All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Up next I need to look into the constant pointer churn from the typemaps. This may just be an expected thing but for instance, calling stdplane_const gets a new memory address every call. I was under the impression this should return a constant address. Need to look into it more.
Timespecs are broken.
I'd also love to figure out how to build a type-checking mechanism between SWIG and Ruby because it's really easy to coredump right now.
0.0.2 - 2024-07-31
Still a WIP with a long way to go, but at the point I can replicate notcurses-demo in Ruby to test the extension.
- Added SWIG mixins to make SWIG-generated class instantiation cleaner, as well as a mixin to get a hash from a SWIG-generated class instance.
- All functions now return a hash; the :return key has the retval from the function, while the other keys contain the mutated arguments keyed by their parameter name.
- N/A
- N/A
- Many bugfixes related to typing
- N/A
0.0.1 - YYYY-MM-DD
- Initial release. Crude, sorta works.