% User Guide for Personal VoidLinux Installation and Usage
- install void linux
- install following apps:
sudo xbps-install -S curl ntfs-3g void-repo-nonfree
- set suid for ntfs-3g:
sudo groupadd ntfsuser
sudo chown root:ntfsuser $(which ntfs-3g)
sudo chmod 4750 $(which ntfs-3g)
sudo usermod -aG ntfsuser rshourov
- create few folders in /media:
sudo mkdir -p /media/windows
sudo mkdir -p /media/collection
sudo mkdir -p /media/usba
sudo mkdir -p /media/usbb
sudo mkdir -p /media/usbc
- set /etc/fstab for ntfs drives:
sudo vim /etc/fstab:
/dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
/dev/sda4 /media/collection ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
- download larbs files:
curl -LO larbs.xyz/vlarbs.sh
sudo su
bash vlarbs.sh
edit .local/bin/dmenumount:
- edit line 26 (at mountusb function)to add rw and umask option:
sudo -A mount "$chosen" "$mp" -o rw,umask=0000;...........
- edit line 26 (at mountusb function)to add rw and umask option:
add bangla locale:
- uncomment bn.BD_UTF.8 at /etc/default/libc-locales
- then- > sudo xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales
- very good tutorial: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/396904/fstab-mount-options-for-umask-fmask-dmask-for-ntfs-with-noexec
> sudo wpa_cli
> add_nework
> set_network <0> ssid "Xiaomi_rms"
> set_network <0> psk "aa.......41"
> enable_network <0>
> save_config
> reconnect
> quit
- my default sound card is HDA Intel PCH, which is shown as Card 1
- create /etc/asound.conf:
defaults.ctl.card 1; defaults.pcm.card 1;
- download ungoogled-chromium and unzip
- rename chromium_sandbox to chromium-sandbox and set-suid:
sudo chown root chromium-sandbox sudo chmod 4755 chromium-sandbox
- install libatomic with xbps
- run chromium-wrapper
- link chromium-wrapper to .local/bin:
cd .local/bin ln -s ~/Downloads//chromium-wrapper .
- install inox browser extension-installer:
cd repos/ git clone https://github.com/gcarq/inoxunpack.git
- install python-pip3: sudo xbps-install -S python3-pip
- install requests module: sudo pip install requests
- cd to ~/repos/inoxunpack/
- download extensions:
./inoxunpack.py ublock-origin ./inoxunpack.py dbepggeogbaibhgnhhndojpepiihcmeb [this is for vimium] ./inoxunpack.py fpnlpehjhijpamloppfjljenemeokfio [for night-shift]
- install extensions: ) go to chrome://extensions ) click Developer Mode ) Click Load unpacked extensions ) select folder
- an alternative to ublock is adnauseam: https://adnauseam.io/
install intel driver:
sudo xbps-install -S xf86-video-intel
blacklist nouveau
sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf >> blacklist nouveau >> options nouveau modeset=0 sudo dracut -f sudo reboot
check display drivers
sudo xbps-install -S lshw sudo lshw -c video modinfo i915
check current vga kernel drivers:
lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'
- put these in ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc: # Audiokeys XF86AudioMute amixer sset Master toggle; refbar XF86Audio{Raise,Lower}Volume amixer sset Master 5%{+,-}; refbar
- reload dwm
- install xbacklight
- put these in ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc: XF86MonBrightnessUp xbacklight -inc 10 XF86MonBrightnessDown xbacklight -dec 10
- edit sudoer file:
sudo visudo
%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/xbacklight
- put these in dwm config.h
#include <X11/XF86keysym.h>
- compile and reload dwm
- follow instructions from here: https://coder360.blogspot.com/2019/07/bangla-unijoy-in-void-linux.html
- run ibus-setup
- input "ibus-daemon &" in .xprofile
> sudo xbps-install -S texlive
- put these in .bash_profile:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux
- now, you can search packages with:
tlmgr search --global biber
- install packages with:
sudo tlmgr install biber
- these link is useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/comments/c4rvge/anyone_know_how_to_get_latex_working/
- install ctex and collection-fontsrecommended, ctex has xetex which will be needed for xetex compilation (see .local/bin/compiler), other package has important fonts.
- install titling, framed for rmarkdown
- install latexbangla for bangla language support
- j
- k
- h
- l
- H - go to top of page
- L - go to end of page
- M - go to middle of page
- Ctl-u - go up half a page
- Ctl-d - go down half a page
- 0 - go to 1st of line
- $ - go to end of line
- gg - go to start line of file
- G - go to end line of file
- 2G - go to 2nd line
- i - insert
- a - insert after this letter
- o - insert a line below
- O - insert a line above
- I - insert mode at 1st of line
- A - insert mode after end of line
- w - go to next word start
- e - go to next word end
- b - go back at start of prev word
- x - delete character
- dd - delete current line
- 3dd - delete 3 lines
- dw - delete upto next start of word
- db - delete back upto prev start of word
- de - delete upto end of next word
- D - delete upto end of line
- C - delete upto end of line and insert/ change
- d2w/d2b/d2e - delete 2 words
- diw/daw - delete current word
- ciw/caw - delete current word and insert
- dis/das - delete current sentence
- cis/cas - delete current sentence and insert
- dip/dap - delete current paragraph
- cip/cap - delete current paragraph and insert
- J - append next line with current line
- v -visual mode
- gj - go to next line in visual
- gk - go to prev line in visual
- Y - yank current line
- y - yank current line in visual
- p - paste
- u - undo
- Ctl-r - redo
- r - replace
- R - replace mode
- . - repeat previous command or input
- Ctl-g - show file status and location
- / - search in forward direction
- ? - search in backward direction
- n - go to next instance of search
- N - go to prev instance of search
- % - go to the maching parenthesis like ), } or ]
- :w - save
- :wq - save and quit
- :x - save and quit
- ZZ - save and quit
- !q - quit not saving
- ZQ - quit not saving
- :s/old/new/g - substitute old with new on the current line
- :s/old/new - substitute old with new on the 1st instance
- :#,#s/old/new/g - change every occurence of old on the 02 lines, i.e. :198,199s/ol/pi/g.
- :%s/old/new/g - change every occurence in whole file
- :! followed by external command, i.e.':!rm voidrice' will delete this file
- :#,# w test will save from line to line to a file name test, i.e. :189,203 w test.txt
- :r test - retreive content of the file named test and insert here
- :set ic - ignore case, useful when searching
- set hls is - set the hlsearch and incsearch options; hlsearch is for highlighting the searched item, incsearch is highlighting during typing search command
- :help - to open vim help
- :help incsearch - open help for incsearch
- :help user-manual - user manual
- :edit ~/.vimrc - edit vimrc
- zz or z. - put current line to middle of screen
- zt - put current line to top of screen
- zb - put current line to bottom of screen
- Ctl-T - indent (also works on bullets)
- Ctl-D - outdent
- Ctrl-Space - checkbox and toggle checkbox (vimwiki)
- gl-Space - remove checkbox (vimwiki)
- zo - open/expand fold
- zc - close/shrink fold
- install transmission and transmission-remote-cli
- edit ~/.local/share/applications/torrent.desktop to replace toradd with transadd (it is in .local/bin/)
- install python3-neovim
- install following vim plugins:
- install nvim-r and deoplete
- install fzf and fzf.vim
Plug 'junegunn/fzf' Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
- add following lines in vimrc:
" Fuzzy file finder let g:fzf_action = { \ 'ctrl-s': 'split', \ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' \ } nnoremap :FZF augroup fzf autocmd! autocmd! FileType fzf autocmd FileType fzf set laststatus=0 noshowmode noruler | autocmd BufLeave set laststatus=2 showmode ruler augroup END
to add fzf in bash, put these in .bashrc:
[ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && source ~/.fzf.bash export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='find .'
this line helps saving in insert mode with F3:
inoremap :w
use vim as an R IDE: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/turning-vim-into-an-r-ide-cd9602e8c217/
- install libressl, libressl-devel, libcurl-devel, libgmp, libgomp-devel, gcc-fortran, libgfortran-devel, blas-devel, openblas, openblas-devel, lapack-devel with xbps
- install these R packages: devtools, lintr, languageserver
- install these vim plugins using vim-plug: jalvesaq/nvim-r, junegunn/fzf and fzf.vim, neoclide/coc.nvim, csv.vim (for viewing dataframes)
- for coc.vim plugin:
- in root do these: curl -sL install-node.now.sh/lts | bash
- also install yarn using xbps [don't know if it is required]
- Put some general settings for coc.nvim: https://octetz.com/posts/vim-as-go-ide
- install these coc extensions: coc-r-lsp, coc-vimlsp, coc-word, coc-lists, coc-python, coc-yaml, coc-diagnostic, coc-snippets.
- install vim-snippets with Plug
- set Tab as selection cycle key and Enter as selection key.
- install ctag for file tagging (need to learn more on this)
sf package a dependency of units package, which needs libudunits. But libudunits is not available in VoidLinux.
for udunits, we need to install expat and expat-devel from xbps.
If any source package is needed, we can find it in AUR of archlinux. At any page there is a link for the source package. From aur we can find source package of udunits at: ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/udunits/udunits-2.2.26.tar.gz
unzip the folder.
First, we need to configure it to install it at /usr, because in this file the default directory is /usr/local/
./configure --prefix=/usr
Then install:
sudo make sudo make install
install: > sudo xbps-install -S -f libgdal libgdal-devel libgdal-tools proj proj-devel geos geos-devel
if it still shows that it cannot find proj_api.h, then install proj source from here: https://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-6.2.0.tar.gz
- install the source using setting prefix=/usr
- then install proj and proj-devel using 'xbps-install -Sf'
now install the R package using install.packages("sf")
Use nvim-R for Vim as R IDE https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/turning-vim-into-an-r-ide-cd9602e8c217/
Use following commands: (in my vimrc, local leader = ;)
- ;rf : open R in split screen
- ;l : run entire line
- ;aa : send entire file
- ;bb : entire block
- ;ss : entire selection
- ;ff : entire function
- ;rl : view object
- ;rh : open help (in split buffer)
- ;re : open example (in split buffer)
- ;rv : view data (in split buffer) -;o : show the output in the R file as comment
- _ : this will create an arrow (to create an actual underscore write underscore twice)
Instead of doing the basic flow of str() + plot(), etc…Nvim-R allows for a simplified flow.
- summary() :: ;rs
- plot() :: ;rg
- args() :: ;ra
- setwd() :: ;rd
- print() :: ;rp
- names() :: ;rn
Use following code
sudo chown rshourov /home/rshourov -R
- add following codes in ~/.config/surf/script.js:
- for link hinting: https://surf.suckless.org/files/link_hints
- for easier key: https://surf.suckless.org/files/easier_key
- for adblock: https://dev.ybad.name/OpenBSD-stuff/zerohosts
- download the zerohosts file and put it in .local/bin
cd .local/bin curl -L https://dev.ybad.name/OpenBSD-stuff/zerohosts > zerohosts sudo chmod a+x zerohosts
- edit the file and uncomment line 13 and comment line 14 (to enable curl and disable ftp)
- run the file : > sudo zerohosts
- download the zerohosts file and put it in .local/bin
- edit config.h:
- set SmoothScrolling to 1 (line 59)
- set Plugins 0
- set Fonts to 14
- set Zoom_Level to 1.2
- edit shortcut keys (located at line 156)
- set 'GDK_KEY_o' for spawn instead of 'g'
- comment out GDK_KEY_f for find
- put 'Shift-l' and 'Shift-h' for navigate forward and back
- in surf browser, C-y and C-Y will paste copied items in urlbar (called by o key)
- a code for guarantee link hinting in all pages: troubleshooters.com/linux/surf.htm
- edit the surf.c file to change GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY to GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD (line 1857 and line 1861); so that Selction_clipboard is the default clipboard for surf browser.
- To invert colors in all websites, put this line in defaults.css: >html, img, video { -webkit-filter: invert(95%) hue-rotate(180deg); }
- put these in ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc:
- for working copy paste:
set selction-clipboard clipboard
- for recoloring dark and white backgrounds:
set recolor true set recolor-lightcolor #FFE4C4 set recolor-darkcolor #839496
- for window title with file name:
set window-title-basename "true"
- install qbittorrent-nox
- put "qbittorrent-nox --daemon &" in .xprofile
- remove transmission-daemon from init service:
sudo rm -r /var/service/transmission-daemon
- access qbittorrent in browser by http://localhost:8080
- current username: rms.qbit; pass: aa----67
- download torrent file and open with lf, it will automatically start in qbittorrent-nox.
Having your config in Neovim's default location, do the following:
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site ln -s ~/.local/share/nvim/site ~/.vim ln -s .config/nvim/init.vim .vimrc
- this link:https://medium.com/@Andreas_cmj/how-to-setup-a-nice-looking-terminal-with-wsl-in-windows-10-creators-update-2b468ed7c326
- another good link: https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins
- copy .zshrc and .zprofile from Luke Smith's github
- copy all contents from /usr/share/xbps.d/ to /etc/xbps.d
- edit all respective files and edit the mirrors to "http://mirror.clarkson.edu/voidlinux/current"
- This is a good link: http://www.coderholic.com/using-git-and-github-to-sync-config-files/
- clone: > git clone https://github.com/cruegge/pam-gnupg
- install these packages:
sudo xbps-install -S mk-configure pam-devel
- cd to package directory. THen-
./autogen.sh ./configure sudo make
- install: > sudo xbps-install -S neomutt isync msmtp pass notmuch abook urlview
- install muttwizard from luke smith
- run gpg2 for a mail: > gpg2 --full-gen-key
- setup related mail password
- run: > pass init
- now:> mw add
- to open various files using relevant apps:
- edit muttwizard/share/mailcap before installing muttwizard; or
- edit /usr/share/mutt-wizard/mailcap.
- following are my current contents text/plain; $EDITOR %s ; text/html; openfile %s ; nametemplate=%s.html text/html; w3m -I %{charset} -T text/html; copiousoutput; #image/; muttimage %s ; copiousoutput image/; sxiv %s ; copiousoutput video/*; setsid mpv --quiet %s &; copiousoutput application/pdf; openfile %s ; application/pgp-encrypted; gpg -d '%s'; copiousoutput; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; loffice %s &; copiousoutput; application/msword; loffice %s &; copiousoutput; application/vnd.ms-excel; loffice %s &; copiousoutput;
du -sh
sudu su chsh -s /bin/zsh
- copy .zshrc to /root/
- edit PS1 in .zshrc as you wish
- backup current localtime: > sudo mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak
- link to zone: > sudo ln -s /etc/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Dhaka /etc/localtime
- set date manually: > sudo date -s "29 OCT 2019 22:50:15"
- set hardware clock to system time: > sudo hwclock -w
How to image preview in vifm:(tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgxsduCO1pE)
install ueberzug: sudo xbps-install -S python3-devel python3-psutil python3-Pillow python3-pillow-simd ueberzug
if any error with wheel, then update setuptools and wheel: sudo pip install --upgrade wheel setuptools
put 02 files in .config/vifm/scripts folder: vifmrun, vifmimg (from here: https://github.com/cirala/vifmimg)
make the 02 files executable with sudo chmod a+x
follow cirala git page to edit vifmrc
link vifmrun in .local/bin:
cd .local/bin ln -s ~/.config/vifm/scripts/vifmrun .
edit .bash_profile: export FILE='vifmrun'
if there is any permission error like cannot load data_points or something like that then: sudo chmod -R a+rX /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages (this maybe risky, don't do this if it is not required)
the vifmimg file is used for previewing image, gif, video and pdf
install ffmpegthumbnailer with xbps, which will also show video preview
install ImageMagick using xbps for previewing gif (with convert command)
install poppler-utils using xbps to preview pdf (using pdftoppm)
install epub-thumbnailer to preview epub:
git clone https://github.com/marianosimone/epub-thumbnailer.git cd epub-thumbnailer sudo python install.py install
edit the script vifmimg to change /tmp folder to $HOME/.config/vifm/tmp/
alternatively, do not preview pdf, epub and djvu with ueberzug, rather use pdftotext for pdf, and mediainfo for epub and djvu:
fileviewer *.pdf pdftotext -l 1 -nopgbrk %c - fileviewer *.epub mediainfo %c fileviewer *.djvu mediainfo %c
- show hidden files with 'zo'
- hide hidden files again with 'zm'
sudo pip install jupyterlab
- open jupyterlab with: > sudo jupyter lab --allow-root
- install vim extenstions:
- 1st, enable extension manager in jupyterlab settings
- install vim extension: sudo jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_vim
- install statsmodels package for various tools, which will also install numpy, scipy pandas etc: > sudo pip install statsmodels
- install matplotlib using pip
- put these line in visudo:
%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/shutdown,/usr/bin/reboot,/usr/bin/ZZZ,/usr/bin/wpa_cli,/usr/bin/mount,/usr/bin/umount,/usr/bin/loadkeys
- Dowload tabbed from git: git clone https://git.suckless.org/tabbed
- first: > make
- then, change 02 keys in config.h for rotate tab -1 and 1 with MODKEY and 'XK_j' and 'XK_k'
- then: > sudo make install
- I have created a small shell script 'tsurf', which will open the surf browser tabbed.
- The tsurf script has following line: > tabbed -r 2 surf -e lmao
- to install netstat: > sudo xbps-install -S net-tools
- Install:
cd ~/repos git clone git://github.com/bahamas10/vsv.git cd vsv/ ln -s vsv ~/.local/bin
- check service status, example: sudo vsv status alsa
setup w3m and aria2 from gotbletu: (setup w3m external command, keybindings etc, dian-mui for aria etc)
install bash_it from : https://github.com/Bash-it/bash-it
important dotfiles from: http://dotfiles.github.io/
install the_silver_searcher (ag), which provides aliases and others (haven't used it yet)
install autojump: can autojump to folders
- from here: https://github.com/wting/autojump
- after installing install.py, add lines to .bashrc (mentioned after installation)
- enable it using bash_it: bash-it enable plugin autojump
- another alternative is jump: https://github.com/gsamokovarov/jump
another way is to install powerline-shell (https://github.com/b-ryan/powerline-shell):
pip install --user powerline-shell
generate config:
mkdir -p ~/.config/powerline-shell &&
powerline-shell --generate-config > ~/.config/powerline-shell/config.json- remove "git" from config.json (which will minimize the bash prompt by removing git information)
- add "time" in segments
- create a new portion for time formats: "time": { "format": "%I:%M" }
remove previous PS1 and add these lines in .bashrc (for .zshrc it is different): function _update_ps1() { PS1=$(powerline-shell $?) }
if [[ $TERM != linux && ! $PROMPT_COMMAND =~ _update_ps1 ]]; then PROMPT_COMMAND="_update_ps1; $PROMPT_COMMAND" fi
install nerd fonts:> sudo xbps-install -S nerd-fonts
recompile st terminal with following font: "Inconsolata Nerd Font"
restart st
you can also install pfetch or neofetch and add them in .bashrc
- wipe all: sudo wipefs --all /dev/sdb
- repartition again with fdisk:
sudo fdisk /dev/sdb > n > p > enter > enter > enter > w
- reformat: sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1
- use dd: > sudo dd bs=4M if=path/to/linux.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress oflag=sync
- or a good script is from here: https://github.com/jsamr/bootiso
- install:
curl -L https://git.io/bootiso -O chmod +x mv bootiso ~/.local/bin
- edit the script (at around 625 lines) to change label size to 20 characters. (don't know if it is very important)
- install:
- install following programs:
sudo xbps-install -S bluez alsa alsa-plugins sbc sbc-devel libbluetooth libbluetooth-devel alsa-lib alsa-lib-devel alsa-utils
download bluez-alsa from here: git clone https://github.com/Arkq/bluez-alsa.git
follow following commands:
autoreconf --install mkdir build && cd build ../configure --disable-hcitop --with-alsaplugindir=/usr/lib/alsa-lib make && sudo make install
edit /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluealsa.conf and put like following lines:
put a file as /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d/20-bluealsa.conf, put info from from here: https://github.com/Arkq/bluez-alsa/blob/4d73f961eb0b3fbe16d5b9e01513727dfe07c432/src/asound/20-bluealsa.conf (don't know if this file really works)
add this line in .xprofile: bluealsa &
edit ~/.asoundrc as this: pcm.!default { type plug slave { pcm { type bluealsa device "03:7B:06:69:0B:41" profile "a2dp" } } hint { show on description "UiiSii TWS12 Earpod" } }
ctl.!default { type bluealsa }
defaults.ctl.card 1; defaults.pcm.card 1;
from above .asoundrc file:
- comment out bluealsa parts when using laptop soundbox
- comment out card 1 part when using bluealsa device
create 02 bash scripts in .local/bin
- bthconnect: #!/usr/bin/env sh
echo -e "power on\nconnect 03:7B:06:69:0B:41\nquit" | bluetoothctl
- bthdisconnect: #!/usr/bin/env sh
echo -e "disconnect 03:7B:06:69:0B:41\npower off\nquit" | bluetoothctl
chmod +x bthconnect chmod +x bthdisconnect
connect and disconnect using above 02 scripts
you can check if bluetooth device is connected by:
espeak "Hello, how are you?" -w ~/espeak.wav -s145 aplay -D bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=03:7B:06:69:0B:41,PROFILE=a2dp espeak.wav (it may not work)
some good links:
Limit mpv to open youtube videos at 720p video: mpv-player/mpv#4241
- put this in .config/mpv/mpv.conf:
xi -S mate
- add in .xinitrc: > exec mate-session
- remove dark borders around some mate windows:
- add these in .config/gkt-3.0/gtk.css: .window-frame { box-shadow: none; margin: 1px; }
- add a desktop entry for st terminal in .local/share/applications (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/St)
- install grub-customizer: sudo xbps-install -S grub-customizer
- move Artix Linux in top
- install xrdb: xi -S xrdb
- copy Luke Smith's Xresources from .config/, and put it in ~/
- uncomment dracula theme
- put this line in .xinitrc: [[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge -I$HOME ~/.Xresources
- (This process is currently not working.)
- install git, ripgrep, fd
- install emacs-gtk3
- clone this git using: git clone https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d
- Then: ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install
- create a service from this page: Emacs Service
- first backup previous .emacs.d/ and .emacs
- install from git: git clone -b develop https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
- run emacs
- change these setting in spacemacs: (https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/install-spacemacs/emacsclient-server.html)
- go to .spacemacs using SPC f e d
- change these options:
- dotspacemacs-enable-server t
- dotspacemacs-persistent-server t
- create a script called edit in .local/bin and sudo chmod a+x edit:
#!/bin/sh /usr/bin/emacsclient $1 -a '' -n -c
- change frame-killer key to SPC q q (not working right now, maybe need to install evil-leader package) (https://medium.com/@bobbypriambodo/blazingly-fast-spacemacs-with-persistent-server-92260f2118b7)
- close emacs using SPC q f
- tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8K-V3HHDA0
- create new auth id: https://rclone.org/drive/#making-your-own-client-id
- 0Auth client id: 898977677358-6g4vqkhuol9llolkq8gtj6q7j2q4b9om.apps.googleusercontent.com
- Client secret: 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
- create a folder: mkdir /home/rshourov/gdrive
- save the daemon in .xprofile: rclone mount --daemon gdrive: /home/rshourov/gdrive/ &
- install xtools: > xi -S xtools
- then: > sudo xcheckrestart
- to get number of packages installed: > xq -l | wc -l
- to get list of packages installed: > xbps-query -l | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs -n1 xbps-uhelper getpkgname
- Follow these links:
- Install vscode: > xi -Sy vscode
- Download Miniconda: > wget -c https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
- Install: > bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
- Follow the direction to hide the (base) every time the shell opens
- Create seperate environments for various tasks to avoid package conflict
- 1st, initialize: > conda init
- update: > conda update conda
- create: > conda create --name study_ds
- active: > conda activate study_ds
- you can deactivate by : > conda deactivate
- add conda-forge channel: > conda configs --add channels conda-forge
- set priority: > conda config --set channel_priority strict
- Use yt-dlp instead: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp
- Set default terminal as st in pcmanfm (advanced preference), so that command line programs run.
- follow this tutorial: https://kbroman.org/github_tutorial/pages/first_time.html
- first set up your name and email address:
git config --global user.name "Riad Mashrub Shourov"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
- Set up ssh:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
- Copy the content of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub file and in Github Account Settings > SSH keys
- In a terminal, test it -
ssh -T [email protected]
- create a Personal Access Token (PAT) in github and use it when asked for password
- save git credientials:
git config --global credential.helper store
- Use git:// instead of https:// to avoid asking password everytime
Save dotfiles in github (https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/dotfiles)
- We will use a git bare repository for this purpose
- create a bare git repository
cd ~
git init --bare $HOME/.cfg
- create an alias config:
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'
- We set a flag - local to the repository - to hide files we are not explicitly tracking yet. This is so that when you type config status and other commands later, files you are not interested in tracking will not show up as untracked.
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
- save the alias in .bashrc
echo "alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'" >> $HOME/.bashrc
- add a remote origin
config remote add origin [email protected]:shourovrm/rmsrice.git
- now we can check status:
config status
- add and commit any file or folder
config add ~/.tmux*
config commit -m "add tmux files"
- push to master
config push -u origin master
- delete any file from repository:
config rm ~/git.md
config commit -m "remove git.md"
config push -u origin master
- update files:
config add -u
config commit -m "updated files"
config push -u origin master
- nodejs closest bin can be found by -
npm bin
- put this in path in .profile
- put these lines in i3/config
#Then I have a window running R I use for basic arithmetic #I'll later bind this to mod+a. for_window [instance="math"] floating enable for_window [instance="math"] resize set 800 300 for_window [instance="math"] move position center for_window [instance="math"] move scratchpad exec --no-startup-id $TERMINAL -fn "xft:mono:pixelsize=24" -name math -e radian -q --vanilla bindsym $mod+a [instance="math"] scratchpad show; move position center
- after installation change /usr/local/bin/ytfzf, invidious_instance from https://vid.puffyan.us to https://ytb.trom.tf:
: "${invidious_instance:=https://ytb.trom.tf}"
- create this alias:
yts="ytfzf --detach -t --video-pref=22 -l --pages=10"
- st sometimes force closes, so use alacritty for ytfzf
- install flatpak: > sudo xbps-install -S flatpak
- add flatpak repository: > flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
- restart pc
- search packages: flatpak remote-ls flathub --app | grep -i jasp
- install: > flatpak install flathub org.jaspstats.JASP
- list installed app: > flatpak list --app
- uninstall app using APP id and remove personal data: > flatpak uninstall --delete-data org.jaspstats.JASP
- list runtimes installed alongside apps: > flatpak list --runtime
- uninstall unused runtimes: > flatpak uninstall --unused
- uninstall everything installed using flatpak: > flatpak uninstall --all --delete-data
- repair flatpak if uninstall does not work due to broken packages: > sudo flatpak repair
- update by: > flatpak update
- download svg or png icon for that application
- add the icon path to the /usr/share/applications/.desktop file in 'Icons' options
- install lxde
- if panel is weirdly behaving, create new panel
- if there is no system tray in new panel copy the options from previous panel
- panel configs are located at ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE/panels
- the main panel is named as panels. In that file there are options for system-tray
- icons of lxpanel are generally located at /usr/share/lxpanel
- new png or svg icons can be added if needed