This program can be ran in a text based format, either by running the program and typing commands into the terminal or by running the program and giving it a script file, or through a GUI.
Note: This application requires Java 11+ to run!
To run the text based version of the application, cd
into the directory with ImageProcessing.jar
and enter java -jar ImageProcessing.jar
. To run the text based version with a script file, enter java -jar ImageProcessing.jar -file [path-to-your-script-file.txt]
. If an invalid file is provided, the program will
automatically resort to running the regular text based version.
To be able to use any of the script commands, an image needs to be loaded into the program first. To load in an image enter the following:
load [path-to-file] image-name
where "image-name" is the name you want to refer to it as within the program. While the program is running, you can load additional images into the program anytime. You are able to override images stored in this program by loading an image using a different file path and the same image name.
Here's an example of overriding an image name using load:
- You load an image from
and call it "landscape" using the following script command:load .\Landscape.png landscape
- You decide you actually want to have an image from
be called "landscape" in the program so you enter:load .\Landscape.ppm landscape
Now "landscape" refers to the image loaded in from.\Landscape.ppm
instead of the one from.\Landscape.png
After loading an image, you are now able to run operations on those images. These operations do not modify the image original image saved in this program, rather, it modifies a copy of the image and saves it to a new name. These script commands are available to modify images loaded into the program:
red-greyscale image-name new-image-name
green-greyscale image-name new-image-name
blue-greyscale image-name new-image-name
value-greyscale image-name new-image-name
intensity-greyscale image-name new-image-name
luma-greyscale image-name new-image-name
flip-horizontally image-name new-image-name
flip-vertically image-name new-image-name
brighten image-name new-image-name value
darken image-name new-image-name value
blur image-name new-image-name
sharpen image-name new-image-name
greyscale image-name new-image-name
sepia image-name new-image-name
where "image-name" refers to the name of the image in this program and "new-image-name" is the new image that will be saved in this program where the image associated with it has been transformed. For brighten and darken, "value" refers to the value it's being brightened/darkened by.
Note: greyscale and luma-greyscale perform the same operation
Here's an example of using these image modifying script commands:
- You want to brighten the image we loaded in the previous example ("landscape") by 32 and call it landscape-brighten so you enter:
brighten landscape landscape-bright 32
- But you also want to blur that brightened image and call it landscape-bright-n-blur so you enter:
blur landscape-bright landscape-bright-n-blur
. Now you have 3 images in your program: "landscape" which refers to the original image loaded in from.\Landscape.ppm
, "landscape-brighten" which refers to "landscape" brightened by a factor of 32, and "landscape-bright-n-blur" which refers to a blurred version of "landscape-brighten". You are able to access all 3 of these images during the time the program is running.
To save an image, enter this script command:
save [path-to-file] image-name
where `[path-to-file]`` is where you want the image to be saved on your system and "image-name" is the name it is refered to within the program. Note that only ppm, jpg, png, and bmp files are supported. However, you are able to mix and match in terms of loading and saving. For example, you could load in a JPG and save it as a PNG or load in a BMP and save it as a PPM.
Here's an example of saving:
- You want to save the "landscape-bright-n-blur" (from our previous example) at
so you enter:save .\Landscape-bright-n-blur.png landscape-bright-n-blur
. - You also want to save the original landscape image at
so you enter:save .\Landscape-jpg.jpg" landscape
To run this application with a GUI, cd
into the directory with ImageProcessingGUI.jar
and enter java -jar ImageProcessingGUI.jar
. The same image operations are available in the GUI based version as the text-based version. Load and save images into the program using the buttons on the bottom left side and enter commands in the text box on above those buttons. You are able to see your image change in the middle panel along with a histogram of the values of the currently displayed image.