"
# Optional for KV
az ad sp create-for-rbac  --name "spn_keyvault" --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/${az_subscription_id}"

Create Azure Storage Account

Terraform State using Azure Storage as backend requires a resource group, storage account and storage account container


Run the following to create an Azure storage account and container.


az group create --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} --location eastus
az storage account create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} --name ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --sku Standard_LRS --encryption-services blob
az storage container create --name ${CONTAINER_NAME} --account-name ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}

Optional: Create Azure Key Vault for us with SOPS

A Dedicated Key Vault for Terragrunt with SOPS/KV.

This enables you to manage the azure client credentials for the SPN Terraform role we created earlier, without having to store anything plaintext as SOPS (Azure KV) to perform encrypt and decrypt of secrets files.


We need to create the following low level resources:

  • resource group
  • keyvault
  • keyvault key
  • keyvault policy

az group create --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} --location eastus
az keyvault create --name ${KEY_VAULT_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} --location eastus
az keyvault key create --name ${KEY_NAME} --vault-name ${KEY_VAULT_NAME} --protection software --ops encrypt decrypt
az keyvault set-policy --name ${KEY_VAULT_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} --spn ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} --key-permissions encrypt decrypt list get
az keyvault key show --name ${KEY_NAME} --vault-name ${KEY_VAULT_NAME} --query key.kid

Once these resources have been created you then need to perform an az login or set shell variables for the SOPS SPN, then perform encryption of your secrets.yaml (added to .gitignore) to secrets.enc.yaml


sops --encrypt --azure-kv $KV ../secrets.yaml > ../secrets.enc.yaml

Configuring Environment Variables

envrc contains user-defined environmental variables which can be updated with client ID, secret and subscription Id.

It also contains a helper function for SOPS should you chose to use which will export key/values from secrects.enc.yaml into shell.

To enable this feature uncomment the block.

# use_sops() {
#     local path=${1:-$PWD/secrets.enc.yaml}
#     eval "$(sops -d --extract '["SPN_TERRAGRUNT"]' --output-type dotenv "$path" | direnv dotenv bash /dev/stdin)"
#     watch_file "$path"
# }
# use sops

Update the following in envrc

# SPN Export Vars
export ARM_CLIENT_ID=""
export ARM_TENANT_ID=""


This repo contains various "FIXME"/"TODOS" which must be updated before deploying as come of these values need updated beforehand so please ensure that you find and replace FIXME markers.

Write, Plan and Apply

Once you have confirmed the above, you should be good to terragrunt.

terragrunt run-all plan | apply