Java Docs : Official Documentation
- Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners : A very complete introduction to programming and the Java programming language.
- Baeldung : Sometimes it's difficult to have a birds eye view over an entire site; here's Baeldung from 10000 feet
- Thorben Janssen Blog's : Bring your Java persistence skills to the next level.
- TheServerSide : Java architects and developers, you’ve come to the right place.
- Vanilla Java : Understanding how Core Java really works can help you write simpler, faster applications
- The Java Specialists' Newsletter : Celebrating 20 years of publication, enjoyed in over 150 countries by 70,000 of the world's top Java programmers and spanning over 300 specialist Java articles.
- Dzone Java : Serves technology professionals with the knowledge, tools, and strategies they need to build the future.
- Java Developer Roadmap : Roadmap to becoming a Java developer