git checkout -b 'github-pages'
helm package simple -d simple
helm package fluentd-cloudwatch -d fluentd-cloudwatch
helm package cronjob -d cronjob
helm repo index . --url
git add .
git commit -m 'update chart'
- source: github-pages
- path: /
step1: update Chart.yaml version
vi simple/Chart.yaml
- version: 0.0.1
+ version: 0.0.2
step2: package chart file
helm package simple -d simple
step3: update index.yaml
helm repo index . --url
step4: push new chart version to chart server
git add .
git commit -m 'update chart'
step1. update .github/workflows/update-chart.yaml
example add new chart: eks
vi .github/workflows/update-chart.yaml
- name: Package helm chart file and create index.yaml
+ helm package eks -d eks