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60 lines (39 loc) · 1.96 KB

AGE-Viewer-2.0 beta (WIP)


this project is a viewer for Apache AGE, AgensGraph AGE is a graph database that is postgresql extension, and this viewer is a desktop application that can be used to visualize the graph data stored in AGE.

It will be developed to support Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.



Architecture (WIP)

  1. next js + electron + react + typescript (template:
  2. IPC (inter-process communication) between electron and react
  3. using sqlite3 for storing data for application state
  4. using chakra-ui for UI components

Recomend develop Environment

  1. node js version 18.x.x and later
  2. python verson 3.10 (only 3.10 allowd)
  3. "AgensGraph" or "Apache AGE" (postgresql graph database extension)

How to run

  1. clone this repository
  2. run yarn install
  3. run yarn libs
  4. run yarn dev

Code convention

  • String is in single quotes (')
    문자열은 홀따옴표(')로

  • With a semicolon at the end of the code.
    코드 마지막에 세미콜른이 있게

  • Do not use tabs and replace them with space bars.
    탭의 사용을 금하고 스페이스바 사용으로 대체하게

  • Indentation width of 2 spaces
    들여쓰기 너비는 2칸

  • When you create an object or array, you also put a comma on the element or on the back of the key-value.
    객체나 배열을 작성 할 때, 원소 혹은 key-value의 맨 뒤에 있는 것에도 쉼표를 붙임

  • One line of code is maximum 80 spaces
    코드 한줄이 maximum 80칸

Contributors, and Contributions

  1. If you have a code that you want to contribute to, pull request

    기여하고자 하는 코드가 있다면 pull request 하세요

  2. Please write a title and message for the pull request squash.

    pull request 할 때 squash를 위한 제목과 메시지를 작성하여 부탁드립니다.