While running a Zabbix server at home using the nice https://github.com/monitoringartist/zabbix-xxl, I want it to connect to the agents on my public servers. To not expose the Zabbix agents to the internet, I run it only on the localhost interface. iptables would be an option, but my home IP is dynamic and changes from time to time. To make the connection between the Zabbix server and agents, I run an ssh tunnel, controled by autssh.
Either you build the image by yourself, already including the private key file, then follow the first three steps. Or you can mount a host volume includig your generated id_rsa file by adding the option -v /path/to/your/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa
Clone Repository
git clone https://github.com/siedi/zabbix-autossh.git
Generate your own keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ./id_rsa -C "[email protected]"
Build new image
docker build -t siedi/zabbix-autossh .
(borrowed from https://sathya.de/blog/how-tos/setup-zabbix-agent-through-ssh-tunnel-on-debian/)
Assuming you have already installed the zabbix-agent, e.g. with
aptitude install zabbix-agent
Edit /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf and make the following changes
Add a new user we are using for the ssh tunnel
adduser --system --group zabbixagent
Copy the previously generated public key file id_rsa.pub to /home/zabbixagent/.ssh/authorized_keys
Set the right permissions
chown -R zabbixagent:zabbixagent /home/zabbixagent
chmod 440 /home/zabbixagent/.ssh/authorized_keys
Start the container and the ssh tunnel
docker run -d --name autossh-yourserver -t -i siedi/zabbix-autossh [email protected] -p 2222
Link that container in your Zabbix Server container, e.g.
docker run \
-d \
--name zabbix \
-p 8085:80 \
-p 10051:10051 \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--link zabbix-db:zabbix.db \
--link autossh-yourserver:yourserver \
--env="ZS_DBHost=zabbix.db" \
In the Zabbix server add the new host to your configuration. In the agent config of that host add "yourserver" as the DNS name. Port is default.
You can also add a discovery rule by scanning the IP range