diff --git a/_pages/about.md b/_pages/about.md
index 2f712b49..a9c1b8c0 100644
--- a/_pages/about.md
+++ b/_pages/about.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
layout: about
title: about
permalink: /
-subtitle: AI + Sustainability: Building an environmentally sustainable and equitable future
+subtitle: AI + Sustainability: Building a sustainable and equitable future
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ latest_posts: false # includes a list of the newest posts
selected_papers: true # includes a list of papers marked as "selected={true}"
social: false # includes social icons at the bottom of the page
-I am an Associate Professor of [Electrical and Computer Engineering](https://www.ece.ucr.edu/) at the University of California, Riverside, where I am also a cooperating faculty member in the [Computer Science and Engineering](https://www1.cs.ucr.edu/) department. My research broadly focuses on **AI + Sustainability**, with the goal of `building an environmentally sustainable and equitable future`. More concretely, I am interested in two complementary directions: (1) developing foundational algorithms and methodologies to make AI and computing systems more sustainable; and (2) leveraging AI and computational techniques to make our society more sustainable and equitable. I received the 2015 NSF CAREER award and Best Paper awards from multiple conferences (including the ACM e-Energy'16, flagship conference of the [ACM SIG on Energy Systems and Informatics](https://energy.acm.org/)) for my research on computatutational sustainability.
+I am an Associate Professor of [Electrical and Computer Engineering](https://www.ece.ucr.edu/) at the University of California, Riverside, where I am also a cooperating faculty member in the [Computer Science and Engineering](https://www1.cs.ucr.edu/) department. My research broadly focuses on **AI + Sustainability**, with the goal of `building a sustainable and equitable future`. More concretely, I am interested in two complementary directions: (1) developing foundational algorithms and methodologies to make AI and computing systems more sustainable; and (2) leveraging AI and computational techniques to make our society more sustainable and equitable. I received the 2015 NSF CAREER award and Best Paper awards from multiple conferences (including the ACM e-Energy'16, flagship conference of the [ACM SIG on Energy Systems and Informatics](https://energy.acm.org/)) for my research on computatutational sustainability.
**To prospective students:** I have multiple openings available for graduate students with full financial support (in either [ECE](https://www1.cs.ucr.edu/) or