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StackRox Platform Integration Tests

This framework is designed to test integration and functional flows through APIs on a running k8s or openshift cluster.


Gradle is used to build and run tests written in Groovy using the Spock test framework.

  • If you would like to use the recommended IDE:
    • Download and install IntelliJ IDEA and create a new project from the qa-tests-backend directory.

Running Tests

  • If protos have been changed or not generated: make proto-generated-srcs
  • If you plan to run tests pulling from (currently every test derived from BaseSpecification), set REGISTRY_USERNAME and REGISTRY_PASSWORD env vars. Read-only credentials are available in bitwarden's "ACS general engineering secrets" collection under readonly user.

Test access to the Stackrox instance under test

These tests work best against a StackRox deployed using deploy/{k8s,openshift}/ scripts. If you deploy with another method e.g. helm, or want to test against an existing cluster, or want to switch between clusters you will need to consider the following environment variables:

  • API_HOSTNAME: defaults to 'localhost' because creates a proxy to central at localhost:8000
  • API_PORT: defaults to 8000
  • CLUSTER: Either OPENSHIFT or K8S. This is inferred from the most recent deploy/{k8s,openshift}/central-deploy dir, so if you are deploying another way or have more than 1 cluster type deployed then you will need to set this appropriately.
  • ROX_ADMIN_PASSWORD: This is inferred from the most recent deploy/{k8s,openshift}/central-deploy/password file.

When deploying using deploy/{k8s,openshift}/ scripts you may need:

  • MAIN_IMAGE_TAG: If your working directory has not been built and pushed and the output of make tag does not result in a resolvable tag for stackrox/main then you can set this to use an image suitable to run your tests.
  • REGISTRY_USERNAME, REGISTRY_PASSWORD: credentials. This is in conflict with the need to use credentials when running tests.

Using IntelliJ

If you have deployed StackRox into a cluster with the deploy/{k8s,openshift}/ script, the tests in src/test/groovy/ can be run directly. Cluster type and login data are inferred from the deploy/{k8s,openshift}/central-deploy directory.

Tests dependent on integration credentials

  • If your tests depend on an integration password or token in an environment variable such as: GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_GCR_SCANNER_V2, EMAIL_NOTIFIER_PASSWORD, MAILGUN_PASSWORD, JIRA_TOKEN, DTR_REGISTRY_PASSWORD, QUAY_PASSWORD
    • Create a qa-tests-backend/ file that contains environment variable assignments.
    • Copy environment variable settings from BitWarden

Custom configuration

  • If you have deployed the cluster differently or need to use a custom environment variable configuration:
  • Go to Run > Edit Configurations
  • Select Gradle, add a new configuration
    • Script path :<Groovy class name>.groovy

    • Working Directory :

    • Environment Variables:

      • CLUSTER: Either OPENSHIFT or K8S
      • API_HOSTNAME: hostname central is running; default localhost
      • API_PORT: central port; default 8000
      • ROX_USERNAME: default admin
      • ROX_ADMIN_PASSWORD: default read from deploy dir based on specified CLUSTER
      • KUBECONFIG: kubeconfig file to use
      • POD_SECURITY_POLICIES: set to false if the underlying kubernetes cluster does not support pod security policies
    • module : qa-test-backend.test

  • Save the configuration and run the test.

Using command-line

If you have deployed StackRox into a cluster with the script, the tests in src/test/groovy/ can be run directly from the command-line without setting any environment variables. Cluster type and login data are inferred from the central-deploy directory.

To run tests, from within qa-tests-backend directory:

  • A single test: ./gradlew test --tests=TestName, where TestName is the name of the test, e.g, TestSummary
  • A single test with filtering: ./gradlew test --tests=TestName.*filter*, where filter is something to match in the test def string, e.g, ComplianceTest.*CVE* matches all feature tests that include CVE.
  • A test group: ./gradlew test -Dgroups=GroupName, where GroupName is the name of the test group, e.g, BAT
  • A makefile target: make -C qa-backend-tests smoke-test

Custom configuration

If you have deployed the cluster differently or need to use a custom configuration, set CLUSTER, API_HOSTNAME, PORT,ROX_USERNAME, ROX_ADMIN_PASSWORD and other relevant integration credential environment variables.

Running a single test multiple times

To test for flakiness, you can run a single test multiple times while emulating a CI environment. This is achieved by running the following commands:

./tests/e2e/ -t "$MAIN_IMAGE_TAG" -y --config-only qa
./tests/e2e/ -d -t "$MAIN_IMAGE_TAG" --spin-cycle=100 -y qa DiagnosticBundleTest

Note that access to the CI vault instance is required to set up credentials as they are used in CI.

Adding Tests


New tests are added with a @Tag annotation to indicate which to which group the test belongs. The default test group that runs in CI is the BAT group.

Running Bits of Groovy

Developing groovy code in a test specification context has a lot of overhead and can often be painful. For more details see sampleScripts.

Common Failure Patterns

When the proxy to central dies

Connection refused: localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8000

You will need to start another proxy:

nohup oc port-forward -n stackrox svc/central 8000:443 &

Or use the script provided by the deployment script:

deploy/{k8s,openshift}/central-deploy/central/scripts/ 8000

When image pulls from get throttled

You shouldn't use images from DockerHub in tests. We don't use a paid account there and so image pulls get throttled, and tests that use such images fail.

If you need a specific image from DockerHub, pull it, retag as<your-tag-here> and push. Then consume the new image from<your-tag-here> in tests. Such pulls shouldn't get throttled.