Tools to run distributed processing task in multiple Coherence member processes exclusively. This component enables distributed processing with dynamic changes in number of processing members, which provides following functions
- FIFO distributed processor: Consumer/Function implementation for distributed processing as first in, first out
- Hash modulo filter: Filter to get target entries by hashCode modulo of a key/value object or a field of it
Add dependency to pom.xml like this:
Call as Consumer/Function interface with extended functional interfaces or implemented abstract classes.
For example, use as follows:
// Prepare test data list
List<Integer> testDataList = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
// Distributed processing with FifoDistributedConsumer from parallel stream processing
.forEach(new FifoDistributedConsumer<Integer>("DistributedProcessingCache") {
public void process(Integer i) {
// write a processing here
// Distributed processing with FifoDistributedBiConsumer from stream processing
FifoDistributedBiConsumer<Integer> fifoDistributedBiConsumer = i -> {
// write a processing here
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), i -> "DistributedProcessingCache"))
// Distributed processing with FifoDistributedFunction from parallel stream processing
List<Integer> resultDataList = testDataList
.map(new FifoDistributedFunction<Integer, Integer>("DistributedProcessingCache") {
public Integer process(Integer i) {
// write a processing here
return i + 10;
// Distributed processing with FifoDistributedBiFunction from parallel stream processing
FifoDistributedBiFunction<Integer, Integer> fifoDistributedBiFunction = i -> {
// write a processing here
return i + 10;
List<Integer> resultDataList =
.collect(Collectors.toConcurrentMap(Function.identity(), i -> "DistributedProcessingCache")).entrySet()
.parallelStream().map(e -> {
return fifoDistributedBiFunction.apply(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
// Sort result list since parallelStream was called from converted entry set
Or, you can simply call these functions as follows:
// Single processing with FifoDistributedConsumer
FifoDistributedConsumer<Integer> fifoDistributedConsumer =
new FifoDistributedConsumer<Integer>("DistributedProcessingCache") {
public void process(Integer i) {
// write a processing here
// Single processing with FifoDistributedBiConsumer
FifoDistributedBiConsumer<Integer> fifoDistributedConsumer = i -> {
// write a processing here
fifoDistributedConsumer.accept(1, "DistributedProcessingCache");
// Single processing with FifoDistributedFunction
FifoDistributedFunction<Integer, Integer> fifoDistributedFunction =
new FifoDistributedFunction<Integer, Integer>("DistributedProcessingCache") {
public Integer process(Integer i) {
// write a processing here
return i + 10;
Integer resultData = fifoDistributedFunction.apply(1);
// Single processing with FifoDistributedBiFunction
FifoDistributedBiFunction<Integer, Integer> fifoDistributedBiFunction = i -> {
// write a processing here
return i + 10;
Integer resultData = fifoDistributedBiFunction.apply(1, "DistributedProcessingCache");
You can use Coherence member role to manage the number of distributed members and distributed id for each processes. This function provides a utility class (DistributedMemberUtil) to help you. Create filter instance from the extractor using the number of distributed members and managed distributed id.
For example, use as follows:
// Use HashModExtractor as key extractor
int targetModulo = DistributedMemberUtil.getSequentialIdFromSameRoleMemberSet();
int numProcesses = DistributedMemberUtil.getSameRoleMembers().size();
Filter<TestEntity> hashModFilter = new EqualsFilter<TestEntity, Integer>(
new HashModExtractor<TestEntity>(AbstractExtractor.KEY, numProcesses), targetModulo);
Set<TestEntity> targetKeys = testEntityPoolCache.keySet(hashModFilter);
Map<TestEntity, TestEntity> filteredDataMap = testEntityPoolCache.getAll(targetKeys);
filteredDataMap.entrySet().forEach(e -> {
// write a processing here
System.out.println("key=" + e.getKey() + ", value=" + e.getValue());
// Use ReflectionHashModExtractor as value extractor
int targetModulo = DistributedMemberUtil.getSequentialIdFromSameRoleMemberSet();
int numProcesses = DistributedMemberUtil.getSameRoleMembers().size();
Filter<TestEntity> reflectionHashModFilter = new EqualsFilter<TestEntity, Integer>(
new ReflectionHashModExtractor<TestEntity>("getIntId", null, AbstractExtractor.KEY, numProcesses), targetModulo);
Set<TestEntity> targetKeys = testEntityPoolCache.keySet(reflectionHashModFilter);
Map<TestEntity, TestEntity> filteredDataMap = testEntityPoolCache.getAll(targetKeys);
filteredDataMap.entrySet().forEach(e -> {
// write a processing here
System.out.println("key=" + e.getKey() + ", value=" + e.getValue());
See Javadoc for more details.
Just run as JUnit Test.
You can run this test as stand-alone or multi-processes cluster by running CacheServer before the test.
CacheServer joining this cluster can be started by
Run as JUnit Test.
For the testing on multi processes, Run and/or as JUnit Test. You have to run several number of these test processes depending on BaseHashDistributedProcessingTest.NUM_PROCESSES (default is 3) in the same time.