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Repository Structure


This repository contains the source code for the Service Manager component. It also contains reuse logic (pkg) that is used in the proxy components' source code.

├── deployment              # Deployment configurations and srcipts
│   └── cf                  # cloudfoundry deployment manifest
│   └── k8s                 # The service catalog API server service-catalog command
|       └── charts          # Helm charts for deployment
├── api                     # Service Manager API controllers and filters
│   └── broker              # SM Service Broker API controller
│   └── catalog             # SM Aggregated Catalog API controller
│   └── filters             # SM Filters (authn, logging, recovery, etc...)
│   └── healthcheck         # SM Healthz API controller
│   └── info                # SM Info API controller
│   └── osb                 # SM OSB API controller
│   └── platform            # SM Platforms API controller
├── cf                      # cloudfoundry specific logic; required for running SM on CF
├── config                  # SM options; startup config loaded from env, flags, cfg files
├── storage                 # SM storage abstraction
│   └── postgres            # Postgresql-specific implementation of the SM Storage abstraction
├── pkg                     # Contains reusable packages
│   └── env                 # Environment abstraction; allows loading config from env, pflags and config files
│   └── log                 # Logging abstraction; allows logging with CorrelationIDs and other request scoped fields
|   └── security            # Security related components (authentication and authorization interfaces, encryptors, etc)
│   └── server              # Allows to set up a server with an API that handles graceful shutdowns
│   └── sm                  # Creates the service manager application
│   └── types               # Types used in the Service Manager
│   └── util                # Helpers for handling errors, sending and processing requests and responses
│   └── web                 # Extension points of the Service Manager
├── docs                    # Documentation
├── test                    # Integration and e2e tests
├── application.yml         # config file with SM options values(lower priority than env vars & pflags)
├── Gopkg.toml              # dep manifest
└── Gopkg.lock              # dep lock (autogenerated, do not edit)

Note: vendor folder is not checked out in scm. After cloning the repository dep ensure --vendor-only is required.


This repository provides a framework for writing Service Manager Service Broker Proxies. It contains:

  • the whole logic for the server, logging, graceful shutdown, configuration loading (from env, pflags, config files), etc...

  • OSB API that takes care of proxying OSB calls from the Platform in which the proxy runs to the Service Manager

  • state reconcilation job - provides logic for reconcilation of the state of service brokers and service access between the Service Manager (desired state) and platform (current state).

  • interfaces that the Peripli/service-broker-proxy-cf and Peripli/service-broker-proxy-k8s implement in order to talk to the corresponding platform controller during state reconcilation.

      ├── pkg                     # Contains all reusable packages as part of the framework
      │   └── logging             # Logging extensions and hooks
      │   └── middleware          # Middleware to used as part of the proxy API
      │   └── osb                 # Configurations for the OSB proxying API provided by ``
      │   └── platform            # Interfaces to be implemented by consumers of this framework
      │   └── sbproxy             # entrypoint of the framework for instantiation of the application
      |       └── reconcile       # reconcilation job; reconciles the current state (platform) and the desired state (obtained from SM)
      │   └── sm                  # client logic for requesting the desired state from SM
      ├── .travis.yml             # travis CI pipeline definition
      ├── Gopkg.toml              # dep manifest
      └── Gopkg.lock              # dep lock (autogenerated, do not edit)

Note: vendor folder is not checked out in scm. After cloning the repository dep ensure --vendor-only is required.


This repository contains a CF specific implementation of the Peripli/service-broker-proxy. It reuses the proxy framework and implements the necessary interfaces in order to work with service brokers and service access.

├── cf                      # Contains implementation of the interfaces specified in `Peripli/service-broker-proxy/tree/master/pkg/platform`
├── .travis.yml             # travis CI pipeline definition
├── Gopkg.toml              # dep manifest
└── Gopkg.lock              # dep lock (autogenerated, do not edit)

Note: vendor folder is not checked out in scm. After cloning the repository dep ensure --vendor-only is required.


This repository contains a K8S specific implementation of the Peripli/service-broker-proxy. It reuses the proxy framework and implements the necessary interfaces in order to work with service brokers.

├── charts                  # Helm charts for deployment
│   └── service-broker-proxy# Helm chart for deploying the k8s service broker proxy
├── k8s                     # Contains implementation of the interfaces specified in `Peripli/service-broker-proxy/tree/master/pkg/platform`
├── vendor                  # dep-managed dependencies
├── Gopkg.toml              # dep manifest
└── Gopkg.lock              # dep lock (autogenerated, do not edit)


This repository contains the implementation for the Service Manager CLI smctl.

Note: vendor folder is not checked out in scm. After cloning the repository dep ensure --vendor-only is required.