The BPM tool provides additional formula functions.
Formula script can be utilized in conditions, script tasks, various task actions. Some functions can be used in a workflow (broadcastSignal, startProcess).
- bpm\targetEntity\attribute
- bpm\createdEntity\attribute
- bpm\processEntity\attribute
- bpm\startProcess
- bpm\broadcastSignal
- bpm\caughtErrorCode
- bpm\caughtErrorMessage
Fetches an attribute value of a target record.
bpm\createdEntity\attribute(ALIAS_ID, ATTRIBUTE)
Fetches an attribute value of a record created within a process.
Available records:
- records created within Task activities;
- user tasks;
- sent messages.
ALIAS_ID can be obtained:
- from the detail view of a Task that has an action that creates a record;
- from the detail view of a User Task (ID field);
- from the detail view of a Send Message Task (ID field).
!!! example
$resolutionNote = bpm\createdEntity\attribute('e6cmwnd894', 'resolutionNote');
Fetches an attribute value of a process record.
Starts a process.
!!! example
`bpm\startProcess('flowchart-id', 'Account', 'account-id');`
– broadcast a regular signalbpm\broadcastSignal(SIGNAL_NAME, ENTITY_TYPE, ENTITY_ID)
– broadcast an object signal
It can be useful to broadcast a custom signal from a worfklow rule and then catch it inside a running process. A workflow rule will perform some condition checking and only after than will broadcast a signal.
!!! example "Example, regular signal"
$signalName = string\concatenate(
Then it will be possible to catch the signal in a BPM process by listening to the signal `notePostedInCaseBySupportManager.{$id}`.
!!! example "Example, object signal"
Workflow on Quote Item broadcasts a signal when amount is changed.
bpm\broadcastSignal('@quoteItemIsChanged', 'Quote', entity\attribute('quoteId'));
Then it will be possible to catch the signal by a workflow. It can be useful for situations when you need to recalculate something when a related record is changed.
As of v2.14.
Returns the code of a caught error. Error codes are of the string type. Can be used after a catching Error Event.
As of v2.14.
Returns the message of a caught exception. Can be used after a catching Error Event.