- Improvements to internal type hints (#133)
- Get lupa version (for testing) from katsdpdockerbase (#134)
- Fix variables referenced before use in exception path (#135)
- Improve error message when opening old files containing pickles (#136)
- Upgrade to redis-py>=4.2 and fakeredis>=2, fix test warnings (#132)
- This now requires at least Python 3.7 and no more aioredis
- Switch to aioredis 2.x (#124)
- Add async (and synchronous) RedisBackend.from_url constructor (#125, #126)
- Switch from nose to pytest (#129)
- Remove Endpoint.multicast_subscribe and netifaces dependency (#130)
- Fix Lua script for set_indexed so that wait_indexed actually works (#127)
- Make aio wait_key more robust (#128)
- General cleanup (#122, #123)
- Add asynchronous RDBWriter class (#108)
- Use a transaction for get_range instead of Lua: faster on server side (#110)
- Multiplex aio pubsubs over pool's standard connection (#113)
- Require hiredis for speed and aioredis<2 for compatibility (#114, #118)
- Improve wait_keys responsiveness for MemoryBackend (#111, #116)
- Avoid blocking the Redis server on telstate.clear (#112)
- Update Docker image to use Redis 6.x instead of 4.x (#109)
- Support older HMSET Redis command in unit tests (#107)
- Requirements cleanup (#115, #117, #119, #120)
- Remove Python 2 support. At least Python 3.5 is required.
- Remove support for old versions of redis-py (#100)
- Use redis-py health checks to improve robustness (#99)
- Add "indexed" keys (#98)
- Add an asyncio interface (#103)
- No longer throw InvalidKeyError when setting a key that shadows a method (#102)
- Add type annotations for mypy (#101)
- Deprecate Python 2 support: this is the last release that will support Python 2 (#94)
- Remove
, which were never used (#89) - Publish the documentation on https://katsdptelstate.readthedocs.io (#90)
- Disable pickles by default for security (#92)
- The default encoding is now msgpack; warn on loading pickles (#75, #79)
- The default backend is now in-memory (#76)
- Add the ability to dump in-memory backend to an RDB file (#77)
- Construct from RDB file-like objects and Redis URLs (#80, #82)
- Report keys and prefixes to the user as strings (#73)
- Add IPython tab completion (#83)
- RDB reader and writer cleanup (#85, #86)
- Introduce encodings and add msgpack encoding as alternative to pickle (#64, #65)
- Introduce backends and add in-memory backend as alternative to redis (#71, #72)
- Simplify setting attributes via __setitem__ (#68)
- Let keys be bytes internally, but allow specification as unicode strings (#63)
- The GitHub repository is now public as well
- Initial release of katsdptelstate