Flagship Internship Manager allows you to track, manage, and organize internship entries efficiently. Here's a guide to understand and use the system.
Format: DD/MM/YYYY Constraints: Must be valid date with exactly 2 characters for day and month, and 4 characters for the year. All segments must be integers.
Format: Integer Constraints: Must be a positive integer.
Constraints: Cannot be empty.
Constraints: Cannot be empty.
Constraints: Must be separated by '|'. Cannot be empty or have duplicates. '|' is treated as a special character and cannot be part of a requirement.
Valid Values: Yet to apply, Applied, In Progress, Accepted, Rejected.
Purpose: Add a new internship entry.
Example: Copy code user Input: create Prompt: Enter the internship’s start date in DD/MM/YYYY format. user Input: 20/02/2001 ... [other prompts and inputs as described]
Success Output: Here is the information of the entry: Start Date: {startDate} ... [other fields displayed]
Error Messages: The value entered for this field is invalid. This field is compulsory, please do not leave it empty.
Purpose: Display details of a specific internship entry.
Example: read 1
Success Output: Here is the information of entry {number}: Start Date: {startDate} ... [other fields displayed]
Error Messages: There are no internship entries associated with {number}. “read” expects 1 numeric parameter.
Purpose: Display all internship entries. list
Success Output: Here are your internship entries: ... [entries displayed]
Error Message: “list” expects no parameters.
Purpose: Edit an existing internship entry.
Example: user Input: update 1 ... [prompts and user inputs as described]
Success Output: Entry at {number} has been updated. Exited editing mode.
Error Messages: Error updating internship entry at {number}. “update” expects 1 numeric parameter.
Purpose: Remove an existing internship entry.
delete {number}
Example: delete 1
Success Output: {companyName} at {number} is deleted.
Error Messages: There are no internship entries associated with {number}. “delete” expects 1 numeric parameter.
Thank you for using Flagship Internship Manager! If you have any feedback or issues, please contact support.