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File metadata and controls

392 lines (290 loc) · 12 KB


The View is the most oftenly used class in the frontend. Every page is rendered by multiple view objects. Views can have child views. Child views can have their own child views. And so on. When a parent view is rendered (by calling the render method), it generates HTML from all children and adds it to the DOM.

A view file client/custom/src/views/test/my-custom-view.js:

// AMD module definition. The first argument can be omitted.
// Names should be in a lower case. A hyphen to be used for word separation.
// The `custom:` prefix indicates a loader that the base path is `client/custom/src`.
// A `my-module:` prefix would correspond to `client/custom/modules/my-module/src`.
define('custom:views/test/my-custom-view', ['view'], function (View) {

    // Extending from the base `view` class.
    // Alternatively, you can use ES6 classes as of v7.2. Example below.
    return View.extend({

        // A template path, see its content.
        // The `custom` prefix indicates that the base path is `client/custom/res/templates`.
        template: 'custom:test/my-custom-view',

        // Alternatively a template content can be defined right here.
        //templateContent: `<div class="some-test-container">{{{someKeyName}}}</div>`,

        // Initializing. Called on view creation, the view is not yet rendered.
        setup: function () {
            // Calling the parent `setup` method, can be omitted.
            // Instantiate some property.
            this.someParam1 = 'test 1';

            // When we create a child view in the setup method, rendering of the view is held off
            // until the child view is loaded (ready), the child view will be rendered along with the parent view.
            // The first argument is a key name that can be used to access the view further.
            // The second argument is a view name.
            // The method returns a promise that resolves to a view object.
            this.createView('someKeyName', 'custom:test/my-custom-child-view', {
                // Define a selector of the container element.
                el: this.getSelector() + ' .some-test-container', 
                // Or a relative selector (as of v7.2):
                // selector: '.some-test-container',
                // Pass some parameter.
                someParam: 'test',
            // Options passed from the parent view.
            // A model can be passed from the parent view.
            // All event listeners are recommended to be initialized in the `setup` method.

            // Use listenTo & listenToOnce methods for listening to events of another object
            // to prevent memory leakage.

            // Subscribe to model change.
            // Subscribing with the `listenTo` method guarantees automatic unsubscribing on view removal,
            // so there won't be a memory leak.
            this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', () => {
                // Whether a specific attribute changed.
                if (this.model.hasChanged('someAttribute')) {
                    let value = this.model.get('someAttribute');
            // Subscribe to model sync (saved or fetched). Fired only once.
            this.listenToOnce(this.model, 'sync', () => {});
            // Subscribe to a DOM event. `cid` contains an ID unique among all views.
            // Requires explicit unsubscribing on view removal.
            $(window).on('some-event.' + this.cid, () => {});

        // Called after contents is added to the DOM.
        afterRender: function () {
            // The view container (JQuery DOM element).
            // The view container (DOM element).
            // Accessing a child view.
            let childView = this.getView('someKeyName');
            // Checking whether a view is set.
            let hasSomeView = this.hasView('someKeyName');
            // Destroying a child view, also removes it from DOM.
            // Initializing a reference to some DOM element.
            this.$someElement = this.$el.find('.some-element');
        // Data to be passed to the template.
        data: function () {
            return {
                someParam2: 'test 2',
        // DOM event handlers.
        events: {
            'click a[data-action="test"]': function (e) {
                // Reading an element attribute.
                let value = $(e.currentTarget).attr('data-value');
        // Called when the view is removed.
        // Useful for destroying event listeners initialized for the view.
        onRemove: function () {
            $(window).off('some-event.' + this.cid);
        // A custom method.
        actionTest: function (value) {
            // Create and render a child view.
            this.createView('testKey', 'custom:test/my-another-custom-child-view', {
                el: this.getSelector() + ' .another-test-container', 
                value: value,
            .then(view => view.render());
        someMethod: function () {
            // As of v7.3.
            // To proceed only when the view is rendered.
            // Useful when the method can be invoked by the caller before the view is rendered.
            this.whenRendered().then(() => {
                // Do something with DOM.

Template file client/custom/res/templates/test/my-custom-view.tpl:

<div class="some-test-container">{{{someKeyName}}}</div>

    <a class="action" data-action="test">Test Action</a>

<div class="another-test-container"></div>

See more about templates.

Note: When you extend a view that already has its events and you want to add more events, do it the following way:

    events: {
        'click a[data-action="test"]': function (e) {

See the source file of the view class.

As of v7.2 it's possible to use es6 classes with fields when extending a view:

define(['view'], View => {

     * A custom view class extended from the base view class `view`.
     * The following JSDoc tags enables code completion in PhpStorm/WebStorm.
     * @extends module:view.Class
     * @memberOf module:custom:views/my-view
    class Class extends View {    
        someProperty = 'value'
        setup() {
    return Class;

Waiting for some data loaded before rendering

Sometimes we need to get some data loaded asynchronously before the view is rendered. For this purpose we can use the wait method inside the setup method.

The wait method can receive a promise:

    setup: function () {

The model factory returns a promise, so we can pass it to the view method:

    setup: function () {
                .then(model => {

                    return model.fetch();
                .then(data => {

Wait until a model is fetched. The fetch method returns a promise.

    setup: function () {

Wait for multiple independent promises:

    setup: function () {
    setup: function () {

A simple way to wait:

    setup: function () {
        // This holds off the rendering.

            .then(response => {
                // This cancels waiting and proceeds to rendering.


Called internally on initialization. Put initialization logic here. Options passed by the parent view are available in this.options.


Called internally after render. Put manipulation with DOM here.


Called intenally on view removal. Reasonable for unsubscribing.


Creates a child view. When we create a child view in the setup method, rendering of the view is held off until the child view is loaded (ready), the child view will be rendered along with the parent view. The first argument is a key name that can be used to access the view further (with getView method). The second argument is a view name. The method returns a promise that resolves to a view object.


  • viewKey – a view key;
  • viewName – a view name (path);
  • options – options.

Standard options (all are optional):

  • selector – a relative CSS to the view selector (as of v7.3);
  • model – a model;
  • collection – a collection.

It's important that every view have their actual selector so that the application knows how to access them (for re-rendering).


Removes a child view.


  • viewKey – a view key.


Get a child view by a key.


  • viewKey – a view key.


Re-renders a view. Usually, called from inside the view. Returns a promise resolved once rendering is finished.


  • forceboolean – force rendering if the view was not rendered before.


Render a view. Should be called if the view is called not in the setup method (after the view is already ready or rendered). Returns a promise resolved once rendering is finished.


Method should is called internally when rendering. Should return a key => value data (Object.<string, mixed>) that will be passed to a template.

templateContent = `
    <div data-name="someName">{{{someKeyName}}}</div>

setup() {
    this.createView('someKeyName', 'custom:test/my-custom-child-view', {}); 

actionShowModal() {
    this.createView('dialog', 'custom:test/my-modal-view', {selector: '> [data-name="someName]'})
        .then(view => {
            this.listenToOnce(view, 'some-event', eventData => {


    setup: function () {
        // Use this way only when the view subscribes to self.
        this.on(eventName, callback); // subscribe to self
        this.once(eventName, callback); // subscribe once, callback); // unsubscribe
        // Use this way to subscribe to another object. Prevents memory leaking.
        this.listenTo(object, eventName, callback); // subscribe to another object
        this.listenToOnce(object, eventName, callback); 
        this.stopListening(object, eventName); // unsubscribe
        // Triggering event.
        this.trigger(eventName, objectWithEventData); // passing data        

Built-in events

  • after:render – after the view is rendered;
  • remove – when the view is removed (destroyed); use it for cleaning up.