display benchmark code and result:
// benchmark/ws_benchmark.js
const WebSocket = require('ws')
// host = "ws://localhost:8080/echo" // backend
host = "ws://localhost:8081/echo" // proxy
function benchmark() {
setInterval(() => {
console.log("current avg delta(ms): ", avgDelta.toFixed(3));
}, 2000)
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
var testCnt = 0
var avgDelta = 0
function count_delay(delta) {
if (testCnt === 0) {
avgDelta = delta
avgDelta = avgDelta * ((testCnt - 1) / testCnt) + delta * (1 / testCnt)
function delay_test() {
var c = new WebSocket(host)
c.onmessage = (evt) => {
let now = (new Date()).getTime()
count_delay(now - (+evt.data))
// console.log("recv:", evt.data)
c.onerror = (evt) => {
console.error("error:", evt.data)
c.onopen = (e) => {
setInterval(() => {
c.send((new Date()).getTime().toString())
}, 100)
// benchmark/ws_proxy_benchmark.go
package main
import (
proxy "github.com/yeqown/fasthttp-reverse-proxy/v2"
var (
proxyServer, _ = proxy.NewWSReverseProxyWith(proxy.WithURL_OptionWS("ws://localhost:8080/echo"))
// ProxyHandler ... fasthttp.RequestHandler func
func ProxyHandler(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
switch string(ctx.Path()) {
case "/echo":
case "/":
// homeView(ctx)
fasthttp.ServeFileUncompressed(ctx, "./index.html")
ctx.Error("Unsupported path", fasthttp.StatusNotFound)
// TODO: pprof capture
func main() {
fd, err := os.Create("./cpu.prof")
defer fd.Close()
if err != nil {
if err = pprof.StartCPUProfile(fd); err != nil {
ch := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(ch, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGHUP)
go func() {
for s := range ch {
log.Printf("got signal = %v", s)
if s == syscall.SIGINT || s == syscall.SIGQUIT {
log.Println("serving on: 8081")
if err := fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8081", ProxyHandler); err != nil {
ref to example/wx-fasthttp-reverse-proxy
100 Client, each client send 1 msg per 100 millsecond
- Flame graph
- Top Table
Flat Flat% Sum% Cum Cum% Name Inlined?
2.31s 55.53% 55.53% 2.32s 55.77% syscall.syscall
0.23s 5.53% 61.06% 0.23s 5.53% runtime.kevent
0.22s 5.29% 66.35% 0.22s 5.29% runtime.pthread_cond_signal
0.20s 4.81% 71.15% 1.34s 32.21% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*Conn).write
0.19s 4.57% 75.72% 0.19s 4.57% runtime.pthread_cond_wait
0.19s 4.57% 80.29% 0.19s 4.57% runtime.nanotime
0.08s 1.92% 82.21% 0.08s 1.92% runtime.usleep
0.06s 1.44% 83.65% 0.11s 2.64% runtime.scanobject
0.06s 1.44% 85.10% 0.08s 1.92% runtime.notetsleep
0.06s 1.44% 86.54% 0.06s 1.44% runtime.madvise
0.06s 1.44% 87.98% 0.06s 1.44% bufio.(*Reader).Discard
0.05s 1.20% 89.18% 0.05s 1.20% runtime.memmove
0.04s 0.96% 90.14% 0.04s 0.96% runtime.pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np
0.03s 0.72% 90.87% 0.74s 17.79% github.com/valyala/fasthttp.(*hijackConn).Read
0.02s 0.48% 91.35% 0.26s 6.25% runtime.netpoll
0.01s 0.24% 91.59% 0.26s 6.25% runtime.sysmon
0.01s 0.24% 91.83% 0.20s 4.81% runtime.stopm
0.01s 0.24% 92.07% 0.71s 17.07% runtime.findrunnable
0.01s 0.24% 92.31% 0.71s 17.07% bufio.(*Reader).Read
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.11s 26.68% syscall.write
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.22s 29.33% syscall.read
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.11s 26.68% syscall.Write
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.22s 29.33% syscall.Read
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.06s 1.44% runtime.timerproc
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.29s 6.97% runtime.systemstack
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.05s 1.20% runtime.sysUsed
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.19s 4.57% runtime.startm
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.25s 6.01% runtime.semawakeup
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.23s 5.53% runtime.semasleep
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.71s 17.07% runtime.schedule
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.71s 17.07% runtime.park_m
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.25s 6.01% runtime.notewakeup
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.05s 1.20% runtime.notetsleepg
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.07s 1.68% runtime.notetsleep_internal
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.19s 4.57% runtime.notesleep
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.09s 2.16% runtime.newobject
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.26s 6.25% runtime.mstart1
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.41s 9.86% runtime.mstart
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.71s 17.07% runtime.mcall
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.09s 2.16% runtime.mallocgc
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.03s 0.72% runtime.lock
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.17s 4.09% runtime.injectglist
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.09s 2.16% runtime.gcDrainN
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.04s 0.96% runtime.gcDrain
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.04s 0.96% runtime.gcBgMarkWorker.func2
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.03s 0.72% runtime.gcBgMarkWorker
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.09s 2.16% runtime.gcAssistAlloc1
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.09s 2.16% runtime.gcAssistAlloc.func1
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.09s 2.16% runtime.gcAssistAlloc
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.05s 1.20% runtime.entersyscall_sysmon
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.05s 1.20% runtime.(*mheap).alloc_m
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.05s 1.20% runtime.(*mheap).allocSpanLocked
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.05s 1.20% runtime.(*mheap).alloc.func1
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.11s 26.68% net.(*netFD).Write
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.26s 30.29% net.(*netFD).Read
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.11s 26.68% net.(*conn).Write
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.26s 30.29% net.(*conn).Read
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.11s 26.68% internal/poll.(*FD).Write
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.26s 30.29% internal/poll.(*FD).Read
0 0.00% 92.31% 2.86s 68.75% github.com/yeqown/fasthttp-reverse-proxy/v2.replicateWebsocketConn
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.35s 32.45% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*messageWriter).flushFrame
0 0.00% 92.31% 0.82s 19.71% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*messageWriter).Close
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.39s 33.41% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*Conn).read
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.40s 33.65% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*Conn).advanceFrame
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.36s 32.69% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*Conn).WriteMessage
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.50s 36.06% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*Conn).ReadMessage
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.49s 35.82% github.com/fasthttp/websocket.(*Conn).NextReader
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.33s 31.97% bufio.(*Reader).fill
0 0.00% 92.31% 1.33s 31.97% bufio.(*Reader).Peek