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202 lines (141 loc) · 6.22 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (141 loc) · 6.22 KB

Contributing (Technical)

Currently, our team consists of mostly student developers, and we are running on a 0 budget. Maintaining the Sambal SOS App involves financial costs, hence we are opening up to the public for volunteering or contributions.

This Project is completely Open Source and we welcome all efforts to help the app grow and develop

Table of Contents


A while back, we migrated separate repositories into a monorepo to streamline collaboration and CI/CD processes. The monorepo is managed by Lerna, housing two packages: the webapp and the server. The webapp is deployed onto Vercel, while the server lives on GCP App Engine. The database lives on a Digital Ocean droplet; it was originally on GCP Cloud SQL, but was moved to a droplet after rising maintenance costs.



This app uses multiple APIs and has a list of env variables needed to start the app

follow the .env template to setup your own

if you don't have the variables some parts of the app will not work

How to Get google auth keys

this corresponds to REACT_APP_GOOGLE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID in the .env files

  1. Create an account in

  2. Create a new project

  3. Go to the Credentials Tab of your project

  4. Click on Create Credentials and Choose the OAuth Client ID option

after this you should be provided with a prompt that lets you copy the client id, paste it in the .env file and you are good to go

How to Install the app

  1. Clone the project $ gh repo clone sidharrth2002/sambal-sos-app

  2. Install Dependencies $ npm install

  3. Start the Development Server $ npm start

the script will bring you to your default browser, wait for the development server to fully start and you are ready to go

Project Structure (packages/webapp)

Directory Description
/public Stores static files and images
/src Stores main content of project


  • /api-> endpoint to get geolocation data
  • /app -> handles state in the app (redux)
  • /assets -> static assets
  • /components -> organize components
  • /constants -> stores configurations and constants
  • /features -> currently contains the auth slice (handles authentication and state of auth)
  • /screens handles each page of the app
- *Auth* -> login & signup page
- *Foodbanks* -> contains a static list of food banks and the respective page
- *Home* -> contains the main page of the app (with the google maps component)
- *PrivacyPolicy* -> self explanatory
- *ReportForm* -> form page to report or request SOS
  • /style -> stores the styling of the appp
  • /translations -> contains i18n translation files
  • /utils -> extra functions to help with the app



have postgresql installed here

  1. start a session by doing $ psql postgres in your terminal

  2. when you see postgres=#, type in

 CREATE DATABASE benderaputih;
  1. login to the db
\c benderaputih
  1. Create postgis extension
  • make sure that postgis is installed on your computer while being connected to the db, paste in this line of code and run it

How to install

  1. clone the repo
  2. run npm install
  3. create .env file as given in env example
  4. enter your database configs in .env at least for development in local.
  5. run npx sequelize db:create It will create database for you.
  6. run npx sequelize db:migrate It will create tables.
  7. run npm run dev

Project Structure (packages/server)

Folder Description
/config stores configurations for sequelize (don't touch this)
/db stores sequelize migrations and seeders (provide test data)
/logs stores logs of errors and messages
/src contains the main content -> models, controllers and routes
/utils contains extra functions

Tech Stack

  • Server with Express.js
  • Database schema and models using Sequelize ORM.
  • User authentication with JWT.
  • StandardJs for coding standards and styling.
  • Request validation using Express-validator.
  • Morgan and Winston for server side logging.
  • Swagger for API documentation.

Protocols (Applies to Both Front and Backend)

Please Follow these suggestions to make sure that the repo is organized and other people who wish to contribute can have a nice time doing so

If you wish to be on the main team and actively contribute, we would recommend that you join our discord server

Otherwise you can:

  1. Open an issue about something
  2. Comment on Issues and Pull Requests
  3. Participate in issue threads
  4. Make Bug Reports
  5. Make your own pull requests to solve open issues

Pull Request Template

What type of change did you make?
feat (add something new) or fix (fix an issue) or refactor (no changes to features, e.g. removing comments, logs)

Describe the changes:

Add screenshots:

[] Does your change break anything?

Mention someone for review


main -> development branch, fork or clone from this branch

production -> deployed to vercel, don't touch this