● Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) is a signaling mechanism used to inform the TCP
sender about congestion.
● Whereas ECN+ is a minor extension of ECN wherein SYN/ACK packets also carry the ECN marks.
● This project is a further extension of ECN+.This algorithm is described in RFC 5562.
This project intends to implement ECN+/Wait in ns-3.
● RFC 5562 (Link: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5562)
● ECN support for TCP in ns-3 (Link: https://www.nsnam.org/docs/models/html/tcp.html#support-for-explicit-congestion-notification-ecn)
● http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/1090000/1080100/p61-kuzmanovic.pdf?ip=
The following is the explaination of this repositry:
This repositry contains the modified code for the implementation of ECN+.
It consists of files Tcp-Socketbase.cc, Tcp-Socketbase.h and the topology.
This repositry contains the results obtained after running our files. It consists of pcaps for each node.
This file consists of the concept of ns-3 ECN and then ECN+ i,e.,why is it used and how it works etc..
This file consists of the activities done by us in each week and our assumptions etc...
This file contains of the changes we have done to the ECN enabled Tcp-Socketbase files in order to
implement ECN+
* Download the ns3-dev-gitmaster from ns3 repositry of github
* extract the folder and build the tools necessary (works on ubuntu 16.04)
* copy the following topology into the scratch folder.
* copy the tcp-socketbase.cc and tcp-socketbase.h files in the respective locations src/internet/model/
* run this with the command "./waf --run <topology-file name>
* there will be a results repositry created. pcaps will be stored.open pcap for any node and you can
observe the packets flow from that node.
● shiva swaroop.v (16CO252)
● sanjith geddam (16CO111)
● kunal M (16CO227)