From 528344d1b0c9d02787aed0acca42b022e8c14b98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guy Sartorelli <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:17:31 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] NEW Allow manipulating eagerloading queries (#11140)
src/ORM/DataList.php | 103 ++++++-
tests/php/ORM/DataListEagerLoadingTest.php | 301 ++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 393 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/ORM/DataList.php b/src/ORM/DataList.php
index 3601c4eca8b..e9dd06cdebe 100644
--- a/src/ORM/DataList.php
+++ b/src/ORM/DataList.php
@@ -1115,6 +1115,11 @@ private function fetchEagerLoadHasOne(
string $relationName,
string $relationType
): array {
+ // Throw exception if developers try to manipulate a has_one relation as a list
+ if ($this->eagerLoadAllRelations[$relationChain] !== null) {
+ throw new LogicException("Cannot manipulate eagerloading query for $relationType relation $relationName");
+ }
$fetchedIDs = [];
$addTo = [];
@@ -1182,6 +1187,11 @@ private function fetchEagerLoadBelongsTo(
string $relationName,
string $relationType
): array {
+ // Throw exception if developers try to manipulate a belongs_to relation as a list
+ if ($this->eagerLoadAllRelations[$relationChain] !== null) {
+ throw new LogicException("Cannot manipulate eagerloading query for $relationType relation $relationName");
+ }
$belongsToIDField = $component['joinField'];
// Get ALL of the items for this relation up front, for ALL of the parents
// Fetched as an array to avoid sporadic additional queries when the DataList is looped directly
@@ -1222,9 +1232,11 @@ private function fetchEagerLoadHasMany(
string $relationName,
string $relationType
): array {
+ $fetchList = DataObject::get($relationDataClass)->filter([$hasManyIDField => $parentIDs]);
+ $fetchList = $this->manipulateEagerLoadingQuery($fetchList, $relationChain, $relationType);
// Get ALL of the items for this relation up front, for ALL of the parents
// Fetched as an array to avoid sporadic additional queries when the DataList is looped directly
- $fetchedRows = DataObject::get($relationDataClass)->filter([$hasManyIDField => $parentIDs])->getFinalisedQuery();
+ $fetchedRows = $fetchList->getFinalisedQuery();
$fetchedIDs = [];
$eagerLoadedLists = [];
@@ -1278,10 +1290,6 @@ private function fetchEagerLoadManyMany(
$fetchedIDs = [];
$eagerLoadedLists = [];
- // Get the join records so we can correctly identify which children belong to which parents
- // This also holds extra fields data
- $joinRows = DB::query('SELECT * FROM "' . $joinTable . '" WHERE "' . $parentIDField . '" IN (' . implode(',', $parentIDs) . ')');
// Use a real RelationList here so that the extraFields and join record are correctly fetched for all relations
// There's a lot of special handling for things like DBComposite extra fields, etc.
if ($joinClass !== null) {
@@ -1308,13 +1316,28 @@ private function fetchEagerLoadManyMany(
$relationListClass = get_class($relationList);
// Get ALL of the items for this relation up front, for ALL of the parents
- $fetchedRows = $relationList->forForeignID($parentIDs)->getFinalisedQuery();
+ $fetchList = $relationList->forForeignID($parentIDs);
+ $fetchList = $this->manipulateEagerLoadingQuery($fetchList, $relationChain, $relationType);
+ $fetchedRows = $fetchList->getFinalisedQuery();
foreach ($fetchedRows as $row) {
$fetchedRowsArray[$row['ID']] = $row;
$fetchedIDs[] = $row['ID'];
+ // Get the join records so we can correctly identify which children belong to which parents
+ // This also holds extra fields data
+ $fetchedIDsAsString = implode(',', $fetchedIDs);
+ $joinRows = DB::query(
+ 'SELECT * FROM "' . $joinTable
+ // Only get joins relevant for the parent list
+ . '" WHERE "' . $parentIDField . '" IN (' . implode(',', $parentIDs) . ')'
+ // Exclude any children that got filtered out
+ . ' AND ' . $childIDField . ' IN (' . $fetchedIDsAsString . ')'
+ // Respect sort order of fetched items
+ . ' ORDER BY FIELD(' . $childIDField . ', ' . $fetchedIDsAsString . ')'
+ );
// Store the children in an EagerLoadedList against the correct parent
foreach ($joinRows as $row) {
$parentID = $row[$parentIDField];
@@ -1398,6 +1421,33 @@ private function addEagerLoadedDataToParent(
+ /**
+ * NOTE: Do not change `DataList` to `static` in this method signature.
+ * Subclasses of DataList must still accept DataList arguments and return DataList!
+ */
+ private function manipulateEagerLoadingQuery(
+ DataList $fetchList,
+ string $relationChain,
+ string $relationType
+ ): DataList {
+ $filterCallback = $this->eagerLoadAllRelations[$relationChain];
+ if ($filterCallback !== null) {
+ $fetchList = $filterCallback($fetchList);
+ }
+ if (!($fetchList instanceof DataList)) {
+ throw new LogicException(
+ "Eagerloading callback for $relationType relation $relationChain must return a DataList."
+ );
+ }
+ $limit = $fetchList->dataQuery->query()->getLimit();
+ if (!empty($limit) && ($limit['start'] !== 0 || $limit['limit'] !== null)) {
+ throw new LogicException(
+ "Cannot apply limit to eagerloaded data for $relationType relation $relationChain."
+ );
+ }
+ return $fetchList;
+ }
private function fillEmptyEagerLoadedRelations(
Query|array $parents,
array $missingParentIDs,
@@ -1447,8 +1497,17 @@ private function fillEmptyEagerLoadedRelations(
* You can specify nested relations by using dot notation, and you can also pass in multiple relations.
* When specifying nested relations there is a maximum of 3 levels of relations allowed i.e. 2 dots
- * Example:
+ * Examples:
+ *
* $myDataList->eagerLoad('MyRelation.NestedRelation.EvenMoreNestedRelation', 'DifferentRelation')
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * $myDataList->eagerLoad([
+ * 'MyRelation.NestedRelation.EvenMoreNestedRelation',
+ * 'DifferentRelation' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter($filterArgs),
+ * ]);
+ *
* IMPORTANT: Calling eagerLoad() will cause any relations on DataObjects to be returned as an EagerLoadedList
* instead of a subclass of DataList such as HasManyList i.e. MyDataObject->MyHasManyRelation() returns an EagerLoadedList
@@ -1458,8 +1517,29 @@ private function fillEmptyEagerLoadedRelations(
public function eagerLoad(...$relationChains): static
$list = clone $this;
- foreach ($relationChains as $relationChain) {
- // Don't add any relations we've added before
+ // If an array is passed in directly, treat it as though $relationChains wasn't spread.
+ if (count($relationChains) === 1 && is_array($relationChains[array_key_first($relationChains)])) {
+ $relationChains = $relationChains[array_key_first($relationChains)];
+ }
+ foreach ($relationChains as $relationChain => $callback) {
+ // Allow non-associative arrays
+ if (is_numeric($relationChain)) {
+ $relationChain = $callback;
+ $callback = null;
+ }
+ // Reject non-callable in associative array
+ if ($callback !== null && !is_callable($callback)) {
+ throw new LogicException(
+ 'Value of associative array must be a callable.'
+ . 'If you don\'t want to pre-filter the list, use an indexed array.'
+ );
+ }
+ // Don't add any relations we've added before.
+ // Note we explicitly cannot use `isset` here, because most of the values are set to `null`.
if (array_key_exists($relationChain, $list->eagerLoadAllRelations)) {
@@ -1480,8 +1560,11 @@ public function eagerLoad(...$relationChains): static
// Keep track of what we've seen before so we don't accidentally add a level 1 relation
// (e.g. "Players") to the chains list when we already have it as part of a longer chain
// (e.g. "Players.Teams")
- $list->eagerLoadAllRelations[$item] = $item;
+ $list->eagerLoadAllRelations[$item] ??= null;
+ // Set the callback for this chain
+ $list->eagerLoadAllRelations[$relationChain] = $callback;
+ // Set the relation chain to be loaded
$list->eagerLoadRelationChains[$relationChain] = $relationChain;
return $list;
diff --git a/tests/php/ORM/DataListEagerLoadingTest.php b/tests/php/ORM/DataListEagerLoadingTest.php
index b27bf050fac..32d56b5b29f 100644
--- a/tests/php/ORM/DataListEagerLoadingTest.php
+++ b/tests/php/ORM/DataListEagerLoadingTest.php
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
use SilverStripe\ORM\Connect\MySQLDatabase;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
+use SilverStripe\ORM\DataQuery;
use SilverStripe\ORM\DB;
use SilverStripe\ORM\EagerLoadedList;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ManyManyThroughList;
@@ -897,7 +898,7 @@ public function testEagerLoadingFilteredList(string $iden, array $eagerLoad): vo
$filter = ['Title:GreaterThan' => 'obj 0'];
- $dataList = EagerLoadObject::get()->filter($filter)->eagerLoad(...$eagerLoad);
+ $dataList = EagerLoadObject::get()->filter($filter)->eagerLoad($eagerLoad);
// Validate that filtering results still actually works on the base list
@@ -1288,5 +1289,303 @@ public function testEagerLoadingSharedRelations()
$this->assertInstanceOf(EagerLoadedList::class, $eagerLoaded2);
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(1, $loop1Count);
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(1, $loop2Count);
+ }
+ public function testInvalidAssociativeArray(): void
+ {
+ $this->expectException(LogicException::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage(
+ 'Value of associative array must be a callable.'
+ . 'If you don\'t want to pre-filter the list, use an indexed array.'
+ );
+ EagerLoadObject::get()->eagerLoad(['HasManyEagerLoadObjects' => 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects']);
+ }
+ public function provideNoLimitEagerLoadingQuery(): array
+ {
+ // Note we don't test has_one or belongs_to because those don't accept a callback at all.
+ return [
+ 'limit list directly - has_many' => [
+ 'relation' => 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects',
+ 'relationType' => 'has_many',
+ 'callback' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->limit(1),
+ ],
+ 'limit list directly - many_many' => [
+ 'relation' => 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects',
+ 'relationType' => 'many_many',
+ 'callback' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->limit(1),
+ ],
+ 'limit underlying dataquery - has_many' => [
+ 'relation' => 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects',
+ 'relationType' => 'has_many',
+ 'callback' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->alterDataQuery(fn (DataQuery $query) => $query->limit(1)),
+ ],
+ 'limit underlying dataquery - many_many' => [
+ 'relation' => 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects',
+ 'relationType' => 'many_many',
+ 'callback' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->alterDataQuery(fn (DataQuery $query) => $query->limit(1)),
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that attempting to limit an eagerloading query will throw an exception.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideNoLimitEagerLoadingQuery
+ */
+ public function testNoLimitEagerLoadingQuery(string $relation, string $relationType, callable $callback): void
+ {
+ // Need to have at least one record in the main list for eagerloading to even be triggered.
+ $record = new EagerLoadObject();
+ $record->write();
+ $this->expectException(LogicException::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage(
+ "Cannot apply limit to eagerloaded data for $relationType relation $relation."
+ );
+ EagerLoadObject::get()->eagerLoad([$relation => $callback])->toArray();
+ }
+ public function provideCannotManipulateUnaryRelationQuery(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ 'has_one' => [
+ 'relation' => 'HasOneEagerLoadObject',
+ 'relationType' => 'has_one',
+ ],
+ 'belongs_to' => [
+ 'relation' => 'BelongsToEagerLoadObject',
+ 'relationType' => 'belongs_to',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that attempting to manipulate a has_one or belongs_to eagerloading query will throw an exception.
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideCannotManipulateUnaryRelationQuery
+ */
+ public function testCannotManipulateUnaryRelationQuery(string $relation, string $relationType): void
+ {
+ // Need to have at least one record in the main list for eagerloading to even be triggered.
+ $record = new EagerLoadObject();
+ $record->write();
+ $this->expectException(LogicException::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage(
+ "Cannot manipulate eagerloading query for $relationType relation $relation"
+ );
+ EagerLoadObject::get()->eagerLoad([$relation => fn (DataList $list) => $list])->toArray();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that attempting to manipulate an eagerloading query without returning the list will throw an exception.
+ */
+ public function testManipulatingEagerloadingQueryNoReturn(): void
+ {
+ // Need to have at least one record in the main list for eagerloading to even be triggered.
+ $record = new EagerLoadObject();
+ $record->write();
+ $this->expectException(LogicException::class);
+ $this->expectExceptionMessage(
+ 'Eagerloading callback for has_many relation HasManyEagerLoadObjects must return a DataList.'
+ );
+ EagerLoadObject::get()->eagerLoad([
+ 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects' => function (DataList $list) {
+ $list->filter('ID', 1);
+ }
+ ])->toArray();
+ }
+ public function provideManipulatingEagerloadingQuery(): array
+ {
+ return [
+ 'nested has_many' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'has_many',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects' => HasManyEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'HasManySubEagerLoadObjects' => HasManySubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'HasMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'ASC'),
+ 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects.HasManySubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'DESC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['HasMany Three', 'HasMany Two'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub B', 'Sub A'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'nested has_many (reverse sort)' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'has_many',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects' => HasManyEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'HasManySubEagerLoadObjects' => HasManySubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'HasMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'DESC'),
+ 'HasManyEagerLoadObjects.HasManySubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'ASC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['HasMany Two', 'HasMany Three'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub A', 'Sub B'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'nested many_many' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'many_many',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManyEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'ManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManySubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'ManyMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'ASC'),
+ 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects.ManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'DESC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['ManyMany Three', 'ManyMany Two'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub B', 'Sub A'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'nested many_many (reverse sort)' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'many_many',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManyEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'ManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManySubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'ManyMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'DESC'),
+ 'ManyManyEagerLoadObjects.ManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'ASC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['ManyMany Two', 'ManyMany Three'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub A', 'Sub B'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'nested belongs_many_many' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'belongs_many_many',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'BelongsManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => BelongsManyManySubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'ManyMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'ASC'),
+ 'BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObjects.BelongsManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'DESC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['ManyMany Three', 'ManyMany Two'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub B', 'Sub A'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'nested belongs_many_many (reverse sort)' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'belongs_many_many',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'BelongsManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => BelongsManyManySubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'ManyMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'DESC'),
+ 'BelongsManyManyEagerLoadObjects.BelongsManyManySubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'ASC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['ManyMany Two', 'ManyMany Three'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub A', 'Sub B'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'nested many_many_through' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'many_many_through',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'ManyManyThroughSubEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManyThroughSubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'ManyMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'ASC'),
+ 'ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObjects.ManyManyThroughSubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'DESC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['ManyMany Three', 'ManyMany Two'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub B', 'Sub A'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ 'nested many_many_through (reverse sort)' => [
+ 'relationType' => 'many_many_through',
+ 'relations' => [
+ 'ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObject::class,
+ 'ManyManyThroughSubEagerLoadObjects' => ManyManyThroughSubEagerLoadObject::class,
+ ],
+ 'eagerLoad' => [
+ 'ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->filter(['Title:StartsWith' => 'ManyMany T'])->Sort('Title', 'DESC'),
+ 'ManyManyThroughEagerLoadObjects.ManyManyThroughSubEagerLoadObjects' => fn (DataList $list) => $list->Sort(['Title' => 'ASC']),
+ ],
+ 'expected' => [
+ 'first loop' => ['ManyMany Two', 'ManyMany Three'],
+ 'second loop' => ['Sub A', 'Sub B'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that callbacks can be used to manipulate eagerloading queries
+ *
+ * @dataProvider provideManipulatingEagerloadingQuery
+ */
+ public function testManipulatingEagerloadingQuery(string $relationType, array $relations, array $eagerLoad, array $expected): void
+ {
+ $relationNames = array_keys($relations);
+ $relationOne = $relationNames[0];
+ $relationTwo = $relationNames[1];
+ $classOne = $relations[$relationOne];
+ $classTwo = $relations[$relationTwo];
+ // Prepare fixtures.
+ // Eager loading is different to most tests - we build fixtures at run time per test
+ // to avoid wasting a bunch of CI time building test-specific YAML fixtures.
+ $record = new EagerLoadObject();
+ $record->write();
+ if ($relationType === 'has_many') {
+ $hasMany1 = new $classOne(['Title' => 'HasMany One']);
+ $hasMany2 = new $classOne(['Title' => 'HasMany Two']);
+ $hasMany3 = new $classOne(['Title' => 'HasMany Three']);
+ $hasMany = [$hasMany1, $hasMany2, $hasMany3];
+ foreach ($hasMany as $hasManyRecord) {
+ $hasManyRecord->write();
+ // Since these are has_many they can't share the same records, so build
+ // separate records for each list.
+ $hasManySub1 = new $classTwo(['Title' => 'Sub A']);
+ $hasManySub2 = new $classTwo(['Title' => 'Sub B']);
+ $hasManySub1->write();
+ $hasManySub2->write();
+ $hasManyRecord->$relationTwo()->addMany([$hasManySub1, $hasManySub2]);
+ }
+ $record->$relationOne()->addMany($hasMany);
+ } elseif (str_contains($relationType, 'many_many')) {
+ $manyMany1 = new $classOne(['Title' => 'ManyMany One']);
+ $manyMany2 = new $classOne(['Title' => 'ManyMany Two']);
+ $manyMany3 = new $classOne(['Title' => 'ManyMany Three']);
+ $manyManySub1 = new $classTwo(['Title' => 'Sub A']);
+ $manyManySub2 = new $classTwo(['Title' => 'Sub B']);
+ $manyManySub1->write();
+ $manyManySub2->write();
+ $manyMany = [$manyMany1, $manyMany2, $manyMany3];
+ foreach ($manyMany as $manyManyRecord) {
+ $manyManyRecord->write();
+ $manyManyRecord->$relationTwo()->addMany([$manyManySub1, $manyManySub2]);
+ }
+ $record->$relationOne()->addMany($manyMany);
+ } else {
+ throw new LogicException("Unexpected relation type: $relationType");
+ }
+ // Loop through the relations and make assertions
+ foreach (EagerLoadObject::get()->filter(['ID' => $record->ID])->eagerLoad($eagerLoad) as $eagerLoadObject) {
+ $list = $eagerLoadObject->$relationOne();
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(EagerLoadedList::class, $list);
+ $this->assertSame($expected['first loop'], $list->column('Title'));
+ foreach ($list as $relatedObject) {
+ $list = $relatedObject->$relationTwo();
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(EagerLoadedList::class, $list);
+ $this->assertSame($expected['second loop'], $list->column('Title'));
+ }
+ }