All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
We are thrilled to announce the initial release of Keep React, our open-source component library built on React and Tailwind CSS. This release marks the beginning of our journey in providing a collection of pre-designed UI components to simplify web application development.
Basic Components: Our library includes a set of essential UI components, such as buttons, modals, alerts, and more.
Seamless Integration: Keep React is designed to seamlessly integrate with your React projects. Just install the library and start using the components.
Tailwind CSS Integration: Our components come with Tailwind CSS styles, making it easy to maintain and customize the look and feel of your app.
- Fixed Typography Error
- Update Documentation
- Add className Props in every component
- customClass props removed with className props
- Alert component props and structure changed
- Accordion component props and structure changed
- Notification component props and structure changed
- Popover component props and structure changed
- Added Modal and Notification component open animation
- Added Typography component
- CSS Import Style changed
- Keep Preset import styles changed
- Date Picker Type Issue
- Popover width Issue