- hello world
- C, GCC, C++
- .NET, C#, Mono
- Go
- Java, OpenJDK, Android
- Haskell, Scala, Julia
- Processing, Wiring, p5.js
- LabVIEW, Simulink, Scratch, App Inventor, Grasshopper, Firefly
- Bash, Tcl
- Python tutorial, Perl, Ruby
- JavaScript tutorial, Node.js, V8, npm
- Node-RED, mods
- RS/EIA/TIA 232/422/485, pySerial, serialport, serial
- FTDI, libFTDI, python-ftdi, ftdi
- Firmata
- USB, PyUSB, usb
- socket.io, net, socket
- ANSI escape codes, ncurses
- Tk, Tkinter
- wxWidgets, wxPython
- Qt, PyQt
- PySimpleGUI
- forms
- jQuery, Bootstrap
- Angular
- React
- X Windows
- AWT, JFC, Swing
- Canvas
- WebGL
- Three.js
- OpenGL, GLUT, PyOpenGL
- Unity, Unreal, Blender Physics (video)
- NumPy, SciPy
- matplotlib
- Anaconda, Jupyter
- R, RPy, ggplot2
- Math.js, Science.js, numbers.js
- Plotly Python JavaScript
- PyTorch, Keras, TensorFlow, TensorFlow.js
- write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made
- Louis
- Noel
- Rodney
- Shinnosuke
- Mitalee
- Fab Academy Input Devices
- Processing
- P5.js
- Python
- other useful links