yarn add https://github.com/shoplineapp/shopline-sdk-node.git
const developerOAuth = new DeveloperOAuth({
endpoint: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_ENDPOINT,
clientId: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_REDIRECT_URI,
scope: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_SCOPE,
logger: log,
- authenticate
- The following fields would be added into res.locals
- res.locals.currentMerchantId
- res.locals.currentToken
- res.locals.performerId
- res.locals.performerMerchantIds
- The following fields would be added into res.locals
await developerOAuth.authenticate(req, res, next)
will inject currentMerchantId
, currentToken
, performerId
and performerMerchantIds
into req.locals
- callback
- Used as a callback handler under redirect_uri to inject access token to express session
- Exchanged token would be added to req.session.accessTokens
await developerOAuth.callback(req, res, next)
⚠️ For development environment with multiple machines: Session redis should be separated for multiple machines, as we will attempt to get latest token for redirect uri, and it may cause problem when redirecting.
will handle OAuth callbacks and inject accessTokens
into req.session.accessTokens
When request passing through authenticate middleware, error may throw during the authentication process. You can override the default error handling by pass in middlewares to DeveloperOAuth constructor
const myErrorHandleFunc = async (req, res, next, error) => {
const errorHandler = {
ConfigurationError: myErrorHandleFunc,
SessionError: myErrorHandleFunc,
RefreshTokenError: myErrorHandleFunc,
DecodeTokenError: myErrorHandleFunc,
const developerOAuth = new DeveloperOAuth({
endpoint: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_ENDPOINT,
clientId: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_REDIRECT_URI,
scope: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_SCOPE,
errorHandler: errorHandler,
logger: log,
DeveloperOAuth will ensure the access token login session with oauth service behind by default.
But this requires your app hosted in the same domain of the oauth service. i.e. *.shoplineapp.com.
If your app is hosted outside our domain, or you don't want the feature, you can disable it by setting ensureLoginSession
to false
when initialize.
const developerOAuth = new DeveloperOAuth({
endpoint: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_ENDPOINT,
clientId: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_REDIRECT_URI,
scope: process.env.DEVELOPER_OAUTH_APP_SCOPE,
ensureLoginSession: false,
logger: log,
If your app is behind proxy, please set trust proxy in express.
Without doing so, it might affect the protocol, ip and host of the Request object passed in when express needs to read real values from X-Forward-
ref: https://expressjs.com/en/guide/behind-proxies.html
app.set('trust proxy', 1)
const openApiClient = new OpenApiClient({
baseURL: process.env.OPEN_API_ENDPOINT,
accessToken: res.locals.currentToken,
logger: log,
- Get Merchant
await openApiClient.getMerchant(merchantId, fields)
- Get Staff
await openApiClient.getStaff(merchantId, fields, include_fields)
- Get Staff Permission
await openApiClient.getStaffPermission(merchantId, fields)
- request (axios request config)
await openApiClient.request(options)
const appBridge = new AppBridge({
developerOAuth: new DeveloperOauth({...}),
tokenStore: new MyTokenStore()
Token store is responsible to saving and fetch token data from storage. You need to implement the interface and pass to AppBridge when initializing it.
interface TokenStoreInterface {
async fetch(clientId: string, merchantId: string, staffId: string): Promise<any>
async save(clientId: string, merchantId: string, staffId: string, tokenData: any): Promise<any>
- startAuth
- Used as starting point handler of OAuth flow triggered by app bridge frontend
await appBridge.startAuth()
- callback
- Used as a callback handler under redirect_uri to store access token through tokenStore provided
await appBridge.callback()
- authenticate
- Validating the session token passed along with request
- Ensure access token exists in tokenStore if needed
- The following fields would be added into res.locals
- res.locals.currentMerchantId
- res.locals.currentToken
- res.locals.performerId
await appBridge.authenticate( { requireAccessToken: <bool> } )