Ethereal Effects |
Avenging |
Banishing |
Bewildering |
Blinding |
Charming |
Communicating |
Compelling |
Concealing |
Deafening |
Deceiving |
Deciphering |
Disguising |
Dispelling |
Emboldening |
Encoding |
Energizing |
Enlightening |
Enraging |
Excruciating |
Foreseeing |
Intoxicating |
Maddening |
Mesmerizing |
Mindreading |
Nullifying |
Paralyzing |
Revealing |
Revolting |
Scrying |
Silencing |
Soothing |
Summoning |
Terrifying |
Warding |
Wearying |
Withering |
Etheral Elements |
Ash |
Chaos |
Distortion |
Dream |
Dust |
Echo |
Ectoplasm |
Fire |
Fog |
Ghost |
Harmony |
Heat |
Light |
Lightning |
Memory |
Mind |
Mutation |
Negation |
Plague |
Plasma |
Probability |
Rain |
Rot |
Shadow |
Smoke |
Snow |
Soul |
Star |
Stasis |
Steam |
Thunder |
Time |
Void |
Warp |
Whisper |
Wind |
Ethereal Forms |
Aura |
Beacon |
Beam |
Blast |
Blob |
Bolt |
Bubble |
Call |
Cascade |
Circle |
Cloud |
Coil |
Cone |
Cube |
Dance |
Disk |
Field |
Form |
Gaze |
Loop |
Moment |
Nexus |
Portal |
Pulse |
Pyramid |
Ray |
Shard |
Sphere |
Spray |
Storm |
Swarm |
Torrent |
Touch |
Vortex |
Wave |
Word |
Physical Effects |
Animating |
Attracting |
Binding |
Blossoming |
Consuming |
Creeping |
Crushing |
Diminishing |
Dividing |
Duplicating |
Eveloping |
Expanding |
Fusing |
Grasping |
Hastening |
Hindering |
Illuminating |
Imprisoning |
Levitating |
Opening |
Petrifying |
Phasing |
Piercing |
Pursuing |
Reflecting |
Regenerating |
Rending |
Repelling |
Ressurrecting |
Screaming |
Sealing |
Shapeshifting |
Shielding |
Spawning |
Transmuting |
Transporting |
Physical Elements |
Acid |
Amber |
Bark |
Blood |
Bone |
Brine |
Clay |
Crow |
Crystal |
Ember |
Flesh |
Fungus |
Glass |
Honey |
Ice |
Insect |
Wood |
Lava |
Moss |
Obsidian |
Oil |
Poison |
Rat |
Salt |
Sand |
Sap |
Serpent |
Slime |
Stone |
Tar |
Thorn |
Vine |
Water |
Wine |
Wood |
Worm |
Physical Forms |
Armor |
Arrow |
Beast |
Blade |
Cauldron |
Chain |
Chariot |
Claw |
Cloak |
Colossus |
Crown |
Elemental |
Eye |
Fountain |
Gate |
Golem |
Hammer |
Horn |
Key |
Mask |
Monolith |
Pit |
Prison |
Sentinel |
Servant |
Shield |
Spear |
Steed |
Swarm |
Tentacle |
Throne |
Torch |
Trap |
Wall |
Web |
dice: 1d12 | Spells |
1 | |
2 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalEffects]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealForms]] |
3 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalForms]] |
4 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealForms]] |
5 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalForms]] |
6 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealForms]] |
7 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealElements]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalForms]] |
8 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealElements]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealForms]] |
9 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalEffects]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] |
10 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalEffects]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealElements]] |
11 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] |
12 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealElements]] |
Mutations |
Ages |
Attracts Birds |
Child-form |
Corpulence |
Covered in hair |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] arms |
Hunchback |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Items]] -form |
Long arms |
Loses all hair |
Loses teeth |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterFeatures]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] eyes |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] head |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] legs |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] mouth |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] skin |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] -form |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterTrait]] |
No eyes |
No mouth |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] -skin |
Second face |
Sheds skin |
Cyclops |
Extra arms |
Extra eyes |
Extra legs |
Forked tongue |
Gender swap |
Skrinks |
Shrivels |
Skin boils |
Slime trails |
Translucent skin |
Weeps blood |
Insanities |
Always lies |
Always polite |
Believes they are a[n] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] |
Cannot count |
Cannot lie |
Faceblind |
Fears birds |
Fears blood |
Fears books |
Fears darkness |
Fears fire |
Fears gold |
Fears horses |
Fears iron |
Fears music |
Fears own hand |
Fears PC |
Fears rain |
Fears rivers |
Fears silence |
Fears sleep |
Fears sunlight |
Fears the moon |
Fears trees |
Believes they are a genius |
Believes they are gorgeous |
Hates violence |
Belives they are invisible |
Believes they are invulnerable |
Believes they are dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterAbilities]] |
Believes they have dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterFeatures]] |
Believes they are dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterTraits]] |
Must sing |
New personality dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Personalities]] |
Says thoughts |
Sees dead people |
Omens |
All iron rusts |
Animals die |
Animals mutate: dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Mutations]] |
Birds attack |
City appears |
Deadly fog |
Mass insanity: dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Insanities]] |
Mass mutation: dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Mutations]] |
Mass slumber |
Meteor stroke |
Mirrors speak |
No stars |
Dream plague |
Endless night |
Endless rain |
Endless storm |
Endless twilight |
Endless winter |
Outsiders enter |
People shrink |
People vanish |
Plants wither |
Portal opens |
Rifts open |
Fae return |
Forest appears |
Forgetfulness |
Graves open |
Lamentations |
Maggots |
Shadows speak |
Space distorts |
Stones speak |
Total silence |
Tower appears |
Water to blood |
Aerial Animals |
Albatross |
Bat |
Beetle |
Bird of paradise |
Butterfly |
Condor |
Crane |
Crow |
Dragonfly |
Eagle |
Falcon |
Firefly |
Flamingo |
Fly |
Flying squirrel |
Goose |
Gull |
Hummingbird |
Kingfisher |
Locust |
Magpie |
Mantis |
Mockingbird |
Mosquito |
Moth |
Owl |
Parrot |
Peacock |
Pelican |
Pteranodon |
Rooster |
Sparrow |
Swan |
Vulture |
Wasp |
Woodpecker |
Terrestrial Animals |
Ant |
Ape |
Armadillo |
Badger |
Bear |
Boar |
Caterpiller |
Centipede |
Chameleon |
Cockroach |
Deer |
Elephant |
Ferret |
Fox |
Giraffe |
Goat |
Horse |
Human |
Mole |
Ostrich |
Ox |
Porcupine |
Rabbit |
Raccoon |
Rat |
Rhinocerous |
Scorpion |
Sheep |
Slug |
Snail |
Snake |
Spider |
Squirrel |
Tiger |
Wolf |
Wolverine |
Aquatic Animals |
Alligator |
Amoeba |
Anglerfish |
Beaver |
Clam |
Crab |
Dolphin |
Eel |
Frog |
Hippopotamus |
Jellyfish |
Leech |
Lobster |
Manatee |
Manta ray |
Muskrat |
Narwhal |
Newt |
Octopus |
Otter |
Penguin |
Platypus |
Pufferfish |
Salamander |
Sea Anemonoe |
Sea urchin |
Seahorse |
Seal |
Shark |
Shrimp |
Squid |
Swordfish |
Tadpole |
Turtle |
Walrus |
Whale |
Features |
Antlers |
Beak |
Carapace |
Claws |
Compound eyes |
Eye stalks |
Fangs |
Fins |
Fur |
Gills |
Hooves |
Horns |
Legless |
Long tongue |
Many-eyed |
Many-limbed |
Mucus |
Pincers |
Plates |
Plumage |
Proboscis |
Scales |
Segments |
Shaggy hair |
Shell |
Spikes |
Spinnerets |
Spines |
Stinger |
Suction cups |
Tail |
Talons |
Tentacles |
Trunk |
Tusks |
Wings |
Traits |
Amphibious |
Bloated |
Brittle |
Cannibal |
Clay-like |
Colossal |
Crystalline |
Decaying |
Ethereal |
Ever-young |
Eyeless |
Fearless |
Fluffy |
Fungal |
Gelatinous |
Geometric |
Hardened |
Illusory |
Intelligent |
Iridescent |
Luminous |
Many-headed |
Mechanical |
Planar |
Reflective |
Rubbery |
Shadowy |
Sharp |
Skeletal |
Slimy |
Sticky |
Stinking |
Tiny |
Translucent |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealElements]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] |
Abilities |
Absorbing |
Acid blood |
Anti-magic |
Blinding |
Breath weapon |
Camouflaging |
Duplicating |
Electron |
Entangling |
Exploding |
Flying |
Gaze weapon |
Hypnotizing |
Impervious |
Invisible |
Life-draining |
Magnetic |
Mimicking |
Mind-reading |
Paralyzing |
Phasing |
Poisonous |
Radioactive |
Reflective |
Regenerating |
Shapeshifting |
Spell-casting |
Stealthy |
Strangling |
Super-strength |
Telekinetic |
Teleporting |
Vampiric |
Wall-crawling |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalEffects]] |
Monster Tactics |
Ambush |
Call for support |
Capture |
Charge |
Climb foes |
Compel worship |
Create barrier |
Deceive |
Demand duel |
Disorient |
Encircle |
Evade |
Gang up |
Gather strength |
Go berserk |
Harry |
Hurl foes |
Immobilize |
Manipulate |
Mock |
Monologue |
Order minion |
Protect leader |
Protect self |
Scatter foes |
Stalk |
Steal from |
Swarm |
Target insolent |
Target leader |
Target nearest |
Targest richest |
Targets strongest |
Target weakest |
Toy with |
Use terrain |
Monster Personalities |
Alien |
Aloof |
Bored |
Cautious |
Cowardly |
Curious |
Devious |
Distractible |
Educated |
Embittered |
Envious |
Erudite |
Fanatical |
Forgetful |
Generous |
Hateful |
Honorable |
Humble |
Jaded |
Jovial |
Legalistic |
Manipulative |
Megalomaniac |
Melancholy |
Meticulous |
Mystical |
Obsessive |
Out of touch |
Paranoid |
Polite |
Psychotic |
Sophisticated |
Touchy |
Unimpressed |
Vain |
Xenophobic |
Monster Weaknesses |
Bells |
Birdsong |
Children |
Cold |
Cold iron |
Competition |
Conversation |
Deformity |
Flattery |
Flowers |
Gifts |
Gold |
Heat |
Holy icon |
Holy water |
Home cooking |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Insanities]] |
Mirrors |
Mistletoe |
Moonlight |
Music |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Methods]] |
Phylactery |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] |
Puzzles |
Riddles |
Rituals |
Silver |
Sunlight |
Tears |
True name |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^ValuableMaterials]] |
Weak spot |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Weapon]] |
Wine |
Wormwood |
dice: 1d6 | Animal |
1-2 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^AerialAnimals]] |
3-4 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^TerrestrialAnimals]] |
5-6 | dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^AquaticAnimals]] |
Civilized NPCs |
Acoylte |
Actor |
Apothecary |
Baker |
Barber |
Blacksmith |
Brewer |
Bureaucrat |
Butcher |
Carpenter |
Clockmaker |
Courier |
Courtier |
Diplomat |
Fishmonger |
Guard |
Haberdasher |
Innkeeper |
Item-seller |
Jeweler |
Knight |
Locksmith |
Mason |
Miller |
Musician |
Noble |
Painter |
Priest |
Scholar |
Scribe |
Sculptor |
Shipwright |
Soldier |
Tailor |
Taxidermist |
Wigmaker |
| Underworld NPCs | | Alchemist | | Beggar-prince | | Blackmailer | | Bounty-hunter | | Chimney sweep | | Coin-clipper | | Contortionist | | Counterfeiter | | Cultist | | Cutpurse | | Debt-collector | | Deserter | | Fence | | Fortuneteller | | Galley slave | | Gambler | | Gravedigger | | Headsman | | Hedge knight | | Highwayman | | Housebreaker | | Kidnapper | | Mad prophet | | Mountebank | | Peddler | | Pit-fighter | | Poisoner | | Rat-catcher | | Scrivener | | Sellsword | | Slave | | Smuggler | | Street performer | | Tattooist | | Urchin | | Usurer |
Wilderness NPCs |
Apiarist |
Bandit |
Caravan guard |
Caravaneer |
Druid |
Exile |
Explorer |
Farmer |
Fisherman |
Forager |
Fugitive |
Hedge wizard |
Hermit |
Hunter |
Messenger |
Minstrel |
Monk |
Monster hunter |
Outlander |
Tinker |
Pilgrim |
Poacher |
Raider |
Ranger |
Sage |
Scavenger |
Scout |
Shepherd |
Surveyor |
Tinker |
Tomb raider |
Trader |
Trapper |
Witch |
Woodcutter |
Female Names |
Afelaide |
Alma |
Barsaba |
Beatrix |
Bianca |
Cleopha |
Clover |
Constance |
Damaris |
Daphne |
Demona |
Elsbeth |
Esme |
Fern |
Hester |
Hippolyta |
Jessamine |
Jilly |
Morgot |
Nerissa |
Minerva |
Odette |
Olga |
Orchid |
Pepper |
Phoebe |
Piety |
Poppy |
Silence |
Sybil |
Trillby |
Tuesday |
Ursula |
Vivian |
Wendy |
Zora |
Male Names |
Balthazar |
Basil |
Bertram |
Blaxton |
Chadwick |
Clovis |
Destrian |
Ellis |
Erasmus |
Faustus |
Finn |
Fitzburg |
Florian |
Fox |
Godwin |
Hannibal |
Jasper |
Jiles |
Jules |
Leopold |
Merrick |
Mortimer |
Ogden |
Orion |
Oswald |
Percival |
Peregrine |
Quentin |
Redmaine |
Reinhold |
Silas |
Stilton |
Stratford |
Tenpiece |
Waverly |
Webster |
Surnames: Upper Class |
Belvedere |
Bithesea |
Calaver |
Carvolo |
De Rippe |
Droll |
Dunlow |
Edevane |
Erelong |
Febland |
Fernsby |
Fisk |
Gastrell |
Girdwood |
Gorgon |
Grimeson |
Gruger |
Hitheryon |
La Marque |
Malmora |
Miter |
Oblington |
Onymous |
Phillifent |
Portendorfer |
Romatet |
Rothery |
Skorbeck |
Slora |
Southwark |
Stavish |
Vandermeer |
Wellbelove |
Westergren |
Wexley |
Wilberforce |
Surnames: Lower Class |
Barrow |
Beetleman |
Berrycloth |
Birdwhistle |
Bobich |
Chips |
Coffin |
Crumpling |
Culpepper |
Dankworth |
Digworthy |
Dreggs |
Gimble |
Graveworm |
Greelish |
Hardwick |
Hatman |
Hovel |
Knibbs |
Midnighter |
Needle |
Nethercoat |
Pestle |
Relish |
Rumbold |
Rummage |
Sallow |
Saltmarsh |
Silverless |
Skitter |
Slee |
Slitherly |
Stoker |
Tarwater |
Tumbler |
Villin |
NPC Names |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MaleNames]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperclassSurnames]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MaleNames]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerclassSurnames]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^FemaleNames]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperclassSurnames]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^FemaleNames]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerclassSurnames]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperclassSurnames]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperclassSurnames]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperclassSurnames]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerclassSurnames]] |
NPC Professions |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CivilizedNPCs]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UnderworldNPCs]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessNPCs]] |
Assets |
Authority |
Avoids detection |
Calls in favors |
Charming |
Cooks the books |
Erases the evidence |
Excellent liar |
Extremely rich |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] -leader |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] -member |
Feared |
Fortified base |
Gorgeous |
Hears rumors |
Huge family |
Huge library |
Impersonator |
Interrogator |
Knows a guy |
Knows a way in |
Launders money |
Learned |
Local celebrity |
Local knowledge |
Loyal henchmen |
Middling oracle |
Nothing to lose |
Owns the guards |
Powerful spouse |
Procures gear |
Pulls the strings |
Secret lab |
Sells contraband |
Smuggles goods |
Spy network |
War hero |
Liabilities |
Addiction |
Alcoholic |
Corrupt ally |
Coward |
Decadent |
Forbidden love |
Gambler |
Glutton |
Greedy |
Heretic |
Huge debts |
Imposter |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Insanities]] |
Jealous |
Leaves evidence |
Many enemies |
Misinformed |
Money trail |
Narcissist |
Needs medicince |
Paranoid |
Partyer |
Poor equipment |
Protective |
Scandalous |
Softhearted |
Strict routines |
Superstitious |
Suspicious |
Temper |
Trusting |
Vulnerable base |
Wanted |
Weak-willed |
Widely despised |
NPC Goals |
A better life |
Acceptance |
Acquire dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Items]] |
Craft dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Items]] |
Destroy dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Items]] |
Enlightenment |
Fame |
Found dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Freedom |
Glory |
Impress dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^NPCs]] |
Infamy |
Infiltrate dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Justice |
Kidnap dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^NPCs]] |
Lead dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Learning |
Locate dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^NPCs]] |
Love |
Mastery |
Power |
Reach location |
Rescue dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^NPCs]] |
Resolve dispute |
Restore faction |
Reveal a secret |
Revenge |
Sabotage dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Serve a deity |
Serve evil |
Serve dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Serve ideology |
Serve leader |
Serve the needy |
Wealth |
Misfortunes |
Abandoned |
Addicted |
Arrested |
Blackmailed |
Burgled |
Challenged |
Condemned |
Crippled |
Cursed |
Defrauded |
Demoted |
Depressed |
Discredited |
Dismissed |
Disowned |
Exiled |
Famished |
Forgotten |
Framed |
Haunted |
Humiliated |
Impoverished |
Kidnapped |
Lost |
Mobbed |
Mutilated |
Overworked |
Poisoned |
Pursued |
Rejected |
Replaced |
Robbed |
Sick |
Sued |
Suspected |
Transformed |
Missions |
Apprehend |
Assassinate |
Blackmail |
Burgle |
Chart |
Convince |
Deface |
Defraud |
Deliver |
Destroy |
Discredit |
Escort |
Exfiltrate |
Extort |
Follow |
Frame |
Impersonate |
Impress |
Infiltrate |
Interrogate |
Investigate |
Kidnap |
Locate |
Plant |
Protect |
Raid |
Replace |
Retrieve |
Rob |
Ruin |
Sabotage |
Smuggle |
Surveil |
Take over |
Terrorize |
Threaten |
Methods |
Alchemy |
Blackmail |
Bluster |
Bribery |
Bullying |
Bureaucracy |
Charm |
Commerce |
Cronies |
Debate |
Deceit |
Deduction |
Eloquence |
Espionage |
Fast-talking |
Favors |
Hard work |
Humor |
Investigation |
Legal maneuvers |
Manipulation |
Misdirection |
Money |
Nagging |
Negotiation |
Persistence |
Piety |
Preparation |
Quick wit |
Research |
Rumors |
Sabotage |
Teamwork |
Theft |
Threats |
Violence |
Appearances |
Aquiline |
Athletic |
Barrel-Chested |
Boney |
Brawny |
Brutish |
Bullnecked |
Chiseled |
Coltish |
Corpulent |
Craggy |
Delicate |
Furrowed |
Gaunt |
Gorgeous |
Grizzled |
Haggard |
Handsome |
Hideous |
Lanky |
Pudgy |
Ripped |
Rosy |
Scrawny |
Sinewy |
Slender |
Slumped |
Solid |
Square-Jawed |
Statuesque |
Towering |
Trim |
Weathered |
Willowy |
Wiry |
Wrinkled |
Physical Details |
Acid scars |
Battle scars |
Birthmark |
Braided hair |
Brand mark |
Broken nose |
Bronze skinned |
Burn scars |
Bushy eyebrows |
Curly hair |
Dark skinned |
Dreadlocks |
Exotic accent |
Flogging scarrs |
Freckles |
Gold tooth |
Hoarse voice |
Huge beard |
Long hair |
Matted hair |
Missing ear |
Missing teeth |
Mustache |
Muttonchops |
Nine fingers |
Oiled hair |
One-eyed |
Pale skinned |
Piercings |
Ritual scars |
Sallow skin |
Shaved head |
Sunburned |
Tangled hair |
Tattoos |
Topknot |
Clothing |
Antique |
Battle-torn |
Bedraggled |
Blood-stained |
Ceremonial |
Dated |
Decaying |
Eccentric |
Elegant |
Embroidered |
Exotic |
Fashionable |
Flamboyant |
Food-stained |
Formal |
Frayed |
Frumpy |
Garish |
Grimy |
Haute couture |
Lacey |
Livery |
Mud-stained |
Ostentatious |
Oversized |
Patched |
Patterned |
Perfumed |
Practical |
Rumpled |
Sigil |
Singed |
Tasteless |
Undersized |
Wine-stained |
Worn out |
Personalities |
Bitter |
Brave |
Cautious |
Chipper |
Contrary |
Cowardly |
Cunning |
Driven |
Entitled |
Gregarious |
Grumpy |
Heartless |
Honor-bound |
Hotheaded |
Inquisitive |
Irascible |
Jolly |
Know-it-all |
Lazy |
Loyal |
Menacing |
Mopey |
Nervous |
Protective |
Righteous |
Rude |
Sarcastic |
Savage |
Scheming |
Serene |
Spacey |
Stoic |
Stubborn |
Stuck-up |
Suspicious |
Wisecracking |
Mannerisms |
Anecdotes |
Breathy |
Chuckles |
Clipped |
Cryptic |
Deep voice |
Drawl |
Enunciates |
Flowery speech |
Gravelly voice |
Highly formal |
Hypnotic |
Interrups |
Laconic |
Laughs |
Long pauses |
Melodious |
Monotone |
Mumbles |
Narrates |
Overly casual |
Quaint sayings |
Rambles |
Random facts |
Rapid-fire |
Rhyming |
Robotic |
Slow speech |
Speechifies |
Squeak |
Street slang |
Stutters |
Talks to self |
Trails off |
Very loud |
Whispers |
Secrets |
Addicted |
Artificial |
Assassin |
Bankrupt |
Beholden |
Counterspy |
Cultist |
Demigod |
Evil lineage |
Exile |
Fence |
Fugitive |
Ghost |
Has a child |
Heretic |
High born |
Huge fortune |
Illusion |
Insurrectionist |
Low born |
Married |
Mind-contolled |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Misfortunes]] |
Monster hunter |
Non-human |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^NPCs]] |
Polygamist |
Protects relic |
Scandalous birth |
Secret police |
Serial killer |
Smuggler |
Spy |
Time traveler |
Transformed |
War criminal |
Reputations |
Ambitious |
Authoritative |
Boor |
Borrower |
Celebrity |
Charitable |
Cheat |
Dangerous |
Entertainer |
Gossip |
Hardworking |
Holy |
Honest |
Hypochondriac |
Idiot |
Influential |
Layabout |
Leader |
Misanthrope |
Miser |
Meighborly |
Nutjob |
Obnoxious |
Overeducated |
Partier |
Pious |
Proper |
Prophet of doom |
Repulsive |
Respected |
Riffraff |
Scandalous |
Slime ball |
Terrifying |
Weirdo |
Wise |
Hobbies |
Archaeology |
Art collecting |
Bad fiction |
Calligraphy |
Card games |
Clockwork |
Collecting cats |
Cuisine |
Dark lore |
Dog breeding |
Embroidery |
Exercise |
Falconry |
Fashion |
Fishing |
Foreign cultures |
Gardening |
History |
Horseracing |
Hunting |
Instrument |
Knitting |
Lawn games |
Mountaineering |
Opera |
Painting |
Poetry |
Puzzle-solving |
Riddling |
Science |
Sculpture |
Sketching |
Smoking |
Theater |
Weaving |
Whiskey |
Relationships |
Adviser |
Blackmailer |
Business partner |
Business rival |
Buyer |
Captor |
Client |
Confidant |
Debtor |
Disciple |
Guardian |
Henchman |
Idol |
Informant |
Master |
Mentor |
Nemesis |
Offspring |
Parent |
Patron |
Political rival |
Prisoner |
Protege |
Quarry |
Right hand |
Romantic rival |
Servant |
Sibling |
Social rival |
Spouse |
Stalker |
Suitor |
Supplicant |
Supplier |
Sweetheart |
Unrequited love |
Divine Domains |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] |
Balance |
Betrayal |
Chance |
Chaos |
Conquest |
Cycles |
Death |
Destiny |
Dreams |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] |
Gateways |
Judgement |
Love |
Memory |
Monsters |
Moon |
Motherhood |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^NPCs]] |
Oaths |
Order |
Plague |
Purification |
Reason |
Schemes |
Secrets |
Storms |
Summer |
Sun |
The forge |
The sea |
The wild |
Time |
Underworld |
Wealth |
Winter |
After the Party |
Absurd boasts |
Adopted a child |
Awarded medal |
Bought the inn |
Cursed |
Duel scheduled |
Elected to office |
Given a quest |
Got married |
In a coffin |
In love |
In the stocks |
Inconvenient pet |
Insulted a noble |
Insulted dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Joined a cult |
Letter of thanks |
Lost |
Lost at gambling |
Lost reputation |
New identity |
New tattoo |
Poisoned |
Recruited |
Robbed |
Roof on fire |
Shanghaied |
Sick |
Signed contract |
Someone died |
Spilled secrets |
Started a cult |
Swindled |
Thrown in jail |
Unruly mob |
Wrong clothes |
Miscellaneous Items |
Bowl |
Brass bell |
Brooch |
Carved figurine |
Cup |
Deck of cards |
Drawing |
Foreign coin |
Game piece |
Glass eye |
Glass jar |
Hair comb |
Handkerchief |
Hinged box |
Hourglass |
Human tooth |
Hunting horn |
Loaded dice |
Long fork |
Numbered key |
Oil lamp |
Old doll |
Paint pot |
Pencil |
Purse |
Quill pen |
Salve |
Scissors |
Scroll |
Sealed letter |
Sewing needle |
Shaving razor |
Silver button |
Skull |
Tabacco pipe |
Wine bottle |
Worn Items |
Belt |
Blouse |
Boots |
Bracelet |
Breastplate |
Brigandine |
Cincture |
Cloak |
Coat |
Dress |
Earing |
Eyepatch |
Gauntlets |
Glove |
Gown |
Hat |
Helmet |
Hose |
Leather armor |
Locket |
Mail shirt |
Mask |
Necklace |
Padded armor |
Plate mail |
Ring |
Robe |
Sandals |
Scarf |
Shirt |
Shoes |
Skirt |
Slippers |
Socks |
Trousers |
Veil |
Weapon Items |
Arming sword |
Backsword |
Battleaxe |
Blowpipe |
Claymore |
Club |
Crossbow |
Cutlass |
Dagger |
Flail |
Flanged mace |
Glaive |
Halberd |
Hammer |
Hatchet |
Horsebow |
Hunting knife |
Lance |
Longbow |
Longsword |
Mace |
Maul |
Morningstar |
Pike |
Scimitar |
Shortbow |
Sickle |
Sling |
Spear |
Staff |
Stake |
Stiletto |
Throwing axe |
Warhammer |
Warpick |
Whip |
Book Subjects |
Alchemy |
Art |
Astrology |
Blackmail |
Charts and maps |
Conspiracies |
Cookbook |
Criminals |
Divination |
Etiquette |
Fashion |
Genealogy |
Hagiography |
History |
Journal |
Language |
Laws |
Letters |
Lost empires |
Lost places |
Love poems |
Monsters |
Mythology |
Odd customs |
Oratory |
Propaganda |
Prophecies |
Siegecraft |
Songs |
State secrets |
Sword fighting |
Theology |
Treasures |
War chronicle |
Who's who |
Witch-hunting |
Tool Items |
Acid flask |
Bear trap |
Bellows |
Bolt-cutters |
Chain |
Chisel |
Crowbar |
Door ram |
Ear trumpet |
Fire oil |
Fishing hook |
Goggles |
Grapping hook |
Grease |
Hacksaw |
Hammer |
Hand drill |
Lantern |
Lens |
Lock and key |
Lockpicks |
Manacles |
Metal file |
Mortar and pestle |
Needle |
Pickaxe |
Pitchfork |
Pliers |
Pole |
Pulleys |
Rope |
Scissors |
Shovel |
Spikes |
Steel wire |
Tongs |
Potions |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] -form |
Body swap |
Camouflage |
Control animals |
Control dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhyiscalElements]] |
Cure affliction |
Detect evil |
Detect gold |
Detect hidden |
Direction sense |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhyiscalElements]] -form |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhyiscalElements]] -skin |
Extra arm |
Flight |
Ghost-speech |
Heat vision |
Insanity, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Insanities]] |
Invulnerable |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Items]] -form |
Magic immunity |
Mirror image |
Ability, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterAbilities]] |
Feature, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterFeatures]] |
Trait, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterTraits]] |
Mutation, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Mutations]] |
Night vision |
Random spell, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Spells]] |
Restore health |
Speed |
Stretchy |
Super-jump |
Super-strength |
Telekinesis |
Tongues |
Water-breathing |
Water-walking |
Magic Ingredients |
Ancient liquor |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] |
Blind eye |
Boiled cat |
Book page, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^BookSubjects]] |
Bottled fog |
Coffin nail |
Corpse's hair |
Crossroad dust |
Cultist entrails |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EdiblePlants]] |
Exotic spice |
Killer's hand |
King's tooth |
Last breath |
Liar's tongue |
Lightning bolt |
Lodestone |
Monk's vow |
Monster dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterFeatures]] |
Newborn's cry |
Oil portrait |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhyiscalElements]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PoisonousPlants]] |
Potion of dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Potions]] |
Pyre ember |
Queen bee |
Queen's blood |
Ship's barnacle |
Star-metal |
Thief's finger |
Tomb flower |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^ValuableMaterial]] |
Wedding ring |
Widow's tears |
Wizard skull |
Treasure Items |
Alchemy recipe |
Amulet |
Astrolabe |
Blueprints |
Calligraphy |
Carpet |
Compass |
Contract |
Crown |
Crystal |
Deed |
Embroidery |
Fine china |
Fine liquor |
Instrument |
Magical book |
Microscope |
Music box |
Orrery |
Painting |
Perfume |
Prayer book |
Printing block |
Rare textile |
Royal robes |
Saint's relic |
Scrimshaw |
Sextant |
Sheet music |
Signet ring |
Silverware |
Spices |
Spyglass |
Tapestry |
Telescope |
Treasure map |
Treasure Traits |
Altered |
Ancient |
Blessed |
Bulky |
Compact |
Consumable |
Cultural value |
Cursed |
Damaged |
Disguised |
Draws enemies |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalEffects]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalElements]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealElements]] |
Embellised |
Encoded |
Exotic |
Extra-planar |
Famous |
Forbidden |
Fragile |
Heavy |
Immovable |
Impracticable |
Indestructable |
Intelligent |
Masterwork |
Military value |
Non-human |
Owned |
Partial |
Political value |
Religious value |
Repaired |
Royal |
Toxic |
Vile |
Valuable Materials |
Alabaster |
Amber |
Aquamarine |
Azurite |
Beryl |
Black pearl |
Bloodstone |
Bone china |
Chalcedony |
Cinnabar |
Coral |
Diamond |
Ebony |
Emerald |
Fire agate |
Garnet |
Gold |
Ivory |
Jade |
Jasper |
Jet |
Lapis lazuli |
Malachite |
Moonstone |
Onyx |
Opal |
Pearl |
Platinum |
Porcelain |
Ruby |
Sapphire |
Serpentine |
Silver |
Star iron |
Topaz turquoise |
Items |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MiscItems]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WornItems]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WeaponItems]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^ToolItems]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^TreasureItems]] |
Book |
City Themes |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] |
Aristocracy |
Art |
Bureaucracy |
Castes |
Catacombs |
`dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CityActivities]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CityEvents]] |
Crime families |
Cruelty |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CityDistrictThemes]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^DivineDomains]] |
`dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Festivals |
Feuds |
Intrigue |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerClassBuildings]] |
Martial law |
Meritocracy |
[npc] |
Opulence |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhyiscalElements]] |
Pilgrimages |
Piracy |
Plutocracy |
Poverty |
Rituals |
Slavery |
Spices |
Theocracy |
Thievery |
Trade |
Tyranny |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperClassBuildings]] |
Wizardry |
Xenophobia |
City Events |
Assassination |
Carnival |
Conscription |
Coronation |
Coup |
Cult activity |
Curfew |
Discovery |
Earthquake |
faction war, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] vs dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Fashion trend |
Fire |
Flood |
Heavy fog |
Heavy taxes |
Holy day |
Hysteria |
Inquisition |
Insurrection |
Invasion |
Jailbreak |
Mass eviction |
Mass pardon |
Negotiations |
Plague |
Proclamation |
Prohibition |
Public games |
Refugees |
Rioting |
Roundup |
Scandal |
Serial killer |
Shortage |
Tournament |
Trial |
District Themes |
Catacombs |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CivilizedNPC]] |
Construction |
Crafts |
Criminality |
Culture |
Dining |
Education |
Entertainment |
Finance |
Foreigners |
Ghettoes |
Government |
Graveyards |
Green space |
Industrialization |
Judgement |
Livestock |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerClassBuildings]] |
Marketplace |
Memorials |
Military |
Opulence |
Pollution |
Poverty |
Punishment |
Religion |
Science |
Trade |
Trash |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UnderworldNPC]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperClassBuildings]] |
Vices |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessNPC]] |
Wizardry |
Wonders |
Upper Class Buildings |
Academy |
Alchemist |
Archive |
Art dealer |
Barber |
Bookbinder |
Bookseller |
Castle |
Clockmaker |
Clothier |
Courthouse |
Furrier |
Gallery |
Garden |
Haberdashery |
Jeweler |
Law office |
Locksmith |
Lounge |
Manor |
Museum |
Observatory |
Opera house |
Park |
Physician |
Printer |
Public baths |
Restaurant |
Salon |
Stables |
Taxidermist |
Temple |
Tobacconist |
Townhouse |
Winery |
Zoo |
Lower Class Buildings |
Apothecary |
Asylum |
Baker |
Brewery |
Butcher |
Candlemaker |
Catacombs |
Cheesemaker |
Criminal den |
Curiousity shop |
Dock |
Fighting pit |
Forge |
Fortuneteller |
Gambling hall |
Leatherworks |
Marketplace |
Mason |
Mill |
Moneylender |
Orphanage |
Outfitter |
Prison |
Sewers |
Shipyards |
Shrine |
Stockyard |
Stonecarver |
Tattooist |
Tavern |
Theater |
Veterinarian |
Warehouse |
Watchtower |
Weaver |
Workshop |
City Activities |
Abduct |
Beg |
Brawl |
Burgle |
Celebrate |
Chase |
Constuct |
Cook |
Dance |
Duel |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^DungeonActivities]] |
Execute |
Extinguish |
Extort |
Follow |
Gamble |
Haul |
Interrogate |
Marry |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Missions]] |
Mourn |
Party |
Patrol |
Perform |
Play |
Preach |
Process |
Proclaim |
Protest |
Release |
Repair |
Riot |
Rob |
Search |
Sell |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessActivities]] |
Building Rooms |
Arboretum |
Atrium |
Attic |
Aviary |
Ballroom |
Baths |
Bed chamber |
Cabinet |
Chapel |
Cloakroom |
Dining room |
Dressing room |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^DungeonRooms]] |
Garden |
Garret |
Greenhouse |
Junk room |
Kitchen |
Larder |
Library |
Map room |
Menagerie |
Mews |
Nursery |
Pantry |
Parlor |
Privy |
Root cellar |
Saucery |
Scullery |
Smoking room |
Spicery |
Still room |
Study |
Trophy room |
Wardrobe |
Tactical Street Features |
Arcade |
Awnings |
Balconies |
Barricades |
Bridge |
Canal |
Carriages |
Catwalks |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CityActivities]] |
Climbable walls |
Clotheslines |
Crowd |
Dead end |
Dense fog |
Downpour |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^DungeonActivities]] |
Flooding |
Food stalls |
Fountain |
Gates |
Ladders |
Livestock |
Muddy |
Overgrown |
Roof access |
Roof gardens |
Sewer access |
Sinkhole |
Slick |
Steep roofs |
Steep streets |
Steps |
Torn up street |
Vermin swarms |
Well |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessActivities]] |
Tactical Building Features |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] nests |
Balconies |
Basement access |
Brightly lit |
Broken furniture |
Broken glass |
Cabinets |
Carpeted floors |
Chandeliers |
Crawlspaces |
Drain pipes |
Dumbwaiters |
Echoing marble |
Hanging chains |
Huge fireplace |
Narrow ledges |
Open windows |
Ornate weapons |
Overgrown |
Patrols |
Piles of trash |
Pillars |
Rotting ceiling |
Rotting floors |
Rotting walls |
Screens |
Servant passages |
Sewer access |
Shadowy alcoves |
Skylights |
Spyholes |
Staircases |
Tall bookshelves |
Unlit |
Watchdogs |
Window drapes |
Factions |
Art movement |
Begger's guild |
Black market |
Brotherhood |
City guard |
Conspiracy |
Craft gulid |
crime family |
Crime ring |
Dark cult |
Explorer's club |
Free company |
Gourmand club |
Heist crew |
Heretical sect |
High council |
Hired killers |
Local militia |
National church |
Noble house |
Outlander clan |
Outlaw gang |
Political party |
Religious order |
Religious sect |
Resistance |
Royal army |
Royal house |
Scholar's circle |
Secret society |
Spy network |
Street artists |
Street gang |
Street musicians |
Theater troupe |
Trade company |
Faction Traits |
Bankrupt |
Bureaucratic |
Charitable |
Confused |
Connected |
Corrupt |
Decadent |
Decaying |
Delusional |
Divided |
Dwindling |
Efficient |
Esoteric |
Expanding |
Hunted |
Icompetent |
Incorruptible |
Insane |
Insular |
Manipulative |
Martial |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Personalities]] |
Pious |
Popular |
Righteous |
Ruthless |
Secret |
Subversive |
Supperesed |
Threatened |
Thriving |
Unpopular |
Up-and-coming |
Wealthy |
Well-prepared |
Xenophobic |
Faction Goals |
Advise leader |
Avoid detection |
Awaken being |
Collect artifacts |
Construct base |
Control faction, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Control politics |
Create artifact |
Create monster, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] |
Defeat faction, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Defend borders |
Defend leader |
Destroy artifacts |
Destroy being |
Destroy villian |
Enforce law |
Enrich members |
Entertain |
Exhange goods |
Hear rumors |
Indulge tastes |
Infiltrate faction, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] |
Map the wild |
Overthrow order |
Preserve lineage |
Preserve lore |
Produce goods |
Promote arts |
Promote craft |
Purge traitors |
Sell services |
Share knowledge |
Spread beliefs |
Summon evil |
Survive |
Transport goods |
Wilderness Regions |
Ashy |
Badlands |
Bay |
Beach |
Delta |
Desert |
Dry lands |
Dune sea |
Dust bowl |
Fjords |
Flood lands |
Foothills |
Forest |
Glaciers |
Heath |
Highlands |
Hills |
Ice fields |
Jungle |
Lowlands |
Mesas |
Moor |
Mountains |
Petrified forest |
Plains |
Rainforest |
Riverlands |
Salt pan |
Svanna |
Steppe |
Taiga |
Thickets |
Tundra |
Volcanic plain |
Wetlands |
Woodlands |
Wilderness Landmarks |
Bog |
Boulder field |
Butte |
Cave |
Cliff |
Crag |
Crater |
Creek |
Crossing |
Ditch |
Field |
Forest |
Grove |
Hill |
Hollow |
Hot springs |
Lair |
Lake |
Lakebed |
Marsh |
Mesa |
Moor |
Pass |
Pit |
Pond |
Rapids |
Ravine |
Ridge |
Rise |
River |
Rockslide |
Spring |
Swamp |
Thickets |
Valley |
Waterfall |
Wilderness Structures |
Altar |
Aqueduct |
Bandit's camp |
Battlefield |
Bonfire |
Bridge |
Cairn |
Crossroads |
Crypt |
Dam |
Dungeon |
Farm |
Ford |
Fortress |
Gallows |
Graveyard |
Hedge |
Hunter's camp |
Inn |
Lumber camp |
Mine |
Monastery |
Monument |
Orchard |
Outpost |
Pasture |
Ruin |
Seclusion |
Shack |
Shrine |
Standing stone |
Temple |
Village |
Wall |
Watchtower |
Waystone |
Wilderness Region Traits |
Ashen |
Blasted |
Blighted |
Broken |
Consuming |
Corrupted |
Creeping |
Desolate |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^DungeonRuinations]] |
Eternal |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] |
Forsaken |
Frozen |
Haunted |
Howling |
Jagged |
Lonely |
Misty |
Perilous |
Petrified |
Phantasmal |
Ravenous |
Savage |
Shadowy |
Shifting |
Shivering |
Sinister |
Sinking |
Smoldering |
Sweltering |
Thorny |
Thundering |
Torrential |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalEffects]] |
Wandering |
Withered |
Wilderness Discoveries |
Blood stains |
Bones |
Broken weapons |
Burrow |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CityActivities]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CivilizedNPC]] |
Cut ropes |
Dead animal |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^DungeonActivities]] |
Food scraps |
Grave marker |
Human corpse |
[item] |
Lost [npc] |
Magical effect, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Spell]] |
Map |
Message |
Migration |
Mutation, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Mutations]] |
Nest |
Portal |
Resources |
Rift |
Strange plant |
Stunned [npc] |
Supplies |
Torn flag |
Tracks |
Trap |
Treasure cache |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UnderworldNPC]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessActivities]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessLandmarks]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessStructures]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessNPC]] |
Wizard fight |
Wilderness Activities |
Ambush |
Argue |
Birth |
Build |
Bury |
Capture |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CityActivities]] |
Convene |
Demolish |
Die |
Duel |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^DungeonActivities]] |
Eat |
Excavate |
Feast |
Felling |
Fish |
Flee |
Forage |
Hunt |
March |
Raid |
Rescue |
Rest |
Sacrifice |
Scout |
Sing |
Skin |
Skirmish |
Slay |
Sleep |
Swim |
Track |
Trap |
Wander |
Worship |
Widlerness Hazards |
Avalanche |
Blizzard |
Brushfire |
Cloudburst |
Cyclone |
Dense fog |
Downpour |
Drizzle |
Dust storm |
Earthquake |
Eruption |
Flooding |
Forest fire |
Hail |
Heat wave |
Hurricane |
Ice storm |
Light mist |
Locust swarm |
Magma flow |
Meteor strike |
Monsoon |
Mudflow |
Mudslide |
Predator |
Quicksand |
Rain of frogs |
Rockslide |
Sandstorm |
Sleet |
Snow stampeded |
Thunderstorm |
tsunami |
Whirlpool |
Windstorm |
Edible Plants |
Acorns |
Apples |
Asparagus |
Blackberries |
Bluebarries |
Carrots |
Cattail |
Cherries |
Chickweed |
Chicory |
Clover |
Dandelion |
Dead-nettle |
Elderberries |
Gooseberries |
Hazelnuts |
Henbit |
Hickory nuts |
Honeysuckle |
Leeks |
Milk thistle |
Mint |
Mulberries |
Mushrooms |
Mustard |
Onion |
Pecans |
Persimmons |
Raspberries |
Strawberries |
Walnuts |
Watercress |
Wild garlic |
Wild grapes |
Wood sorrel |
Poisonous Plants |
Angel's trumpet |
Baneberry |
Belladona |
Black truffle |
Bleeding heart |
Celandine |
Cocklebur |
Crowncup |
Death cap |
Dumbcane |
Foxglove |
Hemlock |
Hogweed |
Holly |
Horse chestnut |
Hyacinth |
Ivy |
Jessamine |
Kudu |
Larkspur |
Mandrake |
Mangrove |
Mistletoe |
Moonflower |
Nightshade |
Oleander |
Ragwort |
Reindeer lichen |
Snakeweed |
Spindle |
Stinkhorn |
Waxcap |
Wine-cap |
Wolfsbane |
Wormwood |
Inn Names |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^InnAdjectives]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^InnNouns]] |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^InnNouns]] dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^InnAdjectives]] |
Inn Adjectives |
Bellowing |
Blazing |
Bleak |
Blessed |
Bloody |
Crimson |
Cunning |
Copper |
Dancing |
Dead |
Drunken |
Flying |
Ghastly |
Golden |
Helpful |
Hideous |
Howling |
Hungry |
Modly |
Muttering |
Nimble |
Oozing |
Petrified |
Prancing |
Romantic |
Salty |
Singing |
Shivering |
Shrieking |
Silver |
Smoking |
Thirsty |
Wicked |
Tipsy |
Whistling |
Wanton |
Inn Nouns |
Axe |
Barrel |
Bear |
Bell |
Boot |
Bowl |
Bucket |
Candle |
Cock |
Cow |
Dragon |
Egg |
Elephant |
Flea |
Fork |
Giant |
Griffin |
Hart |
Hog |
Hound |
Lamb |
Lion |
Mackerel |
Maid |
Monk |
Moon |
Pipe |
Prince |
Rat |
Skull |
Spoon |
Star |
Swan |
Sword |
Whale |
Wife |
Inn Quirks |
100 years in past |
Always night |
Animal fights |
Bard duels |
Bigger inside |
Black market |
Brand new |
Cannibals |
[cityActivities] |
Constant party |
Dancing contest |
Dead drop |
[dungeonForms] |
Expensive |
Faction, dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Factions]] hangout |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^FactionTraits]] |
Famous chef |
Fey patrons |
Fight club |
Five floors |
Ghost staff |
Haunted |
Hideout |
Inn / dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperClassBuildings]] |
Inn / dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerClassBuildings]] |
Magic sword |
Magically moves |
Mercs for hire |
Npc, [npc], hangout |
Preaching |
Secure storage |
Staff are kids |
Talking painting |
Underground |
VIP lounge |
Voice in well |
Women only |
Dungeon Entrances |
All libraries |
Beaver dam |
Behind waterfall |
Chalk rectangle |
Chest bottom |
Chimney |
Cupboard |
Dolmen shadow |
Down a well |
Fiery pit |
Fog road |
Forest spring |
Giant book |
Gypsy Wagon |
Hollow tree |
Huge keyhole |
Iron maiden |
Living tattoo |
Magic painting |
Man-shaped hole |
Maze potion |
Mirror |
Monster mouth |
Monster wound |
Narrow alley |
Rain door |
Sewer grate |
Sudden rift |
Tidal cave |
Tower top |
Tree roots |
Under the bed |
Unfolded map |
Up a tree |
Whirlpool |
Wine barrel |
Dungeon Forms |
Arena |
Asylum |
Aviary |
Bank |
Baths |
Body |
Casino |
Catacombs |
Cave |
Court |
Forge |
Garden |
Hideout |
Hotel |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerClassBuildings]] |
Laboratory |
Library |
Market |
Mine |
Monastery |
Musuem |
Nursery |
Orphanage |
Palace |
Prison |
Sewer |
Ship |
Slave Pit |
Temple |
Theater |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperClassBuildings]] |
University |
Vault |
Zoo |
Dungeon Layouts |
Ant colony |
Central hub |
Claustrophobic |
Crisscrossing |
Curved |
Disorienting |
Galleria |
Geometric |
Gonzo |
Haphazard |
Highly regular |
Honeycomb |
Intertwined |
Isolated wings |
Layered |
Linear |
Loops |
Many corridors |
Mazes |
Mix of layouts |
Multiple hubs |
No corridors |
Open plan |
Open voids |
Organic |
Oversized |
Recursive |
Repetitive |
Sprawling |
Suspended |
Symbol shapes |
Tall and narrow |
Themed zones |
Vertical |
Winding |
Ziggurat |
Dungeon Ruinations |
Arcane disaster |
Army invasion |
Cannibalism |
Civil war |
Collapse |
Crystal growth |
Curse |
Degeneration |
Earthquake |
Eruption |
Evil unearthed |
Experiments |
Explosion |
Famine |
Fire |
Flooding |
Fungus |
Haunting |
Ice |
Insanity: dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Insanities]] |
Lava flow |
Magical sleep |
Melted |
Monster attack |
Mutation: dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Mutations]] |
Outsider attack |
Overgrowth |
Petrification |
Plague |
Planar overlay |
Poison gas |
Resource gone |
Revolt |
Risen dead |
Too many traps |
War |
Dungeon Rewards |
Ancient lore |
Animal ally |
Army |
Blessing |
Blueprints |
Cultural artifact |
Enemy weakness |
Factoin ally |
Forewarning |
Guide |
Holy relic |
Influential ally |
Jewels |
Key |
Lost formula |
Machine |
Magic [item] |
Magical ally |
Map |
Marital ally |
Masterpiece |
Monster ally: dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] |
Oracle |
Piles of loot |
Planar portal |
Prophecy |
Renown |
Spell: dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Spell]] |
Transformation |
Transport |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^TreasureItems]] |
Uncovered plot |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^ValuableMaterials]] |
Vision |
Weapon |
Dungeon Activities |
Besiege |
Capture |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^CityActivities]] |
Collect |
Construct |
Control |
Deliver |
Demolish |
Escape |
Feed |
Fortify |
Guard |
Hide |
Hunt |
Loot |
Map |
Mine |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^MonsterTactics]] |
Negotiate |
Patrol |
Perform ritual |
Purge |
Question |
Raid |
Repair |
Rescue |
Research |
Revive |
Riddle |
Scavenge |
Seize |
Tunnel |
Unearth |
Vandalize |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^WildernessActivities]] |
Worship |
Dungeon Rooms |
Armory |
Banquet hall |
Barracks |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^BuildingRooms]] |
Catacombs |
Cavern |
Chasm |
Courtyard |
Crypt |
Dormitory |
Fighting pit |
Forge |
Fountain |
Gate house |
Guard room |
Kennel |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^LowerClassBuildings]] |
Laboratory |
Mess hall |
Mine shaft |
Museum |
Oubliette |
Pool |
Prison |
Record room |
Shrine |
Slaughterhose |
Stables |
Storeroom |
Throne room |
Torture room |
Treasury |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^UpperClassBuildings]] |
Vault |
Well |
Workshop |
Dungeon Room Details |
Bas-relief |
Blood trail |
Bones |
Chains |
Chalk marks |
Claw marks |
Corpses |
Cracked beams |
Crumbling walls |
Decaying food |
Decaying nest |
Dripping water |
Fading murals |
Faint breeze |
Faint footsteps |
Fallen pillars |
Fungus |
Furniture |
Graffiti |
Mosaics |
Recent repairs |
Rotting books |
Rubble |
Shed skin |
Slime trails |
Spider webs |
Stalactites |
Stench |
Smoke stains |
Thick dust |
Torn clothes |
Tree roots |
Unusual smell |
Vibrations |
Vines |
Whispers |
Dungeon Tricks |
Absorption |
Activation |
Animation |
Blessings |
Communication |
Confusion |
Consumption |
Curses |
Deception |
Duplication |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^EtherealEffects]] |
Exchange |
Imprisonment |
Instructions |
Interrogation |
Mind-control |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Missons]] |
Mood-alteration |
Nullification |
dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^PhysicalEffects]] |
Planeshift |
Protection |
Rejuvenation |
Release |
Reversal |
Rotation |
Scrying |
Size-alteration |
Summoning |
Theft |
Time-alteration |
Transformation |
Transmutation |
Transportation |
Wonder |
Dungeon Hazards |
Acid drip |
Bloodsuckers |
Cave-in |
Choking dust |
Crude oil |
Crystal shards |
Deafening noise |
Dense fog |
Ensnaring vines |
Fallen floor |
Flooding |
Freezing |
Geysers |
Magma |
Magentic field |
Mud flow |
Narrow ledge |
Narrow passage |
Poison goo |
Precipice |
Quicksand |
Radiation |
Rockslide |
Rotten ceiling |
Rotten floor |
Sinkhole |
Slippery slope |
Spider wends |
Spores |
Steam vents |
Strong winds |
Tar pit |
Tight passage |
Toppling objects |
Toxic fumes |
Trap Effects |
Acid pool |
Adhesive |
Alarm |
Armor melts |
Bear trap |
Blinding spray |
Blunt pendulum |
Boiling tar |
Collasping floor |
Crocodile pit |
Crushing walls |
Deep pit |
Falling cage |
Falling ceiling |
Fills with sand |
Flooding |
Giant magnet |
Hard vacuum |
Lava flow |
Lightning |
Living statues |
Missile fire |
Freed monster - dice: [[MazeRatsTables#^Animal]] |
Net trap |
Pendulm blade |
Poison gas |
Poison needle |
Quicksand |
Rage gas |
Rolling boulder |
Room freezes |
Room on fire |
Sleeping gas |
Spiked pit |
Tombs open |
Wall spikes |
Trap Triggers |
Blow |
Break |
Burn |
Choice |
Countdown |
Darkness |
Drain |
Eat |
Insert |
Kill |
Knock |
Light |
Magic |
Melody |
Noise |
Open |
Phrase |
Pour |
Press |
Proximity |
Pull |
Read |
Reflect |
Release |
Remove |
Retrieve |
Rudeness |
Shut |
Sit |
Sleep |
Slide |
Touch |
Turn |
Unbalance |
Unearth |
Write |