This package used for autonomously search and grab objects in a large scale by unmanned aerial manipulators(UAM), which is based on ROS. We propose a novel detection and control framework for UAM to solve the problem of accurate grasping in a large-scale area, which consists of two stages: preliminary localization and precise localization. For more details, you can see video.
Note: We only provide relevant data and models. The project is under the construction.
We have tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic and Gazebo 7 with an NVIDIA 1050Ti with python 2.7, python 3.5 and C++11. The following steps describe the native installation.
1. Install ROS
Follow these instructions. And we recommend installing ros-kinetic-desktop-full.
2. Install RotorS
We use the RotorS as the UAV, so you should install RotorS as following these instructions.
3. Install jsk_recognition
We use the jsk_recognition to progress the 3D infomation, you can install it as following these instructions.
4. Install ewok
We use the ewok for UAV path planning, you can install it as following these instructions.
5. Create a catkin workspace
To create a catkin workspace, follow these instructions:
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src # Replace `catkin_ws` with the name of your workspace
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make
6. Download the CatchIt code
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
7. Build
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
1. Start ROS master
$ roscore
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
2. Run the demo world
$ roslaunch uav_arm_gazebo firfly_planning.launch
$ roslaunch uav_arm_gazebo firefly_control.launch
$ roslaunch dope dope.launch
- The following ROS topics are published:
/filter_pcl # Processed point cloud
/bounding_boxs # 3D bounding box of potentially possible objects
/gripper_open_close # gripper control information
/dope/pose_[obj_name] # timestamped pose of object
Note: [obj_name] is in {cracker, gelatin, meat, mustard, soup, sugar}, for more details, you can see the doc.
- You can debug in RViz, add one or more of the following displays:
ADD the Image -> /firefly/rgbd_uav/camera_rgb/image_raw # camera one image(UAV overlook camera)
ADD the Image -> /firefly/rgbd/camera_depth/camera/image_raw # camera two image(wrist's camera)
ADD the PointCloud2 -> /firefly/rgbd/camera_depth_2/depth/points # camera two point cloud
ADD the PointCloud2 -> filter_pcl # Processed point cloud
ADD the BoundingBoxArray -> /bounding_boxs # 3D bounding box of potentially possible objects
ADD the Imgae -> /dope/rgb_points # dope 6D estimate
Licensed under the GPL License.
Contact: Tianlin Zhang. Email: [email protected]