This changelog references any relevant changes introduced in 1.0 minor versions.
1.0.9 (2020-07-22)
- Issue #57: Can't see embedded images in ticket.
- Issue #56: refresh-mailbox produces Parse Error.
1.0.8 (2020-05-26)
- Misc. Updates:
- Added some condition to remove redundency of tickets when more conversation between customer and agent and ticket get duplicates.
- Misc. Updates:
1.0.7 (2020-04-17)
- Misc. Updates:
- Change processing function and removed unnecessary code for speed up.
- Misc. Updates:
1.0.6 (2020-03-17)
- Misc. Updates:
- Added Missing Translations.
- Misc. Updates:
1.0.5 (2020-02-12)
- Misc. Updates:
- Included Github issue templates.
- Misc. Updates:
1.0.4 (2020-01-25)
- Issue #38: Issue for imap host field when add host inside qoutes ' '.
- Issue #28: Error while edit disable mailbox.
- Issue #50: Email setting are not being update in production mode.
- Issue #51: Duplicate entry for ticket when running refresh command second time.
1.0.3 (2019-11-15)
- Issue #46: IMAP not creating tickets
- Misc. Updates:
- Included Github issue templates
- Updated composer dependencies & set minimum required php version to 7.2
1.0.2 (2019-10-22)
- Misc. Updates:
- Use https when available while refreshing mailboxes via CLI
- Updated with link to the official gitter chat for uvdesk/mailbox-component
- Misc. Updates:
1.0.1 (2019-10-15)
- Misc. Updates:
- Only users with admin level privileges can configure mailbox settings
- Misc. Updates:
1.0.0 (Released on 2019-10-09)
- Issue #44: Misc. fixes (raised by anmol107)
- Issue #14: duplicate swiftmailer created with same email (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #42: SwiftMailer SVG update (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #41: Added Mailbox entry in Search list (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #40: Add search bar component items (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #39: Error when update swiftmailer configuration (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #32: IMAP host field is not mandatory (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #35: update template emailSettings.html (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #31: Mailbox fields missing when edit mailbox for imap transport (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #15: Swiftmailer gets deleted for setup mailbox (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #16: updated swiftmailer id not update into uvdesk.yaml (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #33: Confirm box must be appear while deleting a mailbox configuration (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #30: uvdesk.yml file update and issues (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #22: Swiftmailer update with blank mailer_id (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #10: Define maximum character length of mailbox name (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #20: Port not define for mailbox when set transport as IMAP (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #27: Resolve issue(thread was not creating) while creating the ticket via … (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #26: Feature added to show progress in Mailbox refresh command and Issues. (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #24: Update Prefix in uvdesk.yaml (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #18: yahoo configuration issue with user password (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #13: Default site url set when update uvdesk.yaml[email settings] (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #23: mailbox-component issue-10 (raised by kumarSaurabh27)
- Issue #9: Mailbox id not accept integer values (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #12: Error while deleting swiftmailer (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #8: Mailbox fields not sanitized properly (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #21: Always set automatically created mailbox id (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #19: Update message if mailbox configuration not found (raised by vaishaliwebkul)
- Issue #11: blocked email check when creating ticket through mail (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #7: resolved issue (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #6: Mailbox setup validation updates (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #5: Added a function in mailbox service for mailbox collection (raised by papnoisanjeev)
- Issue #4: mailbox updates (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #3: resolved issues (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #2: resolved issues while configuring mailbox and refactored code (raised by shubhwebkul)
- Issue #1: Decoupled Mailbox Component (raised by akshaywebkul)