Title | Command |
Duplicate a line | C-a C-Space C-e M-w Cmd-v |
Emmet Auto Complete | C-j |
Transpose character | C-t |
Delete word from cursor to start of word | C-Backspace |
Enter/ Exit Darkroom | C-c d |
I have started looking into elisp seriously. Might be helpful to pull packages directly from Github https://github.crookster.org/switching-to-straight.el-from-emacs-26-builtin-package.el/
I want to learn how to do move, copy, paste, and replace operations. Most of my time as a developer is spent on modifying text. I think I should be good at it
Working config -> clojure-emacs/cider#2747
Like org mode renders something but the actual typing is different. How is emacs able to handle this? What is this concept called?
This looks promising https://github.com/rnkn/olivetti
This is also an option https://github.com/joaotavora/darkroom
You’ll probably need to Read the manual https://orgmode.org/manual/index.html
Sometime I might write something, like in my journal, that deserves more attention. How do I convert that into a file?
I solved it by using narrowing, just narrow the table to the single row with
C-x n e
and applyM-<Right>
and then widen withC-x n w
Task | Command | Notes |
Convert text to heading and back | C-c * | |
Add tags | C-c C-q | File level tags are added using #:FILETAGS: |
Add time | C-u C-c . | |
Cycle Todo Status | C-c C-t | |
View Agenda | C-a | |
Export | C-c C-e | |
Add property | C-c C-x p | With cursor on heading |
Delete property | C-c C-c d | With cursor on PROPERTIES |
Add link | C-c C-l | |
Add structure from template | C-c C-, | Add quotes, titles etc |
Focus on on item (heading, row, etc | C-c n e | |
Get out of focus mode | C-c n w |
(define-key map (kbd "C-M-+") 'darkroom-increase-margins)
(define-key map (kbd "C-M--") 'darkroom-decrease-margins)
There is too much info here, relevant if you want to learn the internals, but it’s not a getting started tutorial
There are dozens of Vim references online, but most of them either go ninja straight away, or start basic and don’t go much deeper.
Task | Command | Notes |
Delete a line | dd | |
Add a newline | 2o-esc | 2 could be any number |
Delete a char | x | |
Find and replace text | :1,10s/find/replace | 1 is start line, 10 is end line, $ for end of doc |
Copy a line | yy |