Deprecate package (Morgan Roderick)
Released on 2021-01-06.
Bump @sinonjs/samsam to latest (Morgan Roderick)This helps dedupe dependencies in Sinon. See sinonjs/sinon#2224
Released on 2020-02-20.
Drop support for Node 8 (Morgan Roderick)As can be seen at https://github.com/nodejs/Release, Node 8 reached "end" of life on 2019-12-31, and is no longer actively supported.
We will stop testing in Node 8 and start testing in Node 13, which will become the next LTS release from April 2020.
Released on 2020-02-19.
Fix changes.md (Morgan Roderick)8dde8cb
Use '--access public' for the publish command (Morgan Roderick)
Released on 2019-12-19.
add support for formatting maps (#51) (Marc Redemske)- add support for formatting maps
- Update @sinonjs/samsam to version that has isMap method
Released on 2019-12-19.