This is the default configuation file.
# === [ MySQL Settings ] ===
# activate MySQL
active: false
# hostname to use to connect to the database, in most cases 'localhost'
hostname: host
# username to use to connect to the database
username: user
# password to use to connect to the database
password: pw
# database name to connect to
database: db
# database port to connect to
port: 3306
# general statistic table name
table: pvpstats
# kill statistic table name
killtable: pvpkillstats
# connection options
options: ?autoReconnect=true
# === [ SQLite Settings ] ===
# activate SQLite
active: false
# general statistic table name
table: pvpstats
# kill statistic table name
killtable: pvpkillstats
# === [ YML Database Emulation Settings ] ===
# general statistic table name
table: pvpstats
# kill statistic table name
killtable: pvpkillstats
# === [ Statistic Settings ] ===
# clear (duplicated) statistics on every start
clearOnStart: true
# prevent players from getting kills from the same victim
checkAbuse: true
# seconds to wait before allowing to kill the same player again to count (-1 will never reset)
abuseSeconds: -1
# save every kill - is never read internally, so only for web stats or alike
collectPrecise: true
# always reset a streak when a player disconnects
resetKillstreakOnQuit: false
# count dying from other sources than players towards death count and resetting of streaks
countRegularDeaths: false
# mathematical formula to calculate kill/death ratio
killDeathCalculation: '&k/(&d+1)'
# === [ Integration into other Plugins ] ===
# count PVP Arena deaths
PVPArena: false
# world names where not to count statistics
- doNotTrack
# === [ ELO Score Settings ] ===
active: false
# min possible ELO score
minimum: 18
# starting ELO score
default: 1500
# max possible ELO score
maximum: 3000
# K-Factor settings
# K-Factor below threshold
below: 32
# K-Factor above threshold
above: 16
# K-Factor threshold
threshold: 2000
# === [ Message Settings ] ===
overrides: false
- '&cName: &7%n'
- '&cKills: &7%k'
- '&cDeaths: &7%d'
- '&cRatio: &7%r'
- '&cStreak: &7%s'
- '&cMax Streak: &7%m'
# locations of leaderboards
leaderboards: []
# === [ Updater Settings ] ===
# phone home to inform slipcor that you use the plugin
tracker: true
# what to do? Valid values: disable, announce, download, both
mode: both
# which type of branch to get updates? Valid values: dev, alpha, beta, release
type: beta