A very efficient memcached ASCII protocol parser by using only NodeJS Buffer APIs.
$ npm install memcache-parser --save
A sample connection for a memcache client to show receiving the VALUE
data from the response of a get
const MemcacheParser = require("memcache-parser");
class MemcacheConnection extends MemcacheParser {
constructor(socket) {
socket.on("data", this.onData.bind(this));
processCmd(cmdTokens) {
if (cmdTokens[0] === "VALUE") {
this.initiatePending(cmdTokens, +cmdTokens[3]);
} else {
return false; // unknown command
receiveResult(result) {
// result: { data, cmd, cmdTokens }
// cmd: the command that initiate the result data
// cmdTokens: the tokens of the original command line
// data: the data for the command cmd
See memcache-client for more example usage