diff --git a/_layouts/docs.liquid b/_layouts/docs.liquid
index 0196e77..383f9bf 100644
--- a/_layouts/docs.liquid
+++ b/_layouts/docs.liquid
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
Directory Structure
+ Site generation
diff --git a/docs/site-gen.md b/docs/site-gen.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e997e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/site-gen.md
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+title: "Docs::Site generation"
+layout: docs.liquid
+ route: site-gen
+## Site generation
+[`cobalt serve`](/docs/usage) and `cobalt build` process your entire source directory the same
+way. Both write asset files, transformed files, and generated pages to an output
+directory; `cobalt serve` writes to a temporary directory while `cobalt build`
+writes to a [`destination`](/docs/config) directory (default `./_site`). `cobalt serve` also
+runs a web server to serve this static content, and then continues to watch the
+source directory for changes.
+### Generation process
+The generation process is, approximately,
+1. Cobalt considers every file in the [`source`](/docs/config)directory.
+2. It skips directories and file names beginning with dot `.` or underscore
+ `_`, and other files and directories. You can specify additional files and
+ directories to skip using the [`ignore`](/docs/config) configuration
+ variable.
+3. It treats all remaining files that aren't pages and posts (see later) as
+ [assets](/docs/assets) and copies them to the output directory. It may
+ preprocess Sass files to turn them into CSS.
+4. If a file has an extension in [`template_extensions`](/docs/config) (the
+ default extensions are `.html` and `.md`), then Cobalt treats it as a
+ [page](/docs/pages):
+ - Cobalt looks for a [frontmatter](/docs/front) section (lines between a pair
+ of `---`) in it, if any, and evaluates metadata settings in it.
+ - If the site [configuration](/docs/configuration) or the page's
+ frontmatter specifies a [layout](/docs/layout), Cobalt wraps the file in
+ that layout's Liquid template.
+ - Cobalt evaluates any [liquid template](https://shopify.github.io/liquid/)
+ expressions in the file (to simplify, directives inside curly braces `{...}`).
+ - Cobalt writes the transformed file to the output directory with, by
+ default, a `.html` extension. A file with no frontmatter or liquid
+ template expressions will be unchanged.
+5. If a file with a template extension is in the [`posts`](/docs/posts)
+ directory, Cobalt processes it further, such as draft handling. A page's
+ frontmatter can direct Cobalt to generate a list of pages, for example a
+ paginated list of blog posts.
+6. Cobalt may generates additional files, such as an `rss.xml` feed.
+### Generating from an existing static site
+You can run `cobalt serve` or `cobalt build` in your existing static site's
+- They will create a lot of files in the output directory, but will not create
+ new files or modify existing files in your source directory. _Caution_,
+ `cobalt build` will overwrite files in an existing destination directory
+ (which defaults to `./_site`).
+- The commands will complain if you don't have a `_config.yml` file or specify
+ the path to one, nevertheless Cobalt will do default processing.
+- Even if your existing files have extensions that Cobalt treats as pages, as
+ explained in "Generation process" they will not be transformed if they don't
+ contain liquid templates and a frontmatter section, and you don't specify a
+ default [`layout`](/docs/config).
+- Some assets that you want to appear in the output directory, such as
+ `.htaccess` files and the `.well-known` directory, may not appear;
+ conversely, unintended files may appear.
+To start adjusting Cobalt's site generation you need to provide a
+[configuration](/docs/config) file. Running [`cobalt init`](docs/usage/) will
+create a `_config.yml` file and a few sample files and layout. If files
+already exist with the same names, `cobalt init` will not overwrite them but
+fail, so you could run it in your existing site directory, or you can run it
+in an empty directory and copy over files as needed. You can specify the path
+to your configuration file with the `--config` _\_ command-line option.
diff --git a/getting-started.md b/getting-started.md
index 993ce17..d548111 100644
--- a/getting-started.md
+++ b/getting-started.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ or
$ curl -LSfs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crate-ci/gh-install/master/v1/install.sh | sh -s -- --git cobalt-org/cobalt.rs --crate cobalt
-### Usage
+### Basic usage
#### Start
@@ -68,3 +68,6 @@ $ cobalt build
The site is sitting in `_site` and ready to be uploaded!
+If you have an existing site, read [Site generation](/docs/site-gen) to better
+understand Cobalt's operation so you can run it in your site directory.