Story 3: Add an Auto Scaling Group and load balancer
- Remember to commit changes to the template to version control on the
branch, and push changes to theremote
to provision thewebapp-develop
$ git add templates/template.yaml
$ git commit -m "Story 3 (work-in-progress)"
$ git push origin develop
- As the pipeline obtains and deploys template changes to the stack, you can monitor the stack changes from the console
- Add a Lifecycle Configuration to the template
- Obtain subnet Ids for public subnets in the default VPC. These are required for the Auto Scaling Group and load balancer
$ aws ec2 describe-subnets \
--query "Subnets[*].SubnetId"
Add an Auto Scaling Group to the template
- Remove the EC2 instance for thw webserver, which is no longer needed
Enhance the template for the pipeline to communicate parameter information required for the
stack. -
Update the
stack for the pipeline to supply parameter information, and verify that thewebapp-develop
stack is provisioned successfully
# Copy pipeline.yaml to templates/pipeline.yaml
# Copy with-subnets-pipeline-parameters.example.json to templates/with-subnets-pipeline-parameters.json
# Edit templates/with-subnets-pipeline-parameters.json and provide the subnet information
# Update the stack to provision the pipeline
$ aws cloudformation update-stack \
--stack-name pipeline-webapp-develop \
--template-body file://templates/pipeline.yaml \
--parameters file://templates/with-subnets-pipeline-parameters.json \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Add an Elastic Load Balancer to the template
- Change the template output to print the load balancer DNS address. Verify that the website is available at the published DNS address
- Commit the changes and move on to kata-4