Plugin zajišťuje propojení skautských webů se skautISem. Dá se přes plugin registrovat, přihlašovat. Dokáže u stránek nastavovat oprávnění podle roli a dalších nastavení ve skautISu. Skrývá obsah podle toho jaká pravidla na stránce jsou nastavená.
WordPress plugin: Galerie obrázků a videí z Google Disku
When editing and selecting a folder with videos, the editor could display a notice that setting videos to "Anyone can view" will speed them up.
@@ -107,22 +105,22 @@ exports[`Issue component should render correctly 1`] = `
@@ -160,31 +158,29 @@ exports[`Issue component should render correctly without tags 1`] = `
WordPress plugin: Galerie obrázků a videí z Google Disku
When editing and selecting a folder with videos, the editor could display a notice that setting videos to "Anyone can view" will speed them up.
diff --git a/packages/frontend/__tests__/components/__snapshots__/IssuesList.test.tsx.snap b/packages/frontend/__tests__/components/__snapshots__/IssuesList.test.tsx.snap
index 0ec5882f4..145eb0fe2 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/__tests__/components/__snapshots__/IssuesList.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/packages/frontend/__tests__/components/__snapshots__/IssuesList.test.tsx.snap
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`IssuesList component should render correctly 1`] = `
- .emotion-0 {
+.emotion-0 {
margin: 12px 0 24px;
@@ -22,716 +21,37 @@ exports[`IssuesList component should render correctly 1`] = `
- When editing and selecting a folder with videos, the editor could display a notice that setting videos to "Anyone can view" will speed them up.
- Depends on #792
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- If a shortcut name differs from the original, the name in gallery and breadcrumbs differs
- #
- 2
- When in a situation that there is a Google Drive shortcut somewhere in the gallery, the plugin displays the folder and it works for browsing. However, when looking at the shortcut as a member of its parent directory and when being inside the directory and looking at its name in the breadcrumbs, one uses the shortcut name, whereas the other uses the original folder name (when they differ).
- This is a bug and both should show the shortcut name.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Editing doesn't check path validity
- #
- 3
- When opening the editor which contains a gallery that is made from a folder that has been renamed or deleted, the editor breaks. It shows:
- Directory "Galerie ODYWEB" wasn't found - it may have been deleted or renamed.
- Instead, it should verify that the path is valid and if it's not, should display a warning (and possibly move you to either the root directory, or the closest valid ancestor - however, this should not lead to you accidentally changing the gallery!)
- Last tested on 36dc1a10a353ba5bf2b98f33b49b1135a36ae3d3
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Ctrl-click on folders does not work
- #
- 4
- Ctrl+click on a gallery item (subfolder) or breadcrumbs should open in a new tab
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Add option to specify gallery by a Drive link
- #
- 5
- Basically, instead of searching for the folder in WP, you'd just paste the link to it into the editor and the plugin would figure out the path (Google Drive files now return a list of parents, so it could be done.)
- Depends on #111.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Add images to the block
- #
- 6
- Currently, images aren't listed in the editor - both block and TinyMCE plugin. This often confuses users.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Add video overlay
- #
- 7
- In the image grid, we should add an overlay to signify that an item is a video (for example a big play icon).
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Increase test coverage
- #
- 8
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Themes with "editor-styles" support change the look of the block editor
- #
- 9
- If the active theme contains
- add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' );
- its styles are also applied to the block editor, which then looks weird. We should implement our own styles for the editor.
- Example of such theme is the Twenty Seventeen theme.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Google app creation manual is outdated
- #
- 10
- Google changed the consent screen layout and require some form of verification.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Directory preview images
- #
- 11
- Currently, the first image in a directory is used for its preview.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- UX & design audit
- #
- 12
- Go over the design of:
+ #
+ 1
+ When editing and selecting a folder with videos, the editor could display a notice that setting videos to "Anyone can view" will speed them up.
- Everything on the frontend needs to work at least with the default WP template and DSW templates.
- ,
+ Depends on #792
exports[`IssuesList component should render correctly without link 1`] = `
- .emotion-0 {
+.emotion-0 {
margin: 12px 0 24px;
@@ -751,709 +71,31 @@ exports[`IssuesList component should render correctly without link 1`] = `
- Add hint to set videos to public
- #
- 1
- When editing and selecting a folder with videos, the editor could display a notice that setting videos to "Anyone can view" will speed them up.
- Depends on #792
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- If a shortcut name differs from the original, the name in gallery and breadcrumbs differs
- #
- 2
- When in a situation that there is a Google Drive shortcut somewhere in the gallery, the plugin displays the folder and it works for browsing. However, when looking at the shortcut as a member of its parent directory and when being inside the directory and looking at its name in the breadcrumbs, one uses the shortcut name, whereas the other uses the original folder name (when they differ).
- This is a bug and both should show the shortcut name.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Editing doesn't check path validity
- #
- 3
- When opening the editor which contains a gallery that is made from a folder that has been renamed or deleted, the editor breaks. It shows:
- Directory "Galerie ODYWEB" wasn't found - it may have been deleted or renamed.
- Instead, it should verify that the path is valid and if it's not, should display a warning (and possibly move you to either the root directory, or the closest valid ancestor - however, this should not lead to you accidentally changing the gallery!)
- Last tested on 36dc1a10a353ba5bf2b98f33b49b1135a36ae3d3
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Ctrl-click on folders does not work
- #
- 4
- Ctrl+click on a gallery item (subfolder) or breadcrumbs should open in a new tab
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Add option to specify gallery by a Drive link
- #
- 5
- Basically, instead of searching for the folder in WP, you'd just paste the link to it into the editor and the plugin would figure out the path (Google Drive files now return a list of parents, so it could be done.)
- Depends on #111.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Add images to the block
- #
- 6
- Currently, images aren't listed in the editor - both block and TinyMCE plugin. This often confuses users.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Add video overlay
- #
- 7
- In the image grid, we should add an overlay to signify that an item is a video (for example a big play icon).
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Increase test coverage
- #
- 8
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Themes with "editor-styles" support change the look of the block editor
- #
- 9
- If the active theme contains
- add_theme_support( 'editor-styles' );
- its styles are also applied to the block editor, which then looks weird. We should implement our own styles for the editor.
- Example of such theme is the Twenty Seventeen theme.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Google app creation manual is outdated
- #
- 10
- Google changed the consent screen layout and require some form of verification.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- Directory preview images
- #
- 11
- Currently, the first image in a directory is used for its preview.
- ,
- .emotion-0 {
- margin: 12px 0 24px;
-.emotion-0 img {
- max-width: 100%;
-.emotion-1 {
- color: #294885;
- margin: 0 0 12px;
- font-family: themix;
-.emotion-2 {
- color: #999;
- font-weight: normal;
- UX & design audit
- #
- 12
- Go over the design of:
+ #
+ 1
+ When editing and selecting a folder with videos, the editor could display a notice that setting videos to "Anyone can view" will speed them up.
- Everything on the frontend needs to work at least with the default WP template and DSW templates.
- ,
+ Depends on #792