Given an input graph, the list of available servcies include:
- Finding set of nodes with the lowest eccentricity (center nodes)
- Finding set of nodes with the highest eccentricity (Peripheral/remote nodes)
- Finding the degree centrality of nodes
- Finding the closeness centrality of nodes
- Finding the betweeness centrality of nodes
- Finding the eigenvector centrality of nodes
- Finding the pagerank of nodes
- Finding the authorities and hubs of nodes using the hits algorithm
Please look at the user guide for a detailed spec of the services and how to use the services.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following commands to generate gRPC classes for Python
cd robustness
python3.6 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. service_spec_node_importance/network_analytics_node_importance.proto
For testing the core functionalities
For testing the gRPC wrapper code
To start the gRPC server locally