- These are the install instructions for the environment which is called ngsim_env followed by generative adversarial imitation learning called hgail
# install miniconda
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
# answer yes to everything
sh ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
rm Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
source ~/.bashrc
# install rllab
git clone https://github.com/rll/rllab.git
cd rllab
# this takes a while
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda env update
# this may give an error about twisted, tensorflow dpeending on a different numpy version. Ignore it for now.
# If hdf5 is not installed, install it as it is required by AutoEnvs later in the process
sudo apt-get install hdf5-tools
conda activate rllab3
# TRYING WITHOUT: pip install hdf5
# TRYING WITHOUT: pip install matplotlib
# Check the install went through correctly
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import mpl_toolkits
# NOTE: I had some issues with tensorflow upgrading to v 2.0, which as you may imagine, breaks things.
# If you encounter this issue, there may be some manual downgrading / reinstalling of tensorflow and numpy required.
# I am testting with downgrading tensorflow.
conda activate rllab3
pip install tensorflow==1.12.0
pip install numpy==1.15.4
# then test the above again
# activate the rllab environment
source activate rllab3
python setup.py develop
cd ..
Install julia 1.1. Code snippet assuming you are installing julia to home directory. If not, please modify the path in bashrc step accordingly.
wget https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/linux/x64/1.1/julia-1.1.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvf julia-1.1.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
rm julia-1.1.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
echo "export PATH=$(pwd)/julia-1.1.0/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
Make sure the julia
command pops up a julia 1.1 interpreter.
source activate rllab3
git clone https://github.com/sisl/ngsim_env.git
cd ngsim_env
git checkout 0.7fixes_in_progress
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
# NOTE: If you do not have sudo access, you can probably get away with not doing this, there just may be an error when adding AutoViz.
# enter a julia interpreter and install dependencies.
# NOTE: I got some weird error with one of the packages, I think it was AutoViz, where there was a line ending before expected or something like that.
# I just repeated the add instruction and it seemed to work fine.
# Add dependencesjulia
using Pkg
Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="https://github.com/sisl/AutoRisk.jl.git", rev="v0.7fixes"))
# Add the local AutoEnvs module to our julia environment
] dev ~/ngsim_env/julia
# make sure it works
using AutoEnvs
Now, we want to make sure we add the other files we care about.
julia deps/build.jl
# make sure they work, by entering interpreter
using PyCall
using PyPlot
using HDF5
# If using PyPlot errors saying "No module named matplotlib") do the following
(rllab3)>> conda install matplotlib
using PyCall
using PyPlot
Next, we will get the NGSIM data and run a few tests with julia and python to make sure everything is fine
##Get the data
cd ~/.julia/packages/NGSIM/9OYUa/data
wget https://github.com/sisl/NGSIM.jl/releases/download/v1.0.0/data.zip
unzip data.zip
# Answer yes to any that ask to be replaced.
##Create trajectories from the data
>> using NGSIM
>> convert_raw_ngsim_to_trajdatas()
>> quit()
# NOTE: my attempt got killed here and i have no idea why. No error messages or anything.
# run the julia tests
# if you don't get an error, everything works with julia
# it will take a few minutes because it's creating some cached files
cd ~/ngsim_env/julia/test
julia runtests.jl
cd ~
# NOTE: One of the tests fails for me across multiple installs. "test_train_domain_matters"
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/sisl/hgail.git
source activate rllab3
cd hgail
python setup.py develop
cd tests
python runtests.py
# install the python components of the package
source activate rllab3
cd ~/ngsim_env/python # this is assuming you have ngsim_env on your home directory. If not, navigate to where you have ngsim_env
python setup.py develop
pip install julia
# make sure it works:
import julia
# we just want to make sure it doesnt error
cd tests
# NOTE: one of the these tests will fail if you don't have hgail installed
python runtests.py
# # NOTE: If you get the error:
# # ERROR: test_vectorized_ngsim_env (unittest.loader._FailedTest)
# # Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load libmkl_avx2.so or libmkl_def.so
# conda install nomkl numpy scipy scikit-learn numexpr
# # found the fix https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36659453/intel-mkl-fatal-error-cannot-load-libmkl-avx2-so-or-libmkl-def-so
# # Answer by libphy
# # Then run the test again and it should be fine
cd ~/ngsim_env
mkdir data
mkdir data/trajectories
mkdir data/experiments
cd ~/ngsim_env/scripts
julia extract_ngsim_demonstrations.jl
#code references both ngsim.h5 and ngsim_all.h5, so make a copy?
cd ../data/trajectories
cp ngsim_all.h5 ngsim.h5
Congratulations!! You have completed the installation process. Navigate back to main readme page and look at the 'Train and run a single agent GAIL policy:' section to train a policy