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Virtual Network Function Descriptor + Schema

According to ETSI VNF [1], a VNF Descriptor (VNFD) is a deployment template which describes a VNF in terms of deployment and operational behaviour requirements. The VNFD also contains connectivity, interface and KPIs requirements that can be used by NFV-MANO functional blocks to establish appropriate Virtual Links within the NFVI between VNFC instances, or between a VNF instance and the endpoint interface to other Network Functions.

Our function descriptor schema specifies the content of a VNFD. It is based on the T-NOVA [2] flavor of the ETSI VNFD that can be found at [3]. It is, however, adapted and extended to meet the SONATA specific needs.

The schema is written in YAML based on JSON Schema [4] which can be easily tranlated to JSON, e.g. by using a json-to-yaml translator [5].

Sections of the Function Descriptor

Below we discuss the various section of a network function descriptor. The general descriptor section contains some of the manditory fields that have to be present in each and every function descriptor. All other sections might be optional.

General Descriptor Section

At the root level, we first have the mandatory fields, that describe and identify the virtual network function in a unique way.

  • descriptor_version identifies the version of the function descriptor schema that is used to describe the network function.
  • $schema (optional) provides a link to the schema that is used to describe the network function and can be used to validate the VNF descriptor file. This is related to the original JSON schema specification.

Moreover, the VNF signature, i.e the vnf_group, the vnf_name, and the vnf_version, is of great importance as it idtenfies the VNF uniquely.

  • vnf_group will identify the VNF uniquely across all VNFs. It should at least be comprised of the reverse domain name that is under your controll. Moreover, it might have as many sub-groups as needed. For example:
  • vnf_name is the name of the VNF without its version. It can be created with any name written in lower letters and no strange symbols.
  • vnf_version names the version of the VNF descritor. Any typical version with numbers and dots, such as 1.0, 1.1, and 1.0.1 is allows here. The VNF version must be increased with any new (changed) instance of the network function descriptor. Please note: The whole network function is composed of the descriptor and other artifacts, like virtual machine images. Thus, the network function may change, even if the description remains constant, just because another artifact changes. This might or might not be reflected in the version of the package descriptor.

The general descriptor section also contains some optional components as outlined below.

  • vnf_author (optional) describes the author of the network function descriptor.
  • vnf_description (optional) provides an arbitrary description of the VNF.

Virtual Deployment Units Section

The virtual deployment unit section contains all the information regarding the VDUs, such as virtual machines an containers, that constitute the virtual network functions. The section is mandatory and starts with:

  • virtual_deployment_units contains all the virtual deployment units (VDUs) that are handled by the network function.

This section has to have at least one item with the following information:

  • id represents a unique identifer within the scope of the VNF descriptor.
  • resource_requirements details the resources required by the VDU even further.
  • vm_image (optional) specifies a reference to the virtual machine image (or container) that is used for the virtual network function. The image location can be a local file, a file within a package, a remove locatoin, that might be accessed via HTTP, or a reference within the SONATA service platform.
  • vm_image_format (optional) specifies the image format, such as raw, vmdk, iso, and docker.
  • vm_image_md5 (optional) represent an MD5 hash of the virtual machine image. It is highly recommended to provide an MD5 hash, not only to verify the image, but to also make versioning of the whole virtual network function easier.
  • connection_points (optional) names the connection points offered by the VDU. The connection points can be used to interconnect various VDUs or to connect the VDU to an VNF connection point and to the outside world.
  • monitoring_parameters (optional) names the monitoring parameters that are collected for this specific VDU and used, e.g. to trigger scaling operations.
  • scale_in_out (optional)

Connection Points Section

  • connection_points (optional)

While the parent section is optional, once it is specified it has to have at least one item with the following information:

  • id
  • type
  • virtual_link_reference (optional) (deprecated)

Virtual Links Section

  • virtual_links (optional)

While the parent section is optional, once it is specified it has to have at least one item with the following information:

  • id
  • connectivity_type
  • connection_points_reference
  • access (optional)
  • external_access (optional)
  • root_requirement (optional)
  • leaf_requirement (optional)
  • dhcp (optional)
  • qos (optional)

VNF Lifecycle Events Section

Deployment Flavours Section


[1] ETSI Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) - Management and Orchestration [2] T-NOVA FP7 European Project [3] TeNOR VNFD Schema [4] JSON Schema [5] YAML-to-JSON Translator