A simple gRPC server written in Go that you can use for testing.
This sample is dependent on this issue to be complete.
- Install Knative
- Install docker
Build and run the gRPC server. This command will build the server and use kubectl
to apply the configuration.
# Build and publish the container, run from the root directory.
docker build \
--tag "${REPO}/serving/samples/grpc-ping-go" \
--file=serving/samples/grpc-ping-go/Dockerfile .
docker push "${REPO}/serving/samples/grpc-ping-go"
# Replace the image reference with our published image.
perl -pi -e "[email protected]/knative/docs/serving/samples/grpc-ping-go@${REPO}/serving/samples/grpc-ping-go@g" serving/samples/grpc-ping-go/*.yaml
# Deploy the Knative sample
kubectl apply -f serving/samples/grpc-ping-go/sample.yaml
- Fetch the created ingress hostname and IP.
# Put the Host name into an environment variable.
export SERVICE_HOST=`kubectl get route grpc-ping -o jsonpath="{.status.domain}"`
# Put the ingress IP into an environment variable.
export SERVICE_IP=`kubectl get svc knative-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}"`
- Use the client to send message streams to the gRPC server
go run -tags=grpcping ./serving/samples/grpc-ping-go/client/client.go -server_addr="$SERVICE_IP:80" -server_host_override="$SERVICE_HOST"