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A running apcupsd with configured netserver (NIS). The plugin retrieves the information via network from the netserver. No local apcupsd is required. -The apcupsd package must be installed also on the local system (running daemon is not required). The plugin uses the apcaccess helper tool from the package.


If running the daemon locally and using the netserver, then the /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf should contain additionally the following entries:


Supported Hardware


Should work on all APC UPS devices. Tested only on a „smartUPS“.






Add the following lines to activate the plugin:

-    plugin_name: apcups
-    host: localhost
-    port: 3551

Description of the attributes:

  • host: ip address of the NIS (optional, default: localhost)

  • -
  • port: port of the NIS (optional, default: 3551)

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  • cycle: time to update the items with values from apcaccess

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There is only one attribute: apcups


For a list of values for this attribute call „apcaccess“ on the command line. This command will give back a text block containing a list of statusname : value entries like the following:

APC      : 001,050,1127
-DATE     : 2017-11-02 07:59:15 +0100
-HOSTNAME : sh11
-VERSION  : 3.14.12 (29 March 2014) debian
-CABLE    : Ethernet Link
-UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
-STARTTIME: 2017-11-02 07:59:11 +0100
-MODEL    : Smart-UPS 1400 RM
-LINEV    : 227.5 Volts
-LOADPCT  : 31.2 Percent
-BCHARGE  : 100.0 Percent
-TIMELEFT : 30.0 Minutes
-MBATTCHG : 10 Percent
-MINTIMEL : 5 Minutes
-MAXTIME  : 0 Seconds
-MAXLINEV : 227.5 Volts
-MINLINEV : 226.0 Volts
-OUTPUTV  : 227.5 Volts
-SENSE    : High
-DWAKE    : 0 Seconds
-DSHUTD   : 120 Seconds
-DLOWBATT : 2 Minutes
-LOTRANS  : 208.0 Volts
-HITRANS  : 253.0 Volts
-RETPCT   : 0.0 Percent
-ITEMP    : 25.6 C
-ALARMDEL : Low Battery
-BATTV    : 27.7 Volts
-LINEFREQ : 49.8 Hz
-LASTXFER : Line voltage notch or spike
-TONBATT  : 0 Seconds
-CUMONBATT: 0 Seconds
-STESTI   : 336
-STATFLAG : 0x05000008
-REG1     : 0x00
-REG2     : 0x00
-REG3     : 0x00
-MANDATE  : 08/16/00
-SERIALNO : GS0034003173
-BATTDATE : 06/20/15
-NOMOUTV  : 230 Volts
-NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts
-FIRMWARE : 162.3.I
-END APC  : 2017-11-02 08:00:39 +0100

The plugin will check the items type. If the type is a string, then the value will we returned as a string (e.g. status „ONLINE“). -If it is of type num, then the item will be set to a float. To convert to a float, the returned string will be cut after first space and the converted (e.g. 235 Volt = 235).




The example below will read the keys LINEV, STATUS and TIMELEFT and returns their values.

# items/apcups.yaml
-    apcups:
-        linev:
-            visu_acl: ro
-            type: num
-            apcups: linev
-        status:
-            # will be 'ONLINE', 'ONBATT', or in case of a problem simply empty
-            visu_acl: ro
-            type: str
-            apcups: status
-        timeleft:
-            visu_acl: ro
-            type: num
-            apcups: timeleft

type depends on the values.


Status Report Fields


Due to a look into this http://apcupsd.org/manual/manual.html#configuration-examples file the meaning of the above variables are as follows

-    Header record indicating the STATUS format revision level, the number of records that follow the APC statement, and the number of bytes that follow the record.
-    The date and time that the information was last obtained from the UPS.
-    The name of the machine that collected the UPS data.
-    The name of the UPS as stored in the EEPROM or in the UPSNAME directive in the configuration file.
-    The apcupsd release number, build date, and platform.
-    The cable as specified in the configuration file (UPSCABLE).
-    The UPS model as derived from information from the UPS.
-    The mode in which apcupsd is operating as specified in the configuration file (UPSMODE)
-    The time/date that apcupsd was started.
-    The current status of the UPS (ONLINE, ONBATT, etc.)
-    The current line voltage as returned by the UPS.
-    The percentage of load capacity as estimated by the UPS.
-    The percentage charge on the batteries.
-    The remaining runtime left on batteries as estimated by the UPS.
-    If the battery charge percentage (BCHARGE) drops below this value, apcupsd will shutdown your system. Value is set in the configuration file (BATTERYLEVEL)
-    apcupsd will shutdown your system if the remaining runtime equals or is below this point. Value is set in the configuration file (MINUTES)
-    apcupsd will shutdown your system if the time on batteries exceeds this value. A value of zero disables the feature. Value is set in the configuration file (TIMEOUT)
-    The maximum line voltage since the UPS was started, as reported by the UPS
-    The minimum line voltage since the UPS was started, as returned by the UPS
-    The voltage the UPS is supplying to your equipment
-    The sensitivity level of the UPS to line voltage fluctuations.
-    The amount of time the UPS will wait before restoring power to your equipment after a power off condition when the power is restored.
-    The grace delay that the UPS gives after receiving a power down command from apcupsd before it powers off your equipment.
-    The remaining runtime below which the UPS sends the low battery signal. At this point apcupsd will force an immediate emergency shutdown.
-    The line voltage below which the UPS will switch to batteries.
-    The line voltage above which the UPS will switch to batteries.
-    The percentage charge that the batteries must have after a power off condition before the UPS will restore power to your equipment.
-    Internal UPS temperature as supplied by the UPS.
-    The delay period for the UPS alarm.
-    Battery voltage as supplied by the UPS.
-    Line frequency in hertz as given by the UPS.
-    The reason for the last transfer to batteries.
-    The number of transfers to batteries since apcupsd startup.
-    Time and date of last transfer to batteries, or N/A.
-    Time in seconds currently on batteries, or 0.
-    Total (cumulative) time on batteries in seconds since apcupsd startup.
-    Time and date of last transfer from batteries, or N/A.
-    The results of the last self test, and may have the following values:
-        OK: self test indicates good battery
-        BT: self test failed due to insufficient battery capacity
-        NG: self test failed due to overload
-        NO: No results (i.e. no self test performed in the last 5 minutes)
-    The interval in hours between automatic self tests.
-    Status flag. English version is given by STATUS.
-    The current dip switch settings on UPSes that have them.
-    The value from the UPS fault register 1.
-    The value from the UPS fault register 2.
-    The value from the UPS fault register 3.
-    The date the UPS was manufactured.
-    The UPS serial number.
-    The date that batteries were last replaced.
-    The output voltage that the UPS will attempt to supply when on battery power.
-    The input voltage that the UPS is configured to expect.
-    The nominal battery voltage.
-    The maximum power in Watts that the UPS is designed to supply.
-    The humidity as measured by the UPS.
-    The ambient temperature as measured by the UPS.
-    The number of external batteries as defined by the user. A correct number here helps the UPS compute the remaining runtime more accurately.
-    The number of bad battery packs.
-    The firmware revision number as reported by the UPS.
-    The old APC model identification code.
-    The time and date that the STATUS record was written.
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