A make-like tool for Erlang.
Because invoking shell commands from Erlang is sometimes better than booting/re-booting Erlang VM several times from a Makefile target.
Clone it and just run make
then put the eake
file in your $PATH
Writing a task is like a function definition, moreover, Eake lets you describe what a task does.
Just touch a file with the name Eakefile
, and use -description :: "context...".
above the task definition to describe what it deos.
%% Eakefile
-description :: "Prints 'Hello, World!'".
'hello-world'() ->
io:format("Hello, World!~n").
-description :: "Echos an argument".
echo(Arg) ->
io:format("~s~n", [Arg]).
$ eake
Eake :: A make-like tool for Erlang
Usage: ./eake [-h]
-h, --help Displays this message
hello-world Prints 'Hello, World!'
echo Echos an argument
$ eake hello-world
Hello, World!
$ eake echo "hello everybody"
hello everybody
MIT, see LICENSE file for more details.