- Update AGP and Gradle version for latest Android Studio Ladybug (2024.2.1 Patch 1)
- #35 | Android - opening only specific file types
- #39 | When sharing document, set file name
- #36 | Implement first version of Document validation
- #32 | Cleanup
- #35 | Limit Android "Share" / "Open" action file types
- #30 | Logging into Crashlytics
- #16 | Fix iOS URL domain association
- Refactor Settings model
- #18 | Allow sharing signed Document even when failed to save file
- #26 | About screen - add links into "about" text
- #26 | About screen - fix vertical content overflow on smaller screens
- Update about text in iOS build
- Update about text
- Remove iPad from target devices as iPads have no NFC
- set minimum iOS version to 12 as apple required
- Update Android and iOS icons
- Update texts
- Set default signatureType without TimeStamp
- Fix Signature Type setting UX
- #4 | Displaying Onboarding screen for Remote Document Signing only 1st time
- #7 | When signing remote Document (from QR code or URL), then cannot change Signing Type
- Android: Setup release build signing key for Google Play
- Displaying Privacy Policy and Terms of Service documents in Onboarding and Main menu
- Storing "version" value from loaded documents above
- Android: Fix auto verify Deep links - no need to manually enable domain association
- Fix issue that no document was open when QR code was scanned
- QR code scanner icon is displayed only when terms are accepted
- UX changes for document remote signing
- Impl. QR code scanner
- Register custom "avm" scheme handler in iOS
- Android: Handling Deep link action to sign document To enable opening app from URL, need go to App info → Set as default → Supported web addresses: enable "autogram.slovensko.digital"
- Update some strings
- Fix Android compilation warnings regarding incompatible Kotlin version
- Add main menu and custom menu and QR code scanner icons
- Prepare some screens accessible from main menu
- Rewrite setting screen
- Refactor and enable Onboarding flow
- Refactor result (info, error, etc.) views
- Update strings
- Extract SK strings into .arb file
- When creating new Document, payloadMimeType is optional
- Integrate Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics
- iOS: Set "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption"=NO flag for App Store Connect
- iOS: Supporting opening file via "Share to" also in iOS (works in Files and Mail, not Safari)
- Android: When opening file via "Share to", it's handled by single process Activity so that the UX is identical with iOS
- iOS: Saving signed documents into app specific directory with file access enabled
- iOS: Add missing NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription for App Store Connect
- Add some horizontal padding to Autogram logo
- iOS: First iOS release; where saving to Downloads and opening by Autogram is not yet implemented!
- Sync API client with v0.3.0
- Android: Change Application Id to "digital.slovensko.avm"
- iOS: Change Bundle ID to "digital.slovensko.avm"
- Tweak displaying licenses in Settings -> About
- Signature type selection screen - don't displaying app bar when it's loading
- After document was signed, displaying success screen even if unable to save file into Downloads so that user can at least Share it
- Prepare Terms and Conditions web page - accessible from Setting
- iOS: Update app icon, lock screen orientation
- Tweak Autogram logo
- Update core UI elements (Buttons, Radio, AppBar, Loading indicator) based on "AVM" design system
- Storing and using previously selected signing certificate
- Appending timestamp to signed file name
- Increase font size to scale 110%
- Android: Using custom Android app icon and logo
- Saving signed document into Downloads folder
- Supporting opening any file by Autogram
- Using brand Source Sans 3 font
- Displaying license info via Settings -> About
- Tweak button theme
- Add share action into preview screen
- Increase primary button height
- Export common theme constants
- Implement screen for case when ID card have no QES certificate
- Implement option to select signature type - to add timestamp
- Fix dialog theme
- Option to specify PDF container - PAdES / XAdES / CAdES
- Allow to open .sce, .asice, .asics
- Android: Custom Android icon and name
- Implement document signing flow with success state where able to share generated file
- Fix text (TXT, HTML) visualization encoding
- Displaying QES certificates
- Implement basic document signing flow w/o custom UI
- Implement basic app skeleton with navigation and document signing flow
- Implement feature to list certificates from ID card