There are two areas of UnicodeMath input support currently under consideration: user input, or a string input. The plan is to support both by treating string input as raw sequence of AtomNode, performing autocorrect, then performing an exhaustive fold with lowest precedence from the end. (This behavior is not guaranteed by the spec itself, but it seems good.)
- '\sum a b' input by user will produce '\sum\of(a b)'. But in string input it should be '\sum\of(a) b'
- same with every operators creating an SlottableNode and moves cursor inside
The UnicodeMath spec itself proposed a reference parsing algorithm in Appendix A. However there are some conflicts in the UnicodeMath spec.
Spec-wise, this reference algorithm deviates from the spec:
- Handling of the unary operators before and after subsup (Align with reference)
- '+^2', 'a^-2' as subsup? (Spec says no. Reference says yes.)
- \of \funcapply \naryand
Also, MS Word's implementation deviates from the reference:
- Handling of the normal operators after div & subsup (Align with MS Word)
- '1/+2', '+1/2' as fraction? (Reference disallows both. MS Word permits the first one.)
- Differentiation between the unary plus and unary subtract (Align with MS Word)
- 'a^-1' vs 'a^+1' as subsup? (Reference only allows the first. MS Word allows both.)
- ScriptBase parsing (Align with MS Word)
- 'word^2' as subsup? (Reference says yes. MS Word says no.)
Some quirks in MS Word:
folds into\frac{}{\frac{}{}}
, while^\of
leads to an \of on the supscript as expected. (Potentially bug)/
wins in precedence in the combination/^
. (reproduced)(1) /2
folds into\frac{1}{2}
, while1 /2
folds into1 \frac{}{2}
. (reproduced)\sum \of \of
folds into\sum{}
. (reproduced)- In
has a higher precedence than^
Some conflicts between UnicodeMath and TeX:
- Rendering of subsup scripts when base comprises of multiple elements.
The following parser scheme should be good enough to comply with the spec and mimic reference/MS Word behavior.
Operators will declare
- Their precedence
- Whether they need left operand and right operand
- Their associativity (i.e., '/' and '^' has opposite associativity)
- Whether they will unwrap parenthesis-enclosed operand (i.e. scriptBase will retain the parenthesis)
Fold operations are specified with precedence and starting pos. A one-time fold will iterate from right to left:
- Collect if not an operator.
- If met an operator with lower precedence, abort and return collected nodes. Open-close pairs will not be aborted.
- If met an operator with higher precedence,
- If said operator needs left operand, launch an exhaustive fold to collect left operand
- If left associative, the exhaustive fold will collect the largest block with greater-or-equal precedence.
- If right associative, it will only allows greater precedence.
- Give operands to the operand (If needed) and concat the result. Return.
- If said operator needs left operand, launch an exhaustive fold to collect left operand
An exhaustive fold with precedence p_start will:
- Perform a one-time fold. Denote the fold result's internal precedence as p_res. End position has either index = 0 or has a precedence p_end < p_res.
- At the end position, if p_end > p_start, continue with another exhaustive fold with the same precedence. Results from the previous steps (p_res) will be passed into the fold (p_end) as potential right operand.
Some special points:
- Some operators may throw an exception (i.e. parenthesis mismatch). This will cause a one-time fold to revert, or the immediate cycle of a exhaustive fold to revert.
- Many operators will raise their precedence if preceded by fraction operators and script operators.
- Many operators will be forcefully taken as base if the script operators cannot fetch a left operand as base.
- The folding of Naryand will only be triggered by \of
- Some operators will eventually have to rollback due to their non-local ambiguity, such as
The following features are not supported by MS Word and by Flutter Math
- \lessgtr \gtrless
- \sqsubseteq \sqsupseteq
- \ndiv
The following feature are not supported by Flutter Math
- \sdiv
- \ldiv
- Nary
- Nary limits control
- prescript ?
- multiscript with a composite base (render difference)
- \coint
- \middle
- char ← Unicode character
- space ← ASCII space (U+0020)
- αASCII ← ASCII A-Z a-z
- nASCII ← ASCII 0-9
- αnMath ← Unicode math alphanumeric (U+1D400 – U+1D7FF with some Letterlike symbols U+2102 – U+2134)
- αnOther ← Unicode alphanumeric not including αnMath nor nASCII
- αn ← αnMath | αnOther
- diacritic ← Unicode combining mark
- opArray ← ‘&’ | VT | ‘■’
- opClose ← ‘)’ | ‘]’ | ‘}’ | ‘⌍’
- opCloser ← opClose | “\close”
- opDecimal ← ‘.’ | ‘,’
- opHbracket ← Unicode math horizontal bracket
- opNary ← Unicode integrals, summation, product, and other nary ops
- opOpen ← ‘(’ | ‘[’ | ‘{’ | ‘⌌’
- opOpener ← opOpen | “\open”
- opOver ← ‘/’ | “\atop”
- opBuildup ← ‘_’ | ‘^’ | ‘√’ | ‘∙’ | ‘√’ | ‘□’ | ‘/’ | ‘|’ | opArray | opOpen | opClose | opNary | opOver | opHbracket | opDecimal
- other ← char – {αn + nASCII + diacritic + opBuildup + CR}
- diacriticbase ← αn | nASCII | ‘(’ exp ‘)’
- diacritics ← diacritic | diacritics diacritic
- atom ← αn | diacriticbase diacritics
- atoms ← atom | atoms atom
- digits ← nASCII | digits nASCII
- number ← digits | digits opDecimal digits
- expBracket ← opOpener exp opCloser
← ‘||’ exp ‘||’
← ‘|’ exp ‘|’ - word ← αASCII | word αASCII
- scriptbase ← word | word nASCII | αnMath | number | other | expBracket | opNary
- soperand ← operand | ‘∞’ | ‘-’ operand | “-∞”
- expSubsup ← scriptbase ‘’ soperand ‘^’ soperand | scriptbase ‘^’ soperand ‘’ soperand
- expSubscript ← scriptbase ‘_’ soperand
- expSuperscript ← scriptbase ‘^’ soperand
- expScript ← expSubsup | expSubscript | expSuperscript
- entity ← atoms | expBracket | number
- factor ← entity | entity ‘!’ | entity “!!” | function | expScript
- operand ← factor | operand factor
- box ← ‘□’ operand
- hbrack ← opHbracket operand
- sqrt ← ‘√’ operand
- cubert ← ‘∙’ operand
- fourthrt ← ‘√’ operand
- nthrt ← “√(” operand ‘&’ operand ‘)’
- function ← sqrt | cubert | fourthrt | nthrt | box | hbrack
- numerator ← operand | fraction
- fraction ← numerator opOver operand
- row ← exp | row ‘&’ exp
- rows ← row | rows ‘@’ row
- array ← “\array(” rows ‘)’
- element ← fraction | operand | array
- exp ← element | exp other element